Madison Church



Madison Church started in September, 2014 with the mission of connecting people with God and each other. This happens when people grow spiritually, gather together, and give back. We are a community-centric church located on Madison's west side. Our weekend service is a casual and relaxed event. The teaching team is relentless in making sure that you're not just getting information, but experiencing transformation.


  • Can Faith & Doubt Coexist? | Searching For Answers (Part 2) | Sarah Hanson

    24/04/2023 Duración: 24min

    Ever found yourself grappling with faith and culture, or facing doubt in your faith journey? Join us as we explore how the church can transform into a sanctuary of acceptance for everyone, instead of acting as a gatekeeper to God's love. We discuss the challenges in navigating the intersection of faith, politics, and culture, and the need for a safe haven to express doubt, ask questions, and engage in genuine conversations about subjects like biblical interpretation, sexuality, and racial reconciliation.Discover how to embrace doubt in order to deepen your faith, as we share practical steps in working through doubt and maneuvering the tension between certainty and uncertainty. Learn how trusting Jesus with your doubts can guide you towards authentic faith and how small groups and prayer play a vital role in the process. Let's dive into this crucial conversation and remember – God isn't put off by our doubts, but instead, wants us to explore him more fully.Support the show

  • What Am I Supposed To Do With My Life? | Searching For Answers (Part 1) | Stephen Feith

    17/04/2023 Duración: 31min

    Are you struggling to find your true purpose in life? Do you ever wonder if there's something more out there for you? In our latest podcast episode, we dive deep into these pressing questions and embark on an exciting journey to find the answers you seek. We'll explore how a good God could allow pain and suffering, where the Bible came from, how to read the Bible, and how faith and doubt can coexist.As we continue our search for meaning, we ponder why we were created and what our God-given purpose might be. Join us as we discuss the idea that we are God's masterpiece, created to fulfill the good things he has planned for us. We'll also examine how our identity as followers of Jesus, as well as our race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity, contribute to our overall purpose and calling in life.Lastly, we'll delve into the concept of our assignment with God, which comes secondary to being a follower of Jesus and a child of God. Inspired by Paul's advice in Colossians

  • Easter Sunday 2023

    10/04/2023 Duración: 23min

    The day before the first Easter was a day before there were any Christians. It was a day before churches. The Bible didn't exist yet. There was no reason to celebrate that first Easter Sunday, which is worth discussing today.In the afternoon after Jesus's crucifixion, two men go to Pontius Pilate and ask permission to remove his body from the cross. After retrieving Jesus's body, they prepare it for burial according to Jewish custom. Then they placed him in a cave and sealed it with a stone. Both these men, along with many others, had hoped Jesus was who he had been claiming to be. At this moment before Easter, they concluded clearly Jesus was not.There were no Jesus followers anymore. Nobody believed that Jesus was the Son of God. He wasn't the Savior. He couldn't even save himself...Not only had Jesus died, but so did his movement. Nobody was planning on keeping the movement moving. Why bother? Jesus wasn't who he claimed to be, which was the whole point of the movement. His fo

  • Pray Like This... (Part 6) | Amen | Stephen Feith

    04/04/2023 Duración: 28min

    Let's talk about Jesus' Kingdom. Jesus is a king of a different kind of Kingdom. He is the king of a Kingdom overflowing with goodness and perfect peace. It's the only Kingdom story that will not end in tragedy.Even when we pray for someone, and they're not healed, or when we pray for ourselves and don't get the promotion, or when we worship and don't feel God's presence, whatever it might be, something still happens. We should not forget that prayer is ultimately about connecting with God and having fellowship with him regularly. As we pray, we become changed.The disciples saw this happen when they saw Jesus pray. It wasn't just miracles and healing and peace. They saw something different about Jesus and wanted to be more like him. When following Jesus and picking up all of his habits, the one practice that they wanted to learn was how to pray like him. Jesus responded to his disciples by teaching them a prayer Christians have been reciting and using as a model prayer

  • Pray Like This... (Part 5) | Spiritual Warfare | Jason Webb

    27/03/2023 Duración: 36min

    There are a lot of spaces in our lives where we may think that evil has won. It's not just our world or our city; it's our lives. Our boss criticizes us. The doctor comes in and say says it's cancer. Your dream marriage becomes a nightmare. My kids make decisions that go against everything I've taught them. Our financial security is no longer secure.You think to yourself, evil has won. For those of us who have felt this, or feel this way now, Jesus offers us a lifeline in the form of a famous prayer that we've been studying here for the last few weeks. I want us to look at the very last line of this prayer: "Rescue us from the evil one" (Matthew 6:13).If God's ever going to rescue us from evil, there are some things we need to know. We need to know our enemy. You and I are at war, but the problem is that we've identified the wrong enemy. We think our boss or spouse is our enemy. We believe our friend who betrayed us or took advantage of us is our enemy. Some of us

  • Pray Like This... (Part 4) | Confession | Stephen Feith

    22/03/2023 Duración: 31min

    None of us genuinely enjoy admitting when we’ve blown it. There’s a lot of shame when acknowledging that we’re wrong. This stunts our spiritual growth and connection with God.We’re in the fourth week of a series called Pray Like This… We’re taking The Lord’s Prayer and breaking it down line-by-line to learn about different tools and ways to pray. Today, we’re talking about confession. Which means we’ve got to talk about the s-word: “Forgive us of our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us” (Matthew 6:12, NLT).Sin is the actions and thoughts that create space between us, God, and other people. Sometimes sin is objective. “Do not murder” is pretty objective. Murdering is a sin that creates space between you and God. Other times, sin is more subjective. The answer could be yes, depending on who you are; it could be no, depending on who you are.The Bible isn’t a giant cosmic rulebook. It’s the story of God. In that story are people and our sins. We need forgiveness. That’s the humble part of Christian

  • Pray Like This... (Part 3) | Petition | Stephen Feith

    13/03/2023 Duración: 28min

    Today, we’re studying the line within the Lord’s Prayer where Jesus says, “Give us the food we need today…” This has been more commonly called “our daily bread.” It’s a phrase that doesn’t hold much meaning for most of us. “Giving us our daily bread” seems like the most insignificant part of the prayer.Petitionary prayer is the most commonly associated with prayer. Prayer means many things to many people, but at its most straightforward and apparent, prayer is about asking God for help. Petitionary prayer is simply asking God to meet our needs and, sometimes, our wants. What we’re talking about today is a tool that most of us have already been equipped with and are already familiar with. Still, we need to take the prayer further. Jesus instructs us to pray like that.When Jesus teaches us to pray for our “daily bread,” he instructs us to pray for the tangible, the immediate, and the insignificant things. It seems silly, or selfish even, to pray for something like a good night’s rest, or about that fight you ha

  • Pray Like This... (Part 2) | Intercession | Jacob Musselman

    07/03/2023 Duración: 39min

    Prayer is, at its most basic, straightforward simply talking to God. And just like any other conversation or relationship, it has different aspects.We’re in part two of this series called Pray Like This… The disciples notice that prayer is a regular part of Jesus’ life. They saw prayer as a foundational practice to Jesus, so they came to him with a straightforward request: “Lord, teach us to pray.” Today we’re going to learn about a form of prayer called intercessory prayer.Intercession is the act of intervening on behalf of one another. It is the practice of coming to God with other people’s or our communities needs. Intercessory prayer is asking God to make right what is currently not right. It’s asking him to bring Heaven to Earth. God is very committed to bringing his kingdom into the places, communities, situations, and people where his will still needs to be done.God’s will is not yet fully realized on Earth. Everything that happens is not God’s will. Things that happen in this world are not God’s will.

  • Pray Like This... (Part 1) | Adoration | Stephen Feith

    28/02/2023 Duración: 29min

    All of us have skills or abilities we wish we had. This includes the disciples of Jesus. We see all over the Gospels the disciples coming to Jesus and asking specifically for him to teach them something. The one we will talk about for the next month and a half throughout this Lent season is when they asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1)The disciples wanted to pray better. They’ve seen Jesus go away to pray often and have witnessed many signs, wonders, and miracles. This has prompted them to say they want to pray like him. They say, teach us how to pray.Prayer is a core practice for followers of Jesus. And yet, it’s something that many of us struggle to do regularly. We want to pray more, so why don’t we? It could be because you don’t know where to start. How do we know if we’re doing it? We’re distracted. We can be encouraged today by the disciples’ questions because they also knew what it was like to be busy.Jesus responds to their question in Matthew 6:9-13, “Pray like this: Our heavenly Father

  • Cultivating a Spirit of Abundance in a Scarcity-Focused World

    20/02/2023 Duración: 33min

    Unlock the secret to a life of financial freedom and the heartfelt joy that comes with intentional generosity. Our latest episode invites you into a candid conversation about how the teachings of Jesus can illuminate the path to a deeper sense of fulfillment through giving. We share inspiring tales from our recent holiday gift drive, reflecting on the happiness that blooms from generosity and pondering how we can extend this spirit beyond the festive season.Tackling the discomfort that often surrounds talks of money, we delve into the cultural and personal hurdles that can impede the development of a generous heart. We contrast the prevalent scarcity mindset with the abundance mindset, drawing inspiration from the Macedonian church's example of giving joyfully despite their own lack. This spirited discussion will leave you contemplating how you might adopt a mindset of plenty, finding contentment and joy in every aspect of your life, financial and beyond.In wrapping up, we highlight the profound impact t

  • The Spiritual and Emotional Price of Debt

    14/02/2023 Duración: 27min

    Can money truly buy happiness, or does it just complicate life with more zeros in your bank account? William Budd's story, a man whose lottery win was supposed to be a dream come true yet turned into a fiscal nightmare, reminds us that financial freedom isn't about wealth—it's about wisdom. This week's heartfelt episode peels back the layers of debt's effect on our lives, from straining relationships to diminishing our mental well-being. It's a journey through the pitfalls of poor money management, and a reminder that a fat wallet can quickly slim down without the right strategies in place.When the chains of debt tighten, they can ensnare more than just our wallets—they grip our spirits too. We dive into the emotional and spiritual toll of financial burdens, leaning on biblical proverbs that highlight the moral quandaries and ethical responsibilities of wealth. It's a candid conversation that balances the practicality of financial planning with the deep-rooted desire to live

  • Simplifying Life for Authentic Financial Serenity

    06/02/2023 Duración: 27min

    Ever wondered what happens when a die-hard member of the Crappy Car Club gets the keys to a shiny new ride? I, Stephen Feith, take you on a comedic yet thought-provoking journey through my own transition to new car ownership and the surprising anxieties that come with it. From the fear of parking lot dings to the quest for financial peace, we'll explore how the state of our bank accounts affects not just our wallets, but our wellbeing and faith. As we confront the American millionaire's happiness paradox with insights from Harvard Business School, we'll challenge the adage that more money means more joy. Join us as we dissect the cultural chase for wealth and weigh it against what matters most: family, faith, and relationships. Get ready to shift your paradigm as we dig into the transformative power of 'less is more' and consider a biblical approach to true satisfaction and transformation.To cap off our adventure, we'll embrace the minimalist mindset, sharing personal tales of Ho

  • Life-Changing Relationships | Circles (Part 4) | Stephen Feith

    01/02/2023 Duración: 24min

    Have you ever seen the Disney movie "Finding Nemo?" "Finding Nemo" came out 20 years ago. For those who haven't seen the film in 20 years, it's about an overprotective dad clownfish whose son gets taken from him. The dad goes on the adventure of a lifetime across the ocean, looking for a son.Meanwhile, the lost son finds himself at a dentist's office in Sydney, Australia. The other fish freak out when Nemo, the little fish, is thrown into the fish tank at the dentist's office for the first time. Their home is not sterile anymore. The other fish scrub everything, including Nemo, because their space has been tainted by the ocean. After they clean everything up, they're actually happy Nemo's there. They're excited they've got a new friend in the tank.This scene is fascinating. How often is it that when someone comes into our "circle," we initially freak out? Think about the Christian Church. We have buildings, and they're lovely. Then som

  • Inclusive "Circles" | Circles (Part 3) | Stephen Feith

    26/01/2023 Duración: 26min

    "Circles" are essential to us at Madison Church. They're part of our strategy for connecting people with God and each other. We have systems to help people read the Bible daily and pray regularly. We also have a plan for sharing meals with one another.(We literally have "eat together" on our website.)As such, we host a free community lunch on the first Sunday of every month. We also put it in our bylaws that for people to be members of our church, they must be involved in at least one small group a year. That's how serious "circles" are to us."Circles" aren't just crucial to MC, though. They're essential to you too. Think about some of the most meaningful moments in your life and where they happened? Around a kitchen table? On a road trip? In a restaurant?Some of the most meaningful times in your life have happened in a "circle." None of us were created or meant to live life alone. We are made for relationships. God's intention has alw

  • When You Have No One To Talk With | Circles (Part 2) | Stephen Feith

    19/01/2023 Duración: 27min

    If you’re a follower of Jesus today, part of what you “signed up” for was a relationship with God and other people. It’s mission-critical that you do. Why don’t we do it more often? There are obstacles. Here are the three most significant barriers people tell us: fear, tiredness, and busyness.Fear. We have to talk, open ourselves up, and be vulnerable. That’s difficult. It can be scary to let people see us. What if you go out to brunch with that person who asked you to, and they’re a weirdo? Or what if they find out you’re the weirdo?Tiredness. Fatigue affects every area of your life. Being tired is not just keeping you from going to a group once a week for a couple of months or getting together with a friend.Busyness. We’re all busy people. My calendar is jam-packed with things. Your calendar is jam-packed with things. Sarah wrote about this in the last post, which is worth reading: matter the obstacle, when you feel like you need a circle the least is whe

  • Community Is Self-Care | Circles (Part 1) | Sarah Hanson

    12/01/2023 Duración: 25min

    The description of the early church begins with a wholehearted devotion to God and a relational devotion and dedication to one another. Their relationship with God was not something that was to be pursued or experienced alone in solitary form. They were devoted to learning together, spending time with one another, and celebrating communion.Acts 2:42-47 reads, “They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. Everyone was awed by the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all people. And the Lord added to their number daily, those who are being saved.”PBS commissioned a study to understand the relationship between relational connec

  • Illuminating Dark Days with Everlasting Biblical Promises

    24/12/2022 Duración: 17min

    As we convene at Madison Church, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of our lives, I, Stephen Feith, share heart-wrenching yet uplifting tales of lives forever changed by divine encounters. This season, when weariness seems to cling to our bones, we embrace the stories of those who walked with Jesus and found their burdens transformed into beacons of hope. My own journey through grief—a miscarriage and the loss of a cherished pet—serves as a testament to the restorative power of faith. Together, we uncover the parallels between the ancient narratives of the first Christmas and our current adversities, finding solace in the promise of renewal that the Christmas message bestows upon our weary hearts.In an atmosphere charged with anticipation for the coming celebration, we delve into the essence of what biblical hope truly means. Far from a naive belief in a pain-free existence, we unravel the profound truth that Christian hope is about God's unwavering companionship through life's storms. The discussions we

  • Cultivating Community through Intentional Inclusion

    14/12/2022 Duración: 23min

    Feeling left out of the Christmas party invite list was just the nudge I needed to ponder the profound significance of belonging. As the holiday chaos ensues, we often forget that the most meaningful gifts can't be bought. This episode unpacks the concept of belonging—being seen, known, and valued. I share a personal tale of post-parenting loneliness and how, paradoxically, even Albert Einstein once confessed to feeling isolated. We tackle the idea that belonging transcends age, status, or success, and I introduce a conversation about the Samaritan woman's life-altering encounter with Jesus. Her story isn't just a biblical lesson; it's a timeless inspiration for fostering inclusion in our own circles.As we unwrap the theme of transformation, we find ourselves at the well with Jesus and the Samaritan woman, seeing her transformation from an isolated individual to a catalyst for change in her community. I suggest practical steps we can all take to build stronger connections, from lingering a

  • Holiday Reflections on Finding Purpose and Connection

    07/12/2022 Duración: 24min

    As the twinkling lights of the season catch our eyes, let's remember the deeper joy that Christmas brings. Join me, Stephen, at Madison Church, where we've wrapped up our hearts and our laughter in the coziness of ugly sweaters and the nostalgia of nearly forgotten Christmas cards. Embark on a journey through the excitement and mishaps of holiday traditions, revealing how our search for lost ornaments mirrors our quest for something greater. From misplaced decorations to the warmth of rediscovery, we explore the essence of being found during the holiday season.Have you ever felt the heart-dropping panic of a lost child in a crowd? That very fear led me to a profound epiphany amidst a zoo light show, one that paints a vivid picture of God's pursuit of the estranged human heart. This episode weaves personal anecdotes with the biblical story of Zacchaeus, peeling back the layers of historical tax collection and societal disdain to reveal the transformative dinner that altered his life. Discover ho

  • Unwrapping the Profound Love of Christ This Festive Season

    30/11/2022 Duración: 18min

    As the twinkling lights of the holiday season cast a warm glow over our homes, I, Stephen Feith, invite you on a journey that transcends the bright decorations and festive cheer. Picture this: a home brimming with the sounds of Christmas music, the laughter of children anticipating their birthdays, and a heartwarming transition from Thanksgiving to a season that's not just about merriment, but about embracing God's greatest gift to humanity. In our latest podcast episode, I reveal the intimate moments that make my family's celebrations special, my personal triumph over a fear of heights to adorn our abode with lights, and most importantly, how these treasured traditions mirror the deeper significance of Christmas for us followers of Jesus.As the pastor at Madison Church, I delve into an often overlooked narrative of Christmas—one where the radical love of Jesus Christ shines brightly through his acceptance of the marginalized, as seen in the evocative story from Luke 7. Our discussion meanders

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