Sunday Morning Podcast | The Moody Church



Connecting You with God and Others


  • Where’s Your Evidence?


    How can we be assured that our faith is genuine? In this passage, we find three evidences that the church truly knows Jesus. The church is to be united in love, to remain focused on Jesus, and to be firm in the faith. There is an assurance of God that only comes from being united in love to the people of God. The church is not an event we go to, but a family we belong to.   Colossians 2:1-5

  • The Mission of Your Life


    What's the mission of your life? How should you pursue it? If the mission of the church is to be the mission of our lives, we should rejoice in our sufferings, treasure the gospel, and work to strengthen the church.   Colossians 1:24-29

  • Reconciled to God by Christ


    Who am I? What's my identity? These are, perhaps, some of the most important existential questions one can ask. This passage reminds us of the eternal identity that God offers us through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. While sin blocks us from receiving the benefit of being in God’s presence and makes us enemies with God, Christ's sacrifice gives us a new identity: we can be redeemed, reconciled, and holy.   Colossians 1:21–23

  • The Greatest of All Time


    Why is Jesus considered the "greatest of all time"? In this passage, we find four reasons why: He is the God of all, He is Creator of all, He is Sustainer of all, and He is Lord of all.   Colossians 1:15–20

  • Deliverance from Darkness


    Why should we be all in for Jesus? When we are "all in" it means we are fully committed; there are no halfways or half measures. In this passage, we find the motivation for us to be all in for Jesus: we are rescued by the Father, resettled into the Son, and redeemed by the Son.   Colossians 1:13-14

  • A Prisoner’s Prayer: Prescription for Spiritual Growth


    How should we go about pursuing spiritual growth? In this passage, we find Paul, enchained in Rome, praying for the spiritual maturity of believers in Colossi whom he had never met. His words teach us how to lead a life pleasing to the Lord.   Colossians 1:9-12

  • Breaking Through Ceilings


    When we feel stuck in our spiritual life, what should we do to break new ceilings? In this sermon, Dr. Mark Jobe, President of Moody Bible Institute, challenges us with four key characteristics of people that push through the spiritual status quo. People who break through spiritual ceilings are able to: discern the times and take action to seize the moment as led by the Holy Spirit; persist in creatively overcoming obstacles to bring people to Jesus; combine faith and action in a way that surprises people and pleases God; and they help meet a physical need that opens doors to spiritual transformation. The greatest danger to a historic church is the desire to maintain, to think that our best days are behind us. How can we as a congregation, individually and collectively, move forward spiritually in a way the breaks new ground?   Luke 5:17-26

  • The Real Deal


    Everyone places their faith in something. Are you sure that what you put your faith in won't let you down? When we put our faith in the true gospel, we find an unshakable core that will transform our lives. Gospel integrity is critical. If the gospel isn't changing us, we are not following the real gospel; the result of the gospel in our lives should constantly be bearing fruit and increasing.   Colossians 1:3-8

  • Can I Know God Personally?


    If God exists, can I know Him? What would that relationship look like? In this sermon, Pastor Ed describes how we were created by God to know Him personally, but separated from God by sin. Yet God provided a way for us to be adopted by God into a personal relationship with Him through faith in Jesus. By grace we can be changed from orphans into heirs of God. We can know God personally, but perhaps even more incredible, God knows us and cares for us.   Various Passages   Additional resources on this question are available at

  • Is The Bible Reliable?


    Is the Bible filled with inaccuracies, or can it be trusted? Is it merely a guidebook, or the inspired Word of God? In this sermon, Pastor Erwin Lutzer addresses whether the Bible is a human book or a divine book. He argues that it is both human and divine, with dual authorship. Directly or indirectly the Bible claims divine inspiration about 1,500 times. Seven other witnesses attest that this claim is true: the testimony of consistency, history, prophecy, Christ, science, canon, and its power. The bottom line: the Bible is a special book with a special savior.   Additional resources on this question are available at

  • Is Jesus Really God?


    Was Jesus just a good man, a respected teacher? Was he a lunatic? Or was he something far more? In this message, Pastor Bertsche lays out the case for Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Three reasons to believe Jesus is God: the clear teaching about Jesus in the Bible, the changed lives of Jesus’ followers, and the character and ministry of Jesus.   Various Passages   Additional resources on this question are available at

  • Is Christianity Too Narrow?


    What makes Christianity unique? Can it really claim to be the only way to God? In this sermon, we learn about three distinctive traits of Christianity in our pluralistic world: its strangeness, its inclusiveness, and its exclusiveness.   Acts 17:16-32   Additional resources on this question are available at

  • Why Does God Allow Pain and Suffering?


    Why does God allow pain and suffering? In this sermon, we learn the reasons God allows suffering, the rewards He gives for those that endure, and the response we should have during difficult times.   James 1:2-4   Additional resources on this question are available here.  

  • Is There A God?


    Is there evidence outside of the Bible that help us answer the question of the existence of God? Has science disproven God? The evidence supports a finely tuned intelligent design behind the universe that was geared towards life on our planet. Not only does this support the existence of God, but it also tells us that God cares about His creation.   Pslam 19:1-6 | Psalm 30:4-5   More resources on this question are available at:

  • The Path To Purpose


    What’s the meaning of life? Why are we here? Everyone wrestles with these questions. In this passage, we hear from King Solomon, a revered man of wisdom. He cautions us to avoid the vanities of this world and to focus our pursuit of purpose on things of eternal significance.   Ecclesiastes 1:1–16   More resources on this question are available at:

  • Keep It Simple


    At the start of a new year, don't get overwhelmed by all the possibilities for resolutions. This passage encourages us to keep it simple. As Christians, we have one goal: to love God and love others.   Matthew 22:34–40

  • Learning to Lean


    As we wrap up 2018 and begin a new year, it’s prudent to remind ourselves of the Biblical basics for ordering our plans in the new year.  In this passage, we are provided with three steps to enable us to be wise.  When we hold to these truths, God promises to guide us. Proverbs 3:5-6

  • The Prince of Peace


    Where do we find lasting peace? Does it even exist? People can spend a lifetime searching for peace in all of the wrong places. As we reflect on the final advent candle of the season, Christmas reminds us that there is ultimately no lasting peace apart from Jesus. Only in Jesus do we find peace that surpasses all understanding.   Isaiah 9:1-7

  • All About That Baby


    What's Christmas really about? Watch as our Children's Chorus shares the true meaning of Christmas.

  • The Hope Of The World


    Where does our hope come from? On this Sunday of Advent, we learn about the hope of world foretold in Isaiah 40, a great comforter, the glory of God revealed. As Christians, our hope is forever tied to the revelation of God's glory through His son, Jesus. With God's help, let's live in that hope, and share it joyfully with others.   Isaiah 40:1-5

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