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Whoever you are, wherever you are on your life's journey, you are welcome here


  • (Inter)Dependence


    Thoughts on navigating the tension between our individuality and our interdependence.

  • Embracing Slow Time


    Even with the inevitability of change and the intentionality of transformation, we often won't see instant results. This week, we look at how we live with the long haul of deep transformation.

  • What Saves Us?


    On Easter Sunday, most of our Christian neighbors celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, their Savior. But what about us? What might salvation mean for Unitarian Universalists? Anne and Wade are retired UU ministers and former members of our congregation who now live in Albuquerque.

  • Book Your Cruise on the Ship of Theseus Today!


    Our theme for March is "The Gift of Transformation." This week, we explore the inevitability of change, and the intentionality with which we can approach it.

  • Can a Science Flood Story Inspire Us as Much as the One by Noah? OR How Long Can You Tread Water?


    The biblical flood story by Noah has been inspirational for millennia. More recently science has uncovered facts about a flood unprecedented in human history, from a time and place that indicate it was the source of the Great Flood experiences and stories. Can this flood story by science be at least as inspirational as Noah's story? More inspirational? Perhaps a closer look will provide an answer.

  • Retreat. Recharge. Return


    SERVICE PARTICIPANTS Rev. John Cullinan, Pastor Rev. Tina DeYoe, Director of Lifespan Religious Education Nylea Butler-Moore, Director of Music Aaron Anderson, guitar and vocals Patrick Webb, Renae Mitchell, Mike Begnaud, Galen Gisler, and Rick Bolton, AV techs WELCOME! New to our church community?  Sign our guestbook and let us know if you’d like to get […]

  • You Keep Using That Word. I Do Not Think it Means What You Think it Means.


    Some thoughts on how language - and the games we play with it - get in the way of our work for justice and equity.

  • Up Close and Personal


    February's theme is "The Gift of Justice and Equity." We begin with the needs right in front of us, and a visit to Bryan Stephenson's instructions to "get proximate."

  • Democracy as a Spiritual Practice


    Around the world, democracy is under attack. Unitarian Universalists affirm the use of democracy in our congregations and society as a principle. How and why is the use of democracy a religious and spiritual value — and how might we affirm and promote it?

  • Universal. Unconditional.


    How our Universalist heritage calls us to place Liberating Love at the center of our shared values.

  • Black Motherhood and the Birth of a King


    Join us and Renae Mitchell as we look at a few of the most significant influences on MLK, Jr.'s life trajectory - and how Black motherhood, in numerous and unexpected ways, set the stage for his work and the entirety of the Civil Rights Movement.

  • New Year’s Resolution Release


    We begin 2024 with the theme of "Liberating Love," and a new question for a new beginning. Not, "How do I resolve to be better?" but, "What do I need to let go of to let my love flow more?"

  • Christmas Eve by Candlelight


    Join us for our annual Christmas Eve tradition of story and song.

  • Humbled in the Face of All That’s Holy


    Our theme for December is "The Gift of Mystery." This week we explore some of the many ways in which we respond to the mysteries of life all around us.

  • Advent for Everyone


    SERVICE PARTICIPANTS Rev. John Cullinan, Pastor Rev. Tina DeYoe, Director of Lifespan Religious Education Nylea Butler-Moore, Director of Music Elisa Enriquez, vocalist Renae Mitchell, Mike Begnaud, Patrick Webb, Galen Gisler, and Rick Bolton, AV techs WELCOME! New to our church community?  Sign our guestbook and let us know if you’d like to get more connected. … Advent for Everyone Read More »

  • What Keeps Us Warm?


    As days grow short and darkness comes early - and as shadows lengthen across our war torn and troubled world - where do we find realistic hope? Reverend Gary Kowalski offers a meditation on the power of unorganized goodness.Rev. Kowalski is an American author noted for his books on eco-spirituality, science, history, and animals. He is currently serving as minister for the UU Congregation in Taos, NM, and serves as a volunteer firefighter/emergency medical responder for Hondo Fire & Rescue.

  • Build a Longer Table


    We finish out our theme of Generosity by imagining what a community might look like when our generous natures are set free.

  • No Strings Attached


    Part two of "The Gift of Generosity" -- Our generosity goes hand in hand with our ability to trust others... especially those who benefit from our gifts.

  • But What if it All Runs Out?


    November's theme is "The Gift of Generosity," and we begin by naming and picking apart the mentality that hems in our generous natures - Scarcity.

  • What They Dreamed Be Ours to Do


    Part 3 of The Gift of Heritage: In our faith tradition, we've inherited the promises of the generations that came before. What's our role in making good on those promises? And what are we promising the generations that follow?

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