Sunday Morning Podcast | The Moody Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Connecting You with God and Others


  • Fellowship in Sufferings


    Grief is messy and leads us through a painful journey. The way out of the darkness is often found through the faithful love of someone in our lives who walks with us towards the dawn. In Ruth’s story, that kind of love is called "Hesed". It means loving selflessness, enduring faithfulness, and forbearing graciousness. God provides hesed love for Ruth in the story, and He offers it to all of us too.   But here's where it gets real: Hesed is not just the kind of love God extends to us, it is also the kind of love God calls us to extend to one another. We incarnate hesed for one another, because Jesus incarnated hesed for us.   Ruth 1:6-22

  • Running to Reality


    When our world is shattered, how do we pick up the pieces and get back to normal? When we’ve lost something and are grieving, our capacity for restoration depends on finding God’s mercies in the dark times. We have to face grief square in the face and invite God into that darkness if we are going to be able to find the dawn again.   In this sermon, our new Senior Pastor Philip Miller shows us three realities we need to run to if we are to successfully walk grief in the presence of God: 1) We need to acknowledge that life is full of grief, and so we need to learn to lament with God. 2) Our instincts are often dangerous, so we need to lean in closer to God. 3) Sometimes going backwards is the only way forward, so we need to let our pride die.   Ruth 1:1–6

  • Healthy Church Members


    As we prepare for the arrival of our new senior pastor, we reflect on our individual roles in creating a healthy church. In this sermon, we explore what it means for a person to love the Lord with all their heart and soul. The outpouring of that reality is a church member who contributes to building up that local body of Christ. The qualities of a healthy church member are that they are present in worship, present with the church, and present in the missions.   Psalm 84

  • In Times of Trouble


    What does spirit inspired patience look like during times of suffering? James provides us with three examples in this passage. In times of trouble, the people of God are not to be idle, but to speak truth and seek justice while we wait for the Lord to move and work according to His will. Patient endurance will sustain itself when rested on the conviction that times of trouble are not random, but that God has some purpose behind them.   James 5:1-12

  • Watch Your Mouth


    Words have great power for good or for evil. How should we harness this powerful tool to be used for the good of others? In this sermon, we learn that words have great power, words show our great need, and words reveal our hearts. May the words that we use be those that honor God and speak life into the people around us.   James 3:1-12

  • Three Lessons from Palm Sunday


    On Palm Sunday, as Christians across the United States begin Holy Week celebrations in their homes, Pastor Michael Best shares with us three insights from Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem. How does this story help to center on our minds on the truth of the gospel at a time when many of us are feeling confused and afraid? Three lessons from this moment in Jesus' ministry offer us great hope: Jesus is always in control, Jesus is worthy of our praise, and Jesus is motivated by love.   Matthew 21:1–5, Mark 11:4–10, Luke 19:39–44

  • The Three Invitations of Jesus


    In this season of fear and uncertainty, could it be that Jesus is inviting us to go deeper into life with Him? This passage contains three invitations from Jesus: come be with Me; come together and become like Me; and come join Me in the work I am doing. In this moment when the world seems crazy and everything is stripped away, do you hear His call to go deeper and will you draw near in discipleship of Jesus?   Mark 3:13–19

  • What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do


    As Christians all over the world adjust to the COVID-19 outbreak, many are asking: what should I do when I don't know what to do? In this sermon, Pastor Lutzer offers important lessons from the Old Testament and New Testament about how followers of Jesus should respond to challenging circumstances. We should: pray, not panic; praise, not flee; and proclaim the name of the Lord in all things.   2 Chronicles 20:1-23

  • Don’t Be Deceived


    When we experience temptation and trials, how should we respond? It's easy to be deceived about the origin of trials and the path forward to victory. This passage calls us to refocus our minds on what God is teaching us through these experiences. It illuminates three truths that lead to an indomitable spirit in the face of trials.   James 1:12-18

  • How To Handle Temptation


    Suffering and trials are a part of life. What are we to do? In this sermon, we learn three keys to overcoming trials: keep our eyes on the prize, never blame God, and purify our desires. For those who overcome, they will receive the crown of life as their reward.   James 1:12-15

  • Your True Status


    It's easy to rank ourselves in comparison to others and this world. But this passage in James critiques this common mentality by showing us that our true status is of a heavenly perspective. How God views us is far more important than any personal or financial status we have on earth.   James 1:9-11

  • Redemption


    In our series on the story of salvation, we’ve walked through the major questions that every religion needs to answer: how did the universe get here; what has gone wrong with the universe; and how does what went wrong get made right? The final question we approach in this sermon is: how is it all going to come to an end? This glorious passage from Revelation depicts the “eternal state” in which God will forever restore all things that are supremely good and true and beautiful through His creation of a new heaven and a new earth. What will God restore in the eternal state?   Revelation 21:1-8

  • Redemption


    What is redemption and why is it necessary? The storyline of the Bible makes it clear that we're all guilty of falling short of God's standard (sin). The consequence for sin is death, both physical and spiritual. But there's hope! Redemption means acquittal, an atonement for fault or guilt. Redemption is the means by which salvation is accomplished, and it all happened through what Jesus did on the cross at Calvary. Because Jesus redeems those who believe in His name, we can come into the presence of God by grace and worship Him. Have you been redeemed?   Ephesians 1:3-14

  • The Fall


    How could the great beauty of creation found in Genesis 1 so quickly turn to the ugliness of the fall in Genesis 3? The story of the fall is about believing the greatest lie ever told: that God could not be trusted. The seduction of this lie charted the course for sin to enter the world through Adam and Eve, and the results plague our world to this day. But amidst the rubble of this decision, we find that hope springs forth.   Genesis 3

  • Creation


    What does the creation narrative tell us about God’s overarching story of salvation? The story of creation tells us that nothing is here by chance, and that there is a God who decided to create and who cares for his creation. Three truths are evident from the text: all of creation reflects God’s glory; all humanity is made in the image of God; and all mankind originally had a perfect relationship with God.   Genesis 1-2

  • The Good Shepherd


    What does it mean that Jesus is the good shepherd? In this sermon, we explore what Jesus came to save us from and what He offers us. Satan seeks to destroy our eternal significance. Jesus came so that we can have life to the fullest.   John 10:10

  • Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus


    The New Testament claims that Jesus’ arrival fulfilled all of the law and prophets from the Old Testament. What does this mean, and why is this important for our faith? In this sermon, we see how Jesus’ arrival on earth displays our need for a savior, demonstrates our need for Scripture, and declares our need for the Holy Spirit.   Matthew 5:17

  • To Save Us All From Satan’s Power


    Sometimes we forget how evil the devil is—and when we do forget, it's easy to believe his lies. Satan speaks these lies to us to tempt us, deceive us, discourage us, and lead us to spiritual death. But Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and to offer us life to the fullest.   1 John 3:4-8

  • Am I God?


    As we complete our series in Joseph, we take a look at how Joseph grieved for his father, Jacob. The end of the story teaches us about the sovereignty of God through three patterns of life, and how we can respond to each: grief, grace, and glory.   Genesis 49:28-50:26

  • Looking Back, Looking Forward


    Why do we struggle to see God's faithfulness in our lives? Near the end of Jacob's life, he reflected on the scope of his life by considering the overarching, sovereign plan of God. In this sermon we learn three characteristics of God's plan for our own lives: God's plan is full of surprises; God's plan is full of hope; and God's plan is full of His faithfulness. Even in the surprises of our life, don't miss God's sovereign hand over it all.   Genesis 48-49:27

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