Relationships Done Different



Human as we are, we are wired to crave and have relationships. It runs deep inside of us to search for that once in a lifetime, lightning bolt connection that we think will make us happy and solve all of the our problems. Yet, even though we yearn for the perfect relationship, most of us do not succeed at creating or maintaining our perfect relationship.Relationships are like an iceberg, only 10% above the surface, multi-faceted and very complex. As such, it is essential to understand relationships on multiple levels so as to be able to attain what we all want in the end, safety and happiness.Dedicating their lives to help you with this, for over 30 years power couple Esateys and Rafael Stuchiner have been working to transform the lives of many through relationships and personal connection. Their work is unlike typical relationship advice. Rather than attempting to fix someone or something else from the outside, they work from the inside/out as the most effective way to having Breakthrough Relationships. They dive deep and show you how working on yourself and understanding what you really want is the foundational piece for great connected relationships and ultimate happiness. For more information about their work, visit


  • How Communication Can Make Or Break Your Relationship

    04/06/2019 Duración: 50min

    There are so many different ways to express and communicate. The first thing to remember is to know where you’re coming from because it will lead to miscommunication and misinterpretation if you don’t. Today, we talk about the importance of communication and how it can make or break a relationship. Discover the four critical factors […]

  • Can A Long Distance Relationship Work

    28/05/2019 Duración: 45min

    Is it possible to have a long-distance relationship? As much as it is possible, the real question lies within the individual, and then comes the commitment of the couple to make it work. Today, we dive into being in a geographically undesirable relationship. As we touch on the importance of self-awareness before entering a commitment, […]

  • What Does Giving Look Like In A Relationship

    22/05/2019 Duración: 40min

    We all give. However, are you really giving wholeheartedly or are you expecting something in return? It is vital for people to be honest and authentic within themselves and look underneath the purpose of their giving. Sometimes we give out of fear, or we feel obliged to do so. In the real essence of giving, […]

  • Mastering Conscious Compassion In Relationships

    14/05/2019 Duración: 37min

    Compassion is an act of self-love and it’s the gift that will keep on giving once it’s mastered. It eliminates the judgment with an understanding that we’re all human, we’re all the same, and we are all trying to do the best that we can. However, the truth is, it’s so hard not to judge […]

  • Relationship Is A Tool For Self-Development

    07/05/2019 Duración: 42min

    Out of all the facts we know about relationships, what stands out is this – the relationships we have with others mirror who we are as a person. For today’s topic, we go deep in the concept of mirroring and how it affects your judgment and personal development. Find out the value of understanding that […]

  • Why We Do What We Do!

    30/04/2019 Duración: 42min

    What is your payoff for what you’re about to say or do? As much as there will always be a reason behind every action, there will also be an equivalent consequence later. Today’s highlight is self-awareness in recognizing that there’s still a payoff that’s under the covers for everything that we do. Fathom the “pain […]

  • Conscious Relationships

    23/04/2019 Duración: 50min

    We all want to have long, lasting relationships. Unbeknownst to many, having conscious relationships is the key to it. Still, achieving one is not a walk in the park as the change must start within ourselves. In this eye-opening discussion, you'll get to learn the importance of loving yourself from within, of having an internal […]

  • The Unconditionality Of Dogs And Why That Is So Important For Us

    16/04/2019 Duración: 42min

    Dogs are one of the most amazing animals we can learn valuable lessons in life from. They are intelligent, sensitive, and could be a powerful teacher by the way they think and handle things. In this positively insightful conversation, explore the unconditionality of dogs and why that is so important for us. Learn about the […]

  • How To Be Yourself In Your Relationship

    09/04/2019 Duración: 45min

    Most of us were trained from a very young age that it's not safe to feel what we feel, to do what we want to do, or to have what it is that we genuinely would like to have. Growing up with this belief left a deep imprint on how it is that we feel […]

  • How To Take Charge Of Your Life And Your Relationships

    02/04/2019 Duración: 33min

    As the world moves around us, the desire to control and take charge comes out. This goes to our life and our relationships. As much as we would like to do that, we have to face the reality that we can only control ourselves. Look deeper from within and realize how you experience life based […]

  • Are Boundaries Important Or Necessary In A Relationship?

    26/03/2019 Duración: 37min

    We all have our spaces where we keep certain aspects of ourselves protected or safe. These are the boundaries that contain those important parts within us. With relationships, we almost always have certain lines that we need to keep from being crossed. However, this can be quite confusing that some of us end up either […]

  • What Does Intimacy In Your Relationship Look Like?

    19/03/2019 Duración: 42min

    What is intimacy? Not everybody is comfortable when they hear that word. People would actually shudder because they immediately associate it with the bedroom or being exposed, anyone seeing and letting themselves be seen by another. Esateys and Rafael take a closer look at what true intimacy in your relationship look like. The answer may surprise […]

  • How Stress Affects Your Relationship And What To Do About IT

    12/03/2019 Duración: 44min

    Stress affects relationships. When we're stressed out, we bring that into the relationship and there's a tendency of taking that out on the other person. Stress is actually from within yourself and you feel it every time you get triggered. Esateys and Rafael dive into how stress affects relationships. Learn how to de-escalate the stress […]

  • If You Really Knew Who I Am, You Would NEVER Love Me

    05/03/2019 Duración: 39min

    We present ourselves in a way that will be pleasing to people. We hide behind a mask to protect ourselves from the judging eyes of the society. Everyone feels this way so we all get swamped with all these fabricated truths that we make about ourselves, building a society that is hanging on orchestrated lies. […]

  • How To Access Your Own Google Search Engine

    26/02/2019 Duración: 26min

    Looking at it under a metaphorical light, our minds are exactly just like Google. We search for things and ask questions, and, be that almost instantly or after a while, an answer comes back. No matter the case, we can always trust that the answers to our questions will ultimately unfold in our minds at […]

  • Why Is Your Partner Always Right? The Real Skinny

    19/02/2019 Duración: 48min

    When we hear the sentence, “Your partner is always right,” the initial reaction does not sit well with us. It can be uncomfortable to be passive-aggressively told that maybe you are always in the wrong. Esateys and Rafael break up this polarity and take us deeper into how we could perceive that sentence. Humans as […]

  • What You Need To Know When You Get Into A Relationship

    12/02/2019 Duración: 44min

    Learning about relationships does not stop the moment you get into one. After you have finished that journey towards getting together with the person you have a connection with, you will have to go through a whole set of process in understanding each other as you maneuver being in a relationship together. Those who are […]

  • What You Need To Know Before You Get Into A Relationship

    05/02/2019 Duración: 42min

    Physical attraction can throw you off in determining the kind of relationship you want to be in. Before you get into a relationship, don't just let physical attraction or your emotions be your motivation. Our emotions are frequently activated by our hormones, and our hormones will then tell us what it is that it wants […]

  • Do You Really Want To Be In A Relationship?

    29/01/2019 Duración: 39min

    Most people look for relationship out there to fulfill something within themselves. They tend to look for love in all the wrong places and fail to see within themselves the real reason why they really want to be in a relationship. With all the hullabaloo in relationship, it can be helpful to hear some techniques. […]

  • The 5 Essential Keys To Getting Relationship Right: Where Did I Leave The Manual?

    29/01/2019 Duración: 48min

    The test of relationship is the test that we go through every moment of every day when we're with someone or even when we aren't. When we're with someone that we love and want to be with, it doesn't mean that we have it easier. In fact, sometimes it's harder. The perfect relationship is a […]

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