Madison Church

What Am I Supposed To Do With My Life? | Searching For Answers (Part 1) | Stephen Feith



Are you struggling to find your true purpose in life? Do you ever wonder if there's something more out there for you? In our latest podcast episode, we dive deep into these pressing questions and embark on an exciting journey to find the answers you seek. We'll explore how a good God could allow pain and suffering, where the Bible came from, how to read the Bible, and how faith and doubt can coexist.As we continue our search for meaning, we ponder why we were created and what our God-given purpose might be. Join us as we discuss the idea that we are God's masterpiece, created to fulfill the good things he has planned for us. We'll also examine how our identity as followers of Jesus, as well as our race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity, contribute to our overall purpose and calling in life.Lastly, we'll delve into the concept of our assignment with God, which comes secondary to being a follower of Jesus and a child of God. Inspired by Paul's advice in Colossians