Relationships Done Different



Human as we are, we are wired to crave and have relationships. It runs deep inside of us to search for that once in a lifetime, lightning bolt connection that we think will make us happy and solve all of the our problems. Yet, even though we yearn for the perfect relationship, most of us do not succeed at creating or maintaining our perfect relationship.Relationships are like an iceberg, only 10% above the surface, multi-faceted and very complex. As such, it is essential to understand relationships on multiple levels so as to be able to attain what we all want in the end, safety and happiness.Dedicating their lives to help you with this, for over 30 years power couple Esateys and Rafael Stuchiner have been working to transform the lives of many through relationships and personal connection. Their work is unlike typical relationship advice. Rather than attempting to fix someone or something else from the outside, they work from the inside/out as the most effective way to having Breakthrough Relationships. They dive deep and show you how working on yourself and understanding what you really want is the foundational piece for great connected relationships and ultimate happiness. For more information about their work, visit


  • Do You Think You Really Understand Relationships?

    22/01/2019 Duración: 36min

    Relationships are more than what we perceive them to be. They are not Band-Aid solutions that fix us temporarily from what our life currently looks like; nor are they about just being romantically involved with someone. Relationships, simply, are not about being separate from one’s self; rather, a relationship is your own personal development. Welcoming […]

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