Sunday Morning Podcast | The Moody Church



Connecting You with God and Others


  • Portrait of Repentance


    What is the evidence of true repentance? In this passage, we see Judah's heart repent from the sin committed against Joseph. We learn that it's not enough to be sorry or express regret. Genuine repentance is a complete change of heart that acknowledges sin and sets off on a new path. We all have things in our lives from which we need to repent. The good news of the gospel is that, in humility, we can confess our sin and purpose in our heart to turn from it through the saving grace of Jesus.   Genesis 44

  • True Change


    Do people really change? In this passage, we find Joseph wondering if his older brothers have really changed from their past sinful behavior towards him. Through their story, we learn to sport four signs of true life change: changed people take full responsibility, demonstrate radical trust, see a different perspective, and show true repentance. Are we demonstrating true repentance in our daily lives?   Genesis 43

  • Transforming Glory


    Have you ever thought about the power of the things you look at? The things we fixate on will change us day by day. We become what we’re made to be by looking to Christ. It matters where we look. Our highest aspiration should be to revel in the light and glory of Christ, and to let His light shine through us. Do not settle for anything less than the glory of Christ; whatever it is you do, live and die for the glory of Jesus.   2 Corinthians 3:7-8

  • Explaining the Trinity


    The doctrine of the Trinity is the foundation of all of Christianity. How are we to explain the Trinity, and what are its implications? In this special presentation by Dr. Michael Reeves, Distinguished Scholar and President of the Union School of Theology at Oxford University, we learn that without the Trinity, the cross of Christ does not work, and true love cannot exist. Who God is shapes the salvation of the Gospel that God offers.

  • The Cost of Rejecting God’s Sovereignty


    How should we interact with the sovereignty of God? Trusting that God is in control does not come naturally; it's a learned behavior built on experience. The life of Joseph exemplifies this. In this story about Joseph's brothers visiting Egypt, we learn that when we take our lives into our own hands, relying on our own ways, we will pay a price. There are consequences for rejecting God's sovereignty: we can choose to trust in God or live in fear, we can confess our sins or pay its price, and we can receive God's provision or take our chances.   Genesis 42

  • Delightful Trust in the Sovereignty of God


    How does God want us to respond when our faith is stretched to the limit? In this story, we find Joseph lifted out of the pit and into the position of second in command of Egypt. The sovereignty of God is the central message of the story of Joseph; it teaches us why we can trust God through our own challenges. There are three characteristics of God's sovereignty evident in this story: God's sovereignty is an exhaustive sovereignty, it is a promise-keeping sovereignty, and His sovereignty is always good for His people. Because of this, how are we to respond? God wants His people to respond with delightful trust in His sovereignty.   Genesis 41

  • From Bad to Worse


    Sometimes our lives can feel like a series of unfortunate events. Joseph's life, at times, seemed to go from bad to worse. But through it all, God was working for his glorious purposes. Through Joseph's story, we see three things that God is doing through our suffering: God is cultivating our character, God is forming us to bring Him fame, and God is teaching us to trust. In the pits of life, God is preparing us for his purposes, and shaping us in ways we could never experience without that suffering in our lives.   Genesis 40

  • God’s Plan Includes The Peaks And The Pits


    Does a loving God have a plan for our lives? When we understand how God reveals Himself, and when we taste and see that the Lord is good, it changes how we approach the ups and downs of life. Through the life of Joseph, we see the story of God's sovereignty played out. There are no accidents with God; a providential plan is in place and will come to fruition. And in this truth we can find peace. Genesis 37

  • Scripture Shoutouts


    What makes a person's character worthy of public praise? As we close out our series in Colossians, we focus on Paul's closing greetings where he highlights the exemplary character of specific believers. Four characteristics are noteworthy of these individuals: they were generous in encouragement, dependable in comfort, steadfast in effort, and faithful in ministry. Does your Christian life look similar?   Colossians 4:7-18

  • Praying With Power


    Prayer is a spiritual necessity if we want to grow in our faith. It's a powerful discipline that builds our intimate relationship with the Creator of the universe. So how should we pray? In this sermon, we learn that we must pray with persistence, perspective, and purpose.   Colossians 4:2-4

  • Right Relationships


    When you have a right relationship with God, how should that vertical relationship affect your horizontal work relationships? God provides us with work for many reasons, one of which is to place us in positions where we are able to encourage others to have a right relationship with God. How we conduct ourselves in the workplace as representatives of Christ makes a significant impact on the effectiveness of our witness.   Colossians 3:22–4:1

  • God’s Script for the Family


    God designed each of us with unique roles, and the family structure is no different. When we understand our roles and the motivation behind them, our families can reveal truths about God's nature and character. God's script for the family is not something meant to limit our individual contributions, but to allow us to truly flourish in our family relationships.   Colossians 3:18-21

  • Evidence of Holiness


    Do you experience peace with Christ? In Paul's letter to the Colossians, he's imploring the reader to pursue holiness so that the peace of Christ may dwell in their hearts. In this sermon, we find that there are three evidences of holiness in our lives: the peace of Christ, the word of Christ, and the name of Christ. There is no passive pursuit of holiness; it requires intentionality and a life submitted to the Holy Spirit.   Colossians 3:15-17

  • A Heavenly Mind for Right Earthly Living


    How much thought have you given to setting your mind on heaven so that your life on earth is lived to the fullest? Our effectiveness for Christ in this world is tied to how much we tune our minds into the things of heaven. CS Lewis once wrote: "If you read history, you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world are those who thought most of the next. It is precisely because Christians have ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this." In this sermon, we learn that the philosophy for right earthly living is to look up to heaven. Three practices help us to achieve this: we must constantly purge our lives of sinful behavior, we must consistently renew ourselves with the knowledge of Christ through His word, and we must view other believers as unified with us in Christ.   Colossians 3:5-11

  • United to Christ


    Relationships often open doors to opportunities that otherwise wouldn't exist. It's who you know, or who you're united with, that matters. A person's relationship to Jesus grants access to God that would be impossible otherwise. The moment you place your faith in Christ and enter into that relationship, it fundamentally changes who you are. In this sermon, we unpack three implications of being united with Christ: complete surrender to Christ, full security in Christ, and continue hope in Christ.   Colossians 3:1-4

  • False Fruit


    If we want to grow spiritually, how should we fuel that growth? That's a worthy goal many of us have. Yet, in our desire for spiritual growth, we need to be be aware of the things that stunt growth; things that may appear good, but their consequences are damaging. In this sermon, we learn about four false fruits that stunt our growth: false wisdom, false worship, false humility, and false hope.   Colossians 2:20-23

  • The Dangers of Legalism


    Why is legalism so dangerous to our spiritual health? Legalism is believing that we can earn or keep favor with God by what we do. It flows from the failure to be humbled, broken, amazed, and satisfied by the grace of God in Christ. In this sermon, we learn about three dangers of legalism to avoid: a judgmental spirit, an insistence on man-made rules, and a marginalization of Christ as our supreme focus.   Colossians 2:16-19

  • The Change You Need


    How do we make changes in our lives? Some habits and lifestyles are easier to change than others. But there are some things that are impossible for us to change to change on our own. Only Jesus can bring the change that we really need. In this sermon, we find 3 changes only Jesus can bring: from death to life, from debtor to forgiven, and from defeat to triumph.   Colossians 2:13-15

  • Captivated By Christ


    How do we overcome the temptation to put our hope in things that don't satisfy? When we look for fulfillment outside of Christ, we find emptiness. But if we are captivated with Jesus, we will find true satisfaction for our deepest desires.   Colossians 2:8-12

  • Fan the Flame


    How do we sustain and grow our love for God? What are the marks of a Christian who is grounded in their faith? In this passage, Pastor McCarthy shows us three markers that we are walking with Christ: grounded, growing, and grateful.   Colossians 2:6-7

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