Madison Church

Inclusive "Circles" | Circles (Part 3) | Stephen Feith



"Circles" are essential to us at Madison Church. They're part of our strategy for connecting people with God and each other. We have systems to help people read the Bible daily and pray regularly. We also have a plan for sharing meals with one another.(We literally have "eat together" on our website.)As such, we host a free community lunch on the first Sunday of every month. We also put it in our bylaws that for people to be members of our church, they must be involved in at least one small group a year. That's how serious "circles" are to us."Circles" aren't just crucial to MC, though. They're essential to you too. Think about some of the most meaningful moments in your life and where they happened? Around a kitchen table? On a road trip? In a restaurant?Some of the most meaningful times in your life have happened in a "circle." None of us were created or meant to live life alone. We are made for relationships. God's intention has alw