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Whoever you are, wherever you are on your life's journey, you are welcome here


  • Flower Communion


    Join us for our beloved annual tradition as we celebrate the lush garden of our volunteers and leaders, and the beauty of our intermingled spirits. Please bring flowers to share with the congregation.

  • A Place at the Table of Creation


    Some thoughts on the blueprints for what it is we are building together.

  • Your Creation Story


    The whole human story is filled with various creation myths, including the ones we tell about our own selves. This week, a look at how we tell the story of who we are perpetually becoming.

  • Resistance


    SERVICE PARTICIPANTS Mike Adams, Guest Speaker Patrick Webb, Worship Associate Nylea Butler-Moore, Director of Music Aaron Anderson, piano Mike Begnaud, Renae Mitchell, Galen Gisler, Patrick Webb, and Rick Bolton, AV techs WELCOME! New to our church community?  Sign our guestbook and let us know if you’d like to get more connected. If you would like … Resistance Read More »

  • Dominion or Service? Theologies of the Earth


    American (Christian) religious divisions over environmentalism seem to hinge on one Hebrew word in Genesis. This week, we push back at the idea of "dominion" over the Earth...

  • The Art of Resistance


    Resistance to oppression takes many forms. Sometimes that form is art.

  • A Time for Faith, A Time for Doubt


    SERVICE PARTICIPANTS Rev. John Cullinan, Pastor Yelena Mealy, staff accompanist Mary Frances Dorn, violinist Mike Begnaud, Renae Mitchell, Patrick Webb, Galen Gisler, and Rick Bolton, AV techs WELCOME! New to our church community?  Sign our guestbook and let us know if you’d like to get more connected. If you would like to submit a joy … A Time for Faith, A Time for Doubt Read More »

  • Ordinary Courage


    Popular culture often equates courage with spectacular feats of heroism. But quiet acts, performed by all of us, may be the kind of courage most needed now. Such acts may even determine if democracy – or life on this planet – survives.

  • Gather the Spirit


    Slowly but surely, our community regathers again after the pandemic. What does it take to draw a people back together? And how do we sustain the things that feed us?

  • Ask Me Anything


    This Sunday will be a "Question Box" sermon. Write your questions down at the top of the service, and I'll answer as many as I can during sermon time.

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