Relationships Done Different



Human as we are, we are wired to crave and have relationships. It runs deep inside of us to search for that once in a lifetime, lightning bolt connection that we think will make us happy and solve all of the our problems. Yet, even though we yearn for the perfect relationship, most of us do not succeed at creating or maintaining our perfect relationship.Relationships are like an iceberg, only 10% above the surface, multi-faceted and very complex. As such, it is essential to understand relationships on multiple levels so as to be able to attain what we all want in the end, safety and happiness.Dedicating their lives to help you with this, for over 30 years power couple Esateys and Rafael Stuchiner have been working to transform the lives of many through relationships and personal connection. Their work is unlike typical relationship advice. Rather than attempting to fix someone or something else from the outside, they work from the inside/out as the most effective way to having Breakthrough Relationships. They dive deep and show you how working on yourself and understanding what you really want is the foundational piece for great connected relationships and ultimate happiness. For more information about their work, visit


  • What To Do When You Are Afraid To Speak Your Truth

    17/12/2019 Duración: 37min

    Easy as it may sound, telling the truth is very difficult to do. Especially in uncomfortable situations, we find ourselves saying what others want to hear rather than what we really want to say. In this episode, Esateys and Rafael Stuchiner enlighten us on what to do when we are afraid to speak our truth, […]

  • Controlling Your Thoughts. Is it Possible?

    26/11/2019 Duración: 39min

    When the mind is going a little bit crazy your thoughts are going in a circular manner, then it is time for you to step into a place where you become an observer. But what can you do to control your thoughts? Is it even possible to control your thoughts? In this episode, Esateys and […]

  • What To Do When Your Relationship Gets Tough

    13/11/2019 Duración: 37min

    As the famous adage goes, life is not perfect. Indeed, it isn’t, and this imperfection can come from the relationships we have with everyone and everything around us. In today’s eye-opening episode, Esateys and Rafael Stuchiner share some tips on what you can do when your relationship gets tough and how to identify and handle […]

  • Food As A Tool For Awakening

    05/11/2019 Duración: 37min

    Food is an opportunity to be connected to the here and how. One cannot think well, love well, or sleep well if one has not dined well. Esateys and Raphael Stuchiner talk about food as an awakening tool and how it affects us on many levels. Every single moment gives you an opportunity to decide […]

  • Your Relationship With Food

    29/10/2019 Duración: 44min

    Is it necessary to know your body better and understand what it wants and needs? Are you having a hard time figuring out what is right or wrong for you? In this episode, Esateys and Rafael Stuchiner talk about their relationship with food from a perspective of recognizing that it is actually energy and consciousness. […]

  • Your Body Is Speaking. Are You Listening?

    15/10/2019 Duración: 36min

    Being emphatic and helping and saving other people becomes second nature to you when you constantly pursue to be loved and be lovable. In your heart of hearts, is this really the way to live your life? When your body speaks to you, it is in your best interest to listen to it. In this […]

  • Letting Go Of Making Your Partner Be The Way You Want Them To Be

    15/10/2019 Duración: 41min

    Controlling your partner is not the way to a healthy and loving relationship. In this episode, Esateys and Rafael Stuchiner talk about how making your partner be the way you want him or her to be can take a toll on your bond. They discuss some tips on how to let go of urges on […]

  • What To Do After Divorce

    08/10/2019 Duración: 39min

    Divorce is one of the three biggest stresses that a person goes through. When it happens to you, how do you move forward and reclaim your life? In today's episode, Esateys and Rafael Stuchiner discuss the struggles and the emotion in the weeks and months after you and your spouse decide to get divorced. They […]

  • Cheating, Have you Ever Had the Urge?

    01/10/2019 Duración: 35min

    It is easy to blame the media, office environment, or the state that you live in for the urges to cheat that you might be feeling - but is cheating really driven by those external forces? In this segment, Esateys and Rafael Stuchiner examine these "excuses" and get to the bottom of why someone cheats. […]

  • What Comes First, My Job Or My Relationship?

    24/09/2019 Duración: 39min

    Our careers may be fueling us to get what we want and need, but there are moments where we feel it is not enough to make us happy anymore. In today’s episode, Esateys answers a question we have all been asking our adult selves – what comes first, your job or your relationship? Find clarity […]

  • The Game Called Life

    12/09/2019 Duración: 39min

    Pretty much every single person is experiencing pain and suffering until they recognize that they are experiencing the game called life. In this episode, Esateys and Rafael Stuchiner examine the question of what would it take for us to live at ease in this game? Like any game, the purpose of our life is to […]

  • The Biggest Fear We Have In Any Relationship

    05/09/2019 Duración: 28min

    Life cannot be wonderful if we constantly live in fear. In this episode, Esateys and Rafael Stuchiner tackle the biggest fears in relationships and talk about the core issues why people have these. As they share some tips on how to conquer these fears, they also touch on the roles establishing positive relationships, personal development, […]

  • Are You Selfish In Your Relationship?

    21/08/2019 Duración: 48min

    Are you selfish in your relationship? In this episode, Esateys and Rafael Stuchiner help you better understand selfish as they answers this question and many other queries possibly revolving in your relationship with your partner. Being selfish doesn’t need to be negative because you need to take a moment to know what your own needs […]

  • What To Do With Feelings You Are Afraid To Express

    13/08/2019 Duración: 40min

    The majority of people in the world either don't know what they're feeling or they know what they're feeling but they're too afraid to speak about it. Other times, they want to speak about it but they don't know how to do that. We are afraid sometimes to express our feelings especially when the other […]

  • Are Your Judgments Getting In The Best Of Your Relationship?

    06/08/2019 Duración: 34min

    Is there really such a thing as right or wrong? Judgment is defined as our personal opinion of what is right versus others’ own perspectives. It stems from our need to be seen as an individual with value. We wouldn’t be able to stop our judgmental attitude from surfacing if we don’t look inside ourselves […]

  • What’s In Your Backpack? Defragging Your Hard Drive Of Old Non-Responsive Programs

    30/07/2019 Duración: 45min

    What’s in your backpack? By backpack, we mean the stuff that we carry around with us, our “baggages,” so to speak. We have old belief systems, ideas, and ways of thinking that called programs – those things from a long time ago that are not applicable anymore and are not supporting us and yet are […]

  • Would You Rather Be Right Or Happy?

    24/07/2019 Duración: 37min

    Almost everyone in a relationship knows that being with someone you love does not always mean sunshine and butterflies. It entails a lot of compromises that often make or break the relationship. We all have our individual egos that push us in that state of competition, wanting to be right all the time. However, we […]

  • New Paradigm For Multidimensional Happiness

    05/07/2019 Duración: 36min

    Happiness is not difficult to achieve when happiness is within you. Power couple Esateys and Rafael Stuchiner engage in conversation on the new paradigms for multidimensional happiness. In this special episode, Esateys gives her advice on how we can expand our capabilities towards pure joy by simply being our true selves. Diving deeper on the […]

  • Profound Love Without Attachment

    18/06/2019 Duración: 41min

    What is a profound love without attachment? When a person is more in a higher state of self-awareness or self-love, or they’re conscious about themselves and other people and their relationships, what occurs is they stop themselves before they go after someone. Self-love and self-awareness breed a love that is not based on changing a […]

  • Do You Listen, Really Listen, To Your Partner?

    11/06/2019 Duración: 44min

    How present are you when your partner is speaking with you? Are you listening to their words and putting them in a place that makes sense to you? Today, we dive into the importance of listening to your partner. Communication is essential in every relationship, and that’s why we unravel the difference between listening and […]

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