Madison Church



Madison Church started in September, 2014 with the mission of connecting people with God and each other. This happens when people grow spiritually, gather together, and give back. We are a community-centric church located on Madison's west side. Our weekend service is a casual and relaxed event. The teaching team is relentless in making sure that you're not just getting information, but experiencing transformation.


  • Embodying Faith through Community Engagement | Created For Community (Part 3) | Stephen Feith

    03/09/2023 Duración: 34min

    Have you ever pondered on the story of the Prodigal Son, considered its profound message, and sought to connect its teachings of grace and forgiveness to real-life challenges? Well, join us on this journey as we draw deep lessons from this biblical parable while reflecting on the nine-year journey of Madison Church. We'll share stories of resilience, strength, and faith that led us through daunting trials, including the shut-down of our two locations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this challenging world where faith often wavers, we need more than the typical Sunday gathering. What if every believer took Paul's teachings to heart, grew more like Christ, and embedded themselves deeply in the church body? In this episode, we emphasize the indispensability of community involvement in the church, inspiring one and all to live out their faith not solitarily, but as part of an interconnected, supportive community. We call on everyone to come together as believers, learn from one another, and inspire each

  • The Spiritually Transformative Power of Community | Created For Community (Part 2) | Jason Webb

    31/08/2023 Duración: 26min

    A profound conversation with my son sparked a fascinating exploration into the intrinsic value of relationships and community in our spiritual lives. He wisely reminded me that the company we keep is, undeniably, one of the most critical life decisions we make. Do you find yourself drawn to the comfort of solitude? Or perhaps you've been scarred by misplaced trust, leaving you hesitant to let anyone in? Regardless of your reasons, this episode compels you to reconsider the value of companionship on your spiritual journey, debunking the notion that spirituality is a solitary pursuit.Let's get real - genuine, authentic connections are a lifeline. They provide us with a sense of clarity, a support system, and a sense of belonging. Remember that time in college when you were overwhelmed with decisions and doubts? That's when your 'clearness committee' stepped in - your trusted group of friends who helped you navigate through the storm. We all need a clearness committee, a sanctuary where

  • Building Faith and Community from the Ground Up | Created For Community (Part 1) | Stephen Feith

    31/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    Have you ever wondered about the story behind Madison Church, and how it transformed from a single Facebook post to the vibrant community it is today? I'm Stephen Feith, your host and lead pastor, and today, we're taking a walk down memory lane. We'll revisit our early days, when Anthony, a young man I met through a Facebook post, became our first member, our first baptism, and one of our first leaders. Through trials and tribulations, we've grown organically, carrying the faith and dedication of our members as our backbone.Then, we shift our focus to the heart of our community - our small group gatherings. Inspired by the early disciples, we delve into the foundations and significance of these little clusters within our congregation. We acknowledge the fears and reservations that may come with joining such groups, but we also celebrate the profound impact these gatherings can have on your spiritual journey. As we look ahead in 2023, we share practical advice on maintaining individual Bibl

  • Initiating Reconciliation & Bridging Divides | Do The Work (Part 4) | Stephen Feith

    14/08/2023 Duración: 29min

    We're venturing to the heart of Londonderry, Northern Ireland, a city marked by deep-seated and violent conflict. What if you could discover the tools to bridge the chasm between deeply divided groups? As we navigate the geographical split between the Catholics and Protestants, symbolized by a river bisecting the city, we're driven to reflect on our own relational divisions. The tumult of 2020, compounded by the pandemic, has only strained relationships further. It's time we took a step towards mending these rifts.Join us as we strive to initiate and pacify conflicts with the grace and patience embodied by Jesus. We'll explore how to initiate those challenging conversations, while offering the other party ample time to process the discussion. In learning to be patient with ourselves and our evolution, we cultivate resilience. As we journey towards building bridges, we draw inspiration from the Peace Bridge in Londonderry. It stands not just as an architectural marvel, but as a testament to

  • The Journey of Spiritual Growth and the Role of Forgiveness | Do The Work (Part 3) | Sarah Hanson

    07/08/2023 Duración: 26min

    Are you ready to break the chains of pain with the power of forgiveness? Prepare to journey with us as we navigate the complex terrain of forgiveness, discussing its potent impact on mending relationships and its role in emotional healing and spiritual growth. Together, we'll shatter the misconceptions surrounding forgiveness, reinforcing that it isn't about forgetting or justifying someone's actions, nor is it synonymous with immediate trust. Drawing from the profound teachings of Jesus, we invite you to redefine your view of forgiveness. Venture further into the realm of forgiveness as we spotlight the enormous strength it brings and how it serves as a pathway to liberation. We'll discuss the brave decision to forgive, illuminating how it can be a constant, even hour-by-hour choice, and the importance of focusing on God's mercy rather than dwelling on the pain inflicted by others. Join us in a special prayer session, seeking divine guidance to center our thoughts on forgiveness. Bra

  • Humility, Admission, and Self-Awareness in Relationship Restoration | Do The Work (Part 2) | Stephen Feith

    30/07/2023 Duración: 34min

    What if the most difficult part of restoring a relationship wasn’t mending the broken bond, but rather admitting that you were wrong? This episode is a deep dive into the human psychology behind being wrong and how our denial can often lead to more heartache and destruction than the initial mistake. We examine the compelling story of a cult from the book "Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me)," whose faith in their leader only strengthened after their doomsday predictions failed. Admitting our mistakes is a difficult yet necessary step in restoring our relationships and maintaining our sanity.Relationships, like ships, require constant attention and direction. An unattended ship will inevitably head towards an iceberg, much like unprocessed emotions can bring about the downfall of a relationship. Despite the effort required, we argue that working to restore relationships is a worthwhile endeavor. But what happens when a relationship is damaged beyond repair? We've got you covered there too, offeri

  • Building and Restoring Meaningful Relationships | Do The Work (Part 1) | Stephen Feith

    24/07/2023 Duración: 30min

    Are you ready to build meaningful relationships, foster community, and discover your true identity? Brace yourself as we step into the arena of relationships, in an intimate setting at the intentionally small Madison Church, where we believe in the power of social interactions. Whether you're a believer or non-believer, you're welcome to connect and develop relationships that matter.From the joy of friendships to the pain of disappointments, relationships can be a roller coaster. We understand it's not just about finding the perfect friend or partner, but becoming one. Unearth the courage it takes to take responsibility and the wisdom needed to know when a relationship isn't healthy to restore. Remember, it's not always about the other person changing; it's about us stepping up and doing the work of restoring relationships.As we explore the realm of reconciliation, remember that it all begins with God. Our decisions, worship, and identity significantly influence the restoration p

  • Exploring the Kingdom of God | Unseen (Part 4) | Stephen Feith

    17/07/2023 Duración: 31min

    What if we told you our understanding of the physical realm can significantly influence our perspective of the supernatural? That's the journey we're embarking on as we wrap up our series on Unseen, exploring how the physical and spiritual intermingle, with the God of the universe in the mix. We use the lens of Mark 1:14-15 to scrutinize the Kingdom of God, shattering misconceptions and unveiling the vast implications of this biblical cornerstone.Have you ever wondered about the implications of God being at once natural and supernatural? This intriguing duality forms the crux of our discussions. We bask in the refreshing truth of the Gospel, acknowledging the tarnished reputation of the term 'evangelical', yet appreciating its essence as the bearer of good news. We confront our brokenness and its contribution to the world's suffering, but not without the reassurance that the good news proclaimed by Jesus and his early followers still holds true for us today, despite the disillusionmen

  • Conquering Signature Sins Through Surrender | Unseen (Part 3) | Jason Webb

    10/07/2023 Duración: 36min

    Ever wondered the role unseen forces play in shaping your everyday existence? We'll unveil how demons, angels, and the prince of darkness himself subtly influence our relationships, reactions, and our inherent capacity to do good. Drawing wisdom from the Apostle Paul's poignant words in Galatians 5, we highlight the paramountcy of allowing the Holy Spirit to be our compass, guiding us away from the snares of our sinful nature. For what manifests in our lives often has its roots in the unseen.Our journey deepens as we expose the concept of 'signature sins', those seemingly irresistible temptations that persistently lure us into their clutches. In spite of our earnest attempts to resist, these unseen sins often emerge victorious, wreaking havoc and stealing away our peace, relationships, and time. As we navigate this murky terrain, we also dissect the concept of sin management, underlining its futility against the might of these signature sins. In the face of such overwhelming odds, surrende

  • Navigating Spiritual Warfare | Unseen (Part 2) | Stephen Feith

    02/07/2023 Duración: 32min

    What if there’s an unseen realm that impacts our everyday existence? Get ready to pull back the curtain and journey with us into the uncharted territories of the supernatural, where we’ll explore spiritual warfare and demons. We recognize this topic may be a no-go zone for some, but our aim is to help you reevaluate and reconstruct aspects of spirituality that may be misaligned with biblical teachings. It’s not about dismantling your faith, but rather encouraging renovation and growth.Ever considered how our understanding of evil in the unseen realm can be similar to our understanding of viruses and germs? Drawing parallels with the COVID-19 pandemic, we discuss how ignoring the danger or obsessing over it are both far from healthy. Unmasking our blind spots when it comes to the supernatural, we share insights on how to dismantle and reconfigure what we've been taught about demons, striking a balance between caution and curiosity.Remember Jesus' spiritual battle when tested by the devil in the wilde

  • Angels Unveiled | Unseen (Part 1) | Stephen Feith

    27/06/2023 Duración: 26min

    Are you ready to challenge your perspective on angels and the unseen realm? Join us in our latest Unseen series as we dive into the fascinating world of angels and unearth the truth behind these powerful spiritual beings. With expert insights from Professor Andy Angel and author Scott McKnight, you're in for a thought-provoking and eye-opening experience.In this conversation, we debunk common misconceptions about angels - no, they're not just chubby babies with harps. Instead, we explore their true nature as divine messengers sent by God to bring news, comfort, and deliverance. We also delve into the riveting story of Elisha and the supernatural army, showcasing how God's incredible power protects and guides his people.Embrace the wonder of the unseen and open yourself up to experiencing the supernatural like never before. Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, this episode is sure to challenge and inspire you to see the world in a whole new light. So, tune in and let's embark on thi

  • Exploring the Holy Spirit's Role in Empowering Believers | The Holy Spirit (Part 4) | Stephen Feith

    19/06/2023 Duración: 27min

    Have you ever wondered about the mysterious nature of the Holy Spirit and his true value in our lives? Today, inspired by the surprising story of George Walton and his 1913 Liberty Head nickel, we uncover the incredible power of the Holy Spirit and explore his potential to transform our lives in ways we never thought possible.Join us as we dive into Jesus' prediction in John 14:12, where he said that believers would perform even greater works than he did. With a closer look at four stories from the book of Acts, we examine the various ways the Spirit empowers believers and the remarkable feats we can accomplish when guided by him. Discover how being filled with the Holy Spirit can grant us the courage to live out our faith boldly.We challenge you to examine the evidence of the Holy Spirit's work in scripture and consider if you need to be filled or refilled with his power. Listen in to our personal testimony and insights on the transformative influence of the Holy Spirit as we inspire you to embrace

  • Exploring the Mysteries of Your Spiritual Capabilities | The Holy Spirit (Part 3) | Stephen Feith

    12/06/2023 Duración: 27min

    Are you ready to uncover your unique spiritual gifts and learn how to harness them for the greater good? Join us as we dive into an enlightening discussion on the mysterious world of spiritual gifts, bestowed upon believers by the Holy Spirit to help God's people and bring glory to his name. Discover how you can transform your life and the lives of others by embracing and utilizing these divine abilities.In this captivating episode, we take a closer look at the wide array of spiritual gifts described by Paul, including wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, and the power to perform miracles. But the list doesn't stop there! We'll also explore the many other gifts waiting to be discovered, helping you understand the true potential within you. Like a puzzle piece that's just waiting to be found, learning more about these gifts can bring us closer together and fortify our faith.Finally, we'll share actionable tips on how to put your spiritual gifts to work through various church activities a

  • Navigating Temptation and Embracing the Holy Spirit's Transformative Power | The Holy Spirit (Part 2) | Sarah Hanson

    05/06/2023 Duración: 24min

    Sarah and her husband, Chris, recently had the incredible experience of purchasing a new home, and they couldn't believe the many blessings that came their way throughout the process. From finding a wheelchair-accessible house to trusting God in providing the perfect space for their needs, it's been quite the adventure. But life isn't always smooth sailing – temptation often rears its ugly head, and let's face it, we're not always as strong as we think we are. In this episode, Sarah shares her personal struggles with temptation and discusses a fascinating study from Northwestern University that reveals just how bad we are at anticipating the power of our urges.The battle between flesh and spirit is real, and we're here to help you navigate it. Join us as we dive into the Holy Spirit's transformative power, setting us free from our base desires and guiding us toward our deepest longings. As we continue our series on the Holy Spirit, we invite you to ponder your own truest des

  • Discovering the Life-Changing Power of the Holy Spirit | The Holy Spirit (Part 1) | Stephen Feith

    30/05/2023 Duración: 28min

    Do you ever feel like you're missing out on something powerful and transformative in your life? On this special Memorial Day weekend and the day of Pentecost, we're uncovering the incredible role of the Holy Spirit and how you can experience its fullness in your own journey. From the Holy Spirit's presence in creation to its encounters with various individuals throughout the Old Testament, we'll explore the unique experience of Pentecost and share a touching story of a woman named Amanda, whose connection to her late mother will prompt you to ask yourself if you're open to hearing from the Holy Spirit in your life.Over the next few weeks, we'll delve into the power of the Holy Spirit, discussing how it can help us avoid hurting others, convict us of sin, and lead us to Jesus. Additionally, we'll explore practical ways to connect with God, such as reading the Bible, praying, and participating in baptisms. By learning to become more attuned to the whisper of God and making con

  • Why Does God Allow Pain & Suffering? | Searching For Answers (Part 6) | Stephen Feith

    22/05/2023 Duración: 34min

    We take an introspective look at how suffering and pain can affect our faith through the trials of biblical figures like Naomi, Job, and Habakkuk. Our conversation highlights the importance of embracing our imperfect faith and exploring the complexities of believing in God's goodness even amidst injustice. Ponder the impact these biblical stories have on our own families, communities, and relationships with God.Let's also discuss the power of free will and its role in our lives. We'll uncover what it means to truly love, along with the idea that pain and suffering were not part of God's original creation plan. As we wrap up, find solace in knowing that Jesus is with us through our pain and suffering, understanding our struggles as someone who has experienced them himself, and offering us the promise of resurrection.Support the show

  • How Do I Deal With Anxiety? | Searching For Answers (Part 5) | Jason Webb

    17/05/2023 Duración: 31min

    Does worry and anxiety seem to consume you, even when life is good? Discover how Jesus' wisdom in Luke 12 can help you overcome these feelings and live a more peaceful life. In the first part of this episode, we explore why worry and anxiety grip us so tightly and how Jesus' teachings can provide relief. We discuss how the worries we carry can crush us if we let them, and how reflecting on Jesus' words can help us battle worry in our personal lives.As we continue, we delve into the impact that worries and anxieties have on our relationships and our tendency to self-medicate as a coping mechanism. We also examine how a short-term perspective and overestimation of our own power feed into our anxiety. But fear not! Jesus offers us something more significant to live for – his kingdom, which is much bigger than our worries. Join us on a journey of faith as we learn how to seek and accept this life-changing gift.Support the show

  • How Do I Read the Bible? | Searching For Answers (Part 4) | Stephen Feith

    08/05/2023 Duración: 29min

    Can you imagine starting a church in one of the most post-Christian cities in the U.S.? That's exactly what Megan and Stephen did when they moved to Madison, Wisconsin, with a mission to create a community that fights loneliness and isolation while connecting people with God and each other. Despite being told that a fast-growing or large church would never work here, they believed Jesus goes to the dark places and wanted to be his hands and feet in the city.One common belief we encounter is that if people simply read the Bible, they'll become believers. However, an atheist lawyer from the Freedom from Religion Foundation disagrees, arguing that the road to atheism is littered with Bibles that have been read cover to cover. So, we dive into the importance of not just reading the good book, but understanding how to approach it. We share a simple three-step model for Bible reading: read, reflect, and respond, as well as the significance of picking the right translation and not relying solely on paraphr

  • MC Asks: I Want To Give, But My Spouse Doesn't... What Do I Do?

    02/05/2023 Duración: 10min

    MC Asks: I want to give, but my spouse or partner doesn't... What do I do?This is a really great question because of how relevant it is. There are people worldwide who practice Christianity and follow Jesus, but the other person in the relationship doesn't. That can work out for a while, but when it comes to financial generosity, it can become a conflict because our incomes and expenses are often shared in these relationships.Talking about the giving aspect of our faith involves the other person in ways we're not necessarily used to including them. The other person may not want to donate for several reasons. They may not have any religion or different beliefs than you. You might attend church together but interpret biblical financial stewardship differently.Sometimes, your spouse or partner might have grown up in and around the church and experienced abuse and/or neglect. Reasonably, it will be tough for them to tolerate giving money to the local church.When conversing about giving, the convers

  • Can I Trust the Bible? | Searching For Answers (Part 3) | Stephen Feith

    01/05/2023 Duración: 29min

    As someone who once lost faith in the Bible during his time in seminary, Stephen knows firsthand the struggle many face when it comes to trusting this sacred text. Surprisingly, his journey to find faith in Jesus without the Bible led him to a strong confidence in its reliability. With a significant decline in trust amongst Americans, Stephen shares with us how he found answers to his questions and ultimately came to believe in the Bible's reliability.Join us as we explore the epic story of the Bible, composed of 66 books written over 1500 years by 40 different authors in three languages. We'll discuss the Reformation's impact on allowing ordinary people to access the Bible and the process behind determining the Canon of the Bible. Furthermore, we'll examine the historical reliability of the Bible, specifically the four Gospels, which were based on firsthand accounts of Jesus' life and ministry.Jesus invites us to test the Bible for ourselves and see if it's reliable. When we app

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