Sunday Morning Podcast | The Moody Church



Connecting You with God and Others


  • The King Is Coming


    Palm Sunday begins a week of anticipation that culminates on Easter Sunday. It reminds us that Jesus was the coming king foretold in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament. But what kind of King was he anticipated to be? In this passage, we learn three character prophecies that Jesus fulfilled: He is a righteous king, He is a humble king, and He is a king who brings peace.   Zechariah 9:9-10

  • The Heart Test


    We face an ongoing temptation to relax God’s laws when they seem too difficult to obey. In this passage, Jesus gives us two examples of how people can be guilty of this: adultery and divorce. Ultimately, we learn that the heart of the law reveals the heart of God, and our response to it reveals our heart towards God.   Matthew 5:27-32

  • Debt’s Dangers


    The statistics on debt in America are staggering. Not only are people finding themselves enslaved to the pursuit of money, but they are also experiencing a profound lack of contentment. How can we avoid the pitfalls that can entrap us financially and take our focus away from trusting God with our lives? How can eliminate our debt and experience ultimate freedom? In this message, we explore the path to financial freedom that leads through a content heart, a cautious spirit, and a correct view of money. Money cannot buy happiness. Our satisfaction and true contentment only comes through trusting God and acknowledging that He provides for all our needs. 1 Timothy 6:6-10

  • The Lost Sons


    We are loved far more by God than we ever realize. This passage in Luke about the Prodigal Son teaches us three incredible points about salvation and God's love for us: God's love is exceptional; God's love is extravagant; and God's love is enduring. When we wander, the moment we turn back to God, He will always take us back. It doesn't matter how long or how far we've wander. The same extravagant love of God that we see in the parable of the Prodigal Son is the same love given to us. You cannot lose God's love, and you cannot earn God's love; it's something that you can only receive. Luke 15-11-32

  • When All Seems Lost


    Have you ever felt lost or abandoned? Scripture shows us that we are all helpless and lost because of sin. But God, in His great mercy, finds us in our sin and provides a way to take bring us back home. This passage in Luke shows us three incredible realities of God’s work for our salvation: God’s initiative to save us, humanity’s unbelievable value to its Creator, and heavenly rejoicing when we are found. You matter to God. Luke 15:1-10

  • Great Joy


    In the first-century Greco-Roman world of the New Testament was a highly stratified and class conscious one. At the top was Caesar and the political ruling class, followed by landed estate owners and decorated military leaders. Roman citizens outclassed non-Romans, and on and on down the ladder. Then, of course, on the lowest rung were slaves.   It is into this highly stratified world that Jesus is born. And in our passage today, Luke goes out of his way to make sure we don’t miss the lowly origins of Jesus.   This is not the story we would have expected. Who would ever have thought that when the King of Heaven came to town He’d move in on wrong side of the tracks? But He shows up this way on purpose to reveal Himself to the world and to us.   In these familiar verses of the Christmas story, we will see three things:   The Lord’s Sovereignty: Luke wants us to see that although Caesar Augustus might be calling the shots on earth, the Lord reigns over all, including the affairs of mankind. Nothing can

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