Motion Picture Meltdown



Motion Picture Meltdown is a comedic movie podcast that was created in 2009 and is hosted by Stephen "The Roast" Rosenberg, Mark "The Shark" Hinton, and Phil "The Kill" Collins. We spend our valuable time watching the most terrible movies possible, and ripping them apart scene by scene. We do this simply for fun. If you get offended easily, I would not recommend listening to the podcast, if you love crude, senseless humor, then by all means, check us out! Most of the time we invite special guests (our friends that love/hate these movies) to chat along with us on the show.We also strive to contact celebrities about their awful performances, and get them on the show as well.


  • MPM: Ep. 454 - Do the Doo


     Scooby-Doo (2002) | Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003) - We choose a couple of 2000s kid-friendly movies in this episode, as Cheats picks the first live-action adaptation of Scooby-Doo, and we watch one of the lesser-seen Joe Dante films, Looney Tunes: Back in Action. In this episode, we cast a Best Picture-winning version of Scooby-Doo, we discuss 2000s-exclusive actors, and praise

  • MPM: Ep. 453 - Beat Officers


     God Told Me To | Q The Winged Serpent - Dehart chooses the films this week, as we check out a couple of Larry Cohen movies from the '70s and '80s. We roast through God Told Me To (1976) and Q The Winged Serpent (1982). In this episode, we talk about our favorite conspiracy theories, we discuss the velocity at which bullets would kill people from the top of a skyscraper, and how

  • MPM: Ep. 452 - Fraiddie Pantze Jr.


     Scream | I Know What You Did Last Summer - We kick off the spooky season with a couple '90s slasher flicks from Phil, and go through Wes Craven's meta-classic slasher, Scream, as well as I Know What You Did Last Summer. In this episode, we discuss our preferred slasher weapons, Dehart is a little more forgiving of Scream, and we question how someone can make crabs disappear so quickly. Enjoy!

  • MPM: Ep. 451 - Ancient Wizard Chlamydia


     The Keep | Overlord - This week, we decide to check out a couple of World War II period-piece horror movies. Stephen picks The Keep (1983) and Overlord (2018). In this episode, we talk about our favorite historical horror movies, pick a side in monsters vs. Nazis, and do a deep dive into Michael Mann's cursed project. Enjoy!Check out these other bangers from United Cypher:The Curly Mustache

  • MPM: Ep. 450 - Mech Suits Warrior


     Slipstream | Robot Jox - Cheats chooses a couple of lesser-known sci-fi flicks for us to roast this week, so we check out Slipstream (1989) and Full Moon Features' Robot Jox (1989). In this episode, we discuss movies that we personally should have seen, but haven't, Phil and Cheats argue the differences between mechs and mech suits, and we talk about Mark Hamill as a villain. Enjoy!Check out

  • MPM: Ep. 449 - General Grievance


     Johnny Mnemonic | Space Truckers - Dehart chooses the movies for this week, and we check out the cyber punk sci-fi film, Johnny Mnemonic (1995), and a lesser-known Stuart Gordon space comedy, Space Truckers (1996). In this episode, play a riveting game of Is It Space?!, we talk about 1980s memory storage, and we discuss how Dennis Hopper made everything better. Enjoy!Check out these other

  • MPM: Ep. 448 - Woody Hairlesson


     Megaville | A Scanner Darkly - Phil chooses a couple of sci-fi flicks for us to check out this week, and we roast a Philip K. Dick-inspired Megaville (1990) and an adaptation of his work in A Scanner Darkly (2006). In this episode, we discuss our favorite Philip K. Dick movies, we argue over whether Keanu Reeves is a strong actor, and have differing opinions about the animation. Enjoy!Check out

  • MPM: Ep. 447 - Warm Your Willies


     Terror Eyes | The Willies - This week, Dehart chooses a couple of lesser-known horror anthologies for us to check out. We discuss Terror Eyes (1989) and The Willies (1990). In this episode, we argue over Sean Astin's Hollywood status, Cheats adds nuance to bullying, and we wonder what kind of health risks come from ingesting flies. Enjoy!Check out these other bangers from United Cypher:The Curly

  • MPM: Ep. 446 - Snappin' Necks Like Glow Sticks


     The Crush | Fear - This week, Stephen picks a couple of 1990s "teen" thrillers, the first being The Crush (1993), starring Alicia Silverstone and Cary Elwes, and second, Fear (1996), starring Mark Wahlberg and Reese Witherspoon. In this episode, we talk about our favorite erotic thrillers, we look at the physics of having a carousel in your attic, and we discuss whether art and artist can be

  • MPM: Ep. 445 - Reese's Coleslaw Cups


     The Bird with the Crystal Plumage | Lord of Illusions - This week, Phil chooses a couple of blind picks, and we check out Dario Argento's The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970) and Clive Barker's Lord of Illusions (1995). In this episode, we talk about novels' work that doesn't translate to screen well, we discuss that effects can't always save a movie, and we reveal our new-found fear of

  • MPM: Ep. 444 - The 13th Weekend Warrior


     The 13th Warrior | Pathfinder - Cheats chooses a couple of Viking warrior movies for us to check out. We roast through one of his comfort movies, The 13th Warrior (1999) and Pathfinder (2007). In this episode, we talk about our favorite comfort movies; we question whether "action-packed" Viking movies actually exist, and discuss why it's a terrible idea not to utilize Clancy Brown. Enjoy! Check

  • MPM: Ep. 443 - The Soup Dungeon


     C.H.U.D. | Chopping Mall (MPM Classic) - This week, we do a deep dive into the MPM episodes of old and decide to re-visit a couple of previous podcast picks from more than a decade ago. Phil chooses C.H.U.D. (1984) and Chopping Mall (1986) as a Motion Picture Meltdown Classic. In this episode, we talk about underrated films that get too much flack, we wonder how Daniel Stern always gets so dirty

  • MPM: Ep. 442 - The Goopy Egg Patent


     Contamination | Parasite - This week, Stephen picks a couple of underrated 1980s sci-fi flicks, as we roast through Luigi Cozzi's Contamination (1980) and Parasite (1982). In this episode, we talk about our favorite rip-off movies, we praise Goblin for being awesome, and discuss whether stealing is a form of art. Enjoy!Check out these other bangers from United Cypher:The Curly Mustache

  • MPM: Ep. 441 - Alec Baldwin Covered in Chicken Fat


     Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery | The Cat in the Hat - Cheats picks a couple of Mike Myers movies for us to watch this week. We check out Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997) in celebration of it turning 25 years old, and the nightmare-fuel disguised as a kids' film, The Cat in the Hat (2003). In this episode, we talk about washed-up actors taking on comedic kids' movie

  • MPM: Ep. 440 - Ricky Mooney


     Silent Night Deadly Night 4: Initiation | Silent Night Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker - We're finishing up our holiday picks with a couple Christmas horror-themed movie choices from Stephen. We roast through Silent Night Deadly Night 4: Initiation (1990), and Silent Night Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker  (1991). In this episodes, we talk about franchise sequels that are much different from their

  • MPM: Ep. 439 - The No-Hawk


     Cobra | Death Wish 3 - Happy Holidays, everyone! This week, Cheats picks a couple of movies with the intent that they were Christmas related... but we were lied to. In this episodes, we roast through Cobra (1986) and Death Wish  (1985). You'll hear us finally decide what amount of content is needed for a Christmas movie, Stephen gushing over '80s action, and Phil constantly picking on Sly

  • MPM: Ep. 438 - Eat. Laugh. Love.


     Raw Meat (Death Line) | Deadly Blessing - This week, Phil chooses a couple of lesser-known horror flicks from our list, with Raw Meat (1972), and Wes Craven's Deadly Blessing  (1981). In this episode, we talk about Wes Craven's overall career, the inspirations of Deadly Blessing on the horror genre, and the whether someone can sustain for decades on rats. Enjoy!Check out these other bangers from

  • MPM: Ep. 437 - The Dueling Pitchfork


     Hack-O-Lantern | Haunt - Happy Halloween! We collectively choose a couple of Halloween-themed flicks to celebrate the spookiest of holidays, and roast through Hack-O-Lantern (1988) and the Shudder exclusive, Haunt (2019). In this episode, we talk about our least favorite Halloween-themed films, Phil fixates on a dumb horror movie death, and Cheats chooses to be covered with spiders over crabs.

  • MPM: Ep. 436 - Unpaid Intern... IN SPAAAAACE


     Dracula 2000 | Dracula 3000 - With spooky season upon us, we've decided to release some horror episodes, with the first picks coming from Phil. He chooses Dracula 2000 (2000) and Dracula 3000 (2004). In this episode, we talk about 2000s horror stink, argue about what Mockbusters are, and argue the logistics of having two suns. Enjoy!Check out these other bangers from United Cypher:The Curly

  • MPM: Ep. 435 - Double the Pain, Double the Fun


     Saga of the Phoenix | Jigoku - This week, we check out a couple of hell-themed Asian horror films. We go through Saga of the Phoenix (1990) from Hong Kong, and Jigoku (1960) from Japan. In this episode, we all talk about our own personal circles of hell, we find out that Jigoku has one of the earliest displays of brutal gore in films, and how we should always check to make sure movies aren't

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