Sunday Morning Podcast | The Moody Church



Connecting You with God and Others


  • How To Protect The Church


    Our instinct is to protect the things we love. Do you love the church enough to protect it? In this passage, Paul discusses the need for Christians to take an active role in protecting the church from internal and external threats. As the bride of Christ, God will defend and protect His Church. But it's also our responsibility to join in that mission by conducting ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel.   Acts 20:28–32

  • Achieving Gospel Unity


    Diversity is something to be celebrated within the church, whether it's generational, ethnic, socio-economic, or preferential. But what happens when diversity in the congregation leads to disunity? When the church exhibits disunity, it dishonors Christ. In this passage, we find three keys to unity within the body of Christ: embracing God's grace, realizing our identity in Christ, and practicing sacrificial love.   Acts 15:1-21

  • Even Them


    Human nature tends towards exclusion, a mindset of "us" and "them". This disposition existed in the time of the early church, where the gospel of Jesus first came to the Jews and was yet to be communicated to the gentiles (non-Jews). In this passage, we see Peter struggling with prejudice towards gentiles; but God miraculously revealed to him that the message of Jesus was meant for all people, even them.   Acts 10:1-48

  • God Can Save Anyone


    Is anyone beyond saving? The gospel is the power of God to save anyone. In this passage, we see Paul converted from a persecutor of Christ's Church to its champion. If God can change the heart of Paul, He can change anyone. Paul's story illustrates three important lessons: God can save anyone, God can use anyone, and God desires to save everyone.   Acts 9:1-22

  • Contagious Christianity


    How did Christianity spread in the early church? In this passage in Acts, we see that for the church to grow, God's people must go. The message highlighted three essentials for our approach to evangelism: we must rely on the Spirit, we must discern the core needs and struggles in our listeners, and we must guide our conversations towards the Savior.   Acts 8:26-39

  • Jesus Is Worth It


    When push comes to shove, would you stand up for Jesus? Is He worth the cost you may have to bear, even to the point of death? In this passage, we see the martyrdom of Stephen. We learn three important points about how to respond to persecution: Jesus is the message, Jesus is the model, and Jesus is the motivation.   Acts 6:8-7:60

  • The Unstoppable Church


    Throughout the ages, the early church met incredible resistance and persecution, yet it prevailed. What was responsible for its success? In this passage, we learn how the modern church can maintain unshakable commitment to advancing the gospel, no matter the circumstances, all the while experiencing a joy that can only be found in God. If the Church was something built by man, it would've failed a long time ago. The Church will not fail because Jesus will not fail us.   Acts 5:17-42

  • Prayer for Boldness


    Where does our boldness for Christ come from, and how do we get it? No true follower of Jesus wants to be a coward for their faith. While we may need to develop our courage over time, every true believer has a growing desire to boldly share the gospel. Boldness comes from yielding to the Holy Spirit, not giving in to our fear. In this passage, we find three keys to our our boldness: resting in the sovereignty of God, resolving to put the gospel first, and requesting God's help.   Acts 4:23-31

  • Stop Flying Solo


    Why do we need to commit to corporate worship in a local church? In this passage, we learn about the value of community to the early church.  We see that we don’t need another sermon podcast or Spotify playlist, both common signs of modern church-goers. We need community; it's not just an optional thing for us, it’s essential if we are going to grow in our relationship with God. Solo Christianity leads to stagnant Christianity.   Acts 2:42-47

  • The Spirit Empowered Church


    What powerful gift did God give the church? In this passage, we see 4 ways that God empowers the church through the Holy Spirit to carry out His mission. The result is an unstoppable church fully equipped to build the Kingdom of God.   Acts 2:1-41

  • Back To The Basics


    How can our church be a catalyst for change in Chicago? In this new series, we’re getting back to the basics as we explore how our message, mission, and motivation can contribute to meaningful change in our city. As we seek to effectively represent Jesus, may the mission of our lives be the mission of the church.   Acts 1:1-11

  • Healer, Master, and Savior


    Human authority is an interesting thing, isn't it? It's easily attained and easily lost. Jesus' authority contrasts significantly with human authority. In this passage, we see a Savior with authority over sickness, over Satan, and ultimately over sin. When Jesus healed the sick man, the miracle validated Jesus as the Messiah, demonstrated God's love for us, proved God's opposition to sin, revealed Jesus' authority, and foreshadowed God's coming Kingdom.   Matthew 8:14-17

  • Kingdom Warnings


    What warning signs should we consider on our faith journey? In this passage, Jesus paints the picture of two gates -- one wide, one narrow -- on the road to eternity. He warns of false paths, false teachers, and false followers. Just because everyone is doing something doesn't make it right. Are you on the right path?   Matthew 7:13-23

  • Don’t Stop Now


    We are all pursuing the same thing: life to the fullest. Jesus speaks to this core human desire, describing the "race" of life as something that must be pursued with perseverance. What are the key Christian commitments that we need to have to experience life to the fullest? In this passage, we learn that in order to run the race well, we must never stop praying, trusting, and loving.   Matthew 7: 7-12

  • The Dangers of a Critical Spirit


    What are the dangers of a critical spirit? This passage reminds us of the hypocrisy and destructiveness of being judgmental of others. Although it is wise to discern good from evil, when we compare ourselves to others, we are far more likely to err on the side of sin. Being critical of others is destructive not only to our own hearts but also to our relationships with others.   Matthew 7:1-6

  • Praying Like Jesus: Deliverance


    How does our view of sin affect our prayer life? In this passage, we discover three affirmations we should make as we pray: we affirm that sin is evil, that we are vulnerable to sin, and that God desires to help us overcome the temptation of sin.   Matthew 6:13

  • Praying Like Jesus: Submission


    Do you ever feel like your payers aren't heard or answered? In this passage, Jesus teaches us to how pray so that we have assurance that God joyfully hears us. It all begins with submitting our will to the Father's. When we pray "your kingdom come", we are praying that God will be glorified through people coming to faith in Christ and that God's kingdom will come in fullness with the return of Christ.   Matthew 6:10

  • Evangelism As A Mark Of Christian Maturity


    Throughout history, evangelism was the lifeblood of the Church, a common element that grew Christendom rapidly. However, what was once normative has become incredible today as fewer and fewer Christians share their faith with others. Dr. Root encourages us to share our faith more regularly, pointing out that it's far easier than we realize. Why should we share our faith? Because there’s a level of spiritual intimacy that cannot be known without sharing your faith with others. Only then will we experience the full understanding of what we have in Christ.   Philemon 6

  • Your Final Exam


    We only get one shot at life. How will the Lord remember your legacy? Would you live your life differently if you know there would be a reckoning on your deeds? In this sermon, guest speaker Dr. Mark Hitchcock discusses the Judgement Seat of Christ and its impact on the rewards that believers will receive in heaven. Pastor Hitchcock challenges us to reflect on seven questions Jesus may ask of all believers at the end of the age.   2 Corinthians 5:9-11

  • Hope Changes Everything


    On this Easter Sunday, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. To some, this is a foolish pursuit. Why should we put our hope in Him? What does He offer us that's secure and trustworthy? Don't check your brain or your heart at the door, because the message of Jesus fully satisfies both. In this passage, we find that Jesus offers us three things: Jesus offers us forgiveness, Jesus offers us new life, and Jesus offers us Himself, the greatest gift of all. When we put our hope in Jesus, it changes everything.   Titus 2:11-14

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