Refreshing Bread



Refreshing Bread provides daily meditations from the Bible to inspire, encourage and share spiritual food with others. Refreshing Bread is a production of the Romanian Catholic Diocese in Canton, Ohio. Visit us at


  • Death is not the end of the story - Bishop Botean Easter message (2020)

    18/04/2020 Duración: 07min

    "As Mary could not hold on to the Jesus she had known, so we cannot hold on to the lives we have always known. To Golgotha we must go, bearing the cross of this pandemic with us, but where we are going is to the empty tomb, proof that death is not the end of the story. For, you see, Christ is risen—and so are we." +John Michael Botean --- Music: Scott Buckley - Tears in Rain

  • And on Earth, Peace...

    24/12/2019 Duración: 02min

    Bishop John Michael Botean CHristmas Message (2019)

  • Word of the Week - Worries

    30/10/2018 Duración: 05min

    Are you in a worrying mode? Worrying about worries? Best time to listen to this episode. Music: Kevin MacLeod ("Thunderbird", "Immersed")

  • Word of the Week - Fear

    23/10/2018 Duración: 08min

    Fear is a movement of the sensitive appetite. We experience it every day in different forms. Probably one of the greatest human fears is of the unknown - of death. How do we deal with that? Listen to this episode by Fr. Calin Tamiian to find out the answer. Music: Kevin MacLeod ("Our Story Begins", "In the Hall of the Mountain King", "Almost New"- see Licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0 License.

  • The Word of the Week - Kindness

    17/10/2018 Duración: 08min

    Can you imagine a world in which kindness would be on everybody's lips as a result of the way in which people guide themselves daily? If kindness would be the currency that we use in every single relationship? Kindness is not just something that happens to us overnight. It is the result of many such efforts that can have a "butterfly effect" in the world that we are living. Music: Kevin MacLeod

  • The Word of the Week - Lamb

    08/10/2018 Duración: 08min

    What does the opioid crisis in Ohio and a lamb can have in common? Listen to Br. Seoirse's meditation on this stringent subject. Music: Kevin MacLeod Visit us at

  • The Word of the Week - Revenge

    01/10/2018 Duración: 09min

    This week's word is "revenge". How many times have you thought about "paying back" to someone who has heart you? What if there is another way, a better way to cope with this? Listen to Sr. Theresa's answer in overcoming her own challenge of dealing with the desire to take revenge. Music: Kevin MacLeod Visit us at

  • The Word of the Week - Memory

    24/09/2018 Duración: 10min

    This week's word is "memory" and it's a search for a defining story answering one of the greatest human questions: who are we? Brought to you by Sr. Theresa. Music: Kevin MacLeod

  • The Word of the Week - Incense

    13/09/2018 Duración: 07min

    This is a new series entitled "The Word of the Week" - One word, one story, one action. Episode 1: Incense (with Sr. Theresa Koernke) Music: Kevin MacLeod - Relent

  • The Mission of the Church Today (Ep. 4 Diakonia - Service)

    09/03/2018 Duración: 08min

    The fourth element of the Church's Mission is Diakonia, service among others, as a way of living. Music by: Kevin MacLeod

  • The Mission of the Church Today (Ep. 3 Koinonia - Communion/Fellowship)

    03/01/2018 Duración: 05min

    The third element of the Church's Mission is Koinonia, the communion or fellowship with God and other Christians. Music by: Kevin MacLeod

  • The Mission of the Church Today (Ep.2 - Liturghia)

    28/12/2017 Duración: 07min

    Welcome to Refreshing Bread and our series, “The Mission of the Church Today”. Here is Father Calin Tamiian. This is Father Calin Tamiian again welcoming you to the series “The Mission of the Church Today”. We’re going to speak about liturghia. Liturghia is a Greek word that speaks about the praise and the worship that we are due to God. We use the word in English as liturgy both in East and West as a modality to name all those beautiful rituals that we are presenting as we sanctify the people of God. But liturghia goes much deeper than just those rituals and praises that we see in the public marketplace or in our churches. Liturghia is the way in which we exhibit or piety first individually and then as a Community of Faith, as the body of Christ. And when I speak about piety in my tradition as a Byzantine Catholic priest I merely go to my first image in my childhood of my grandmothers and the women in the villages in the Carpathian Mountains I grew up in. I remember the way in which they entered the c

  • Nu te teme, turma mica (PS Botean mesaj de Craciun 2017)

    22/12/2017 Duración: 29min

    ”Nu te teme, turmă mică.” Acestea sunt cuvintele lui Isus. Ele apar în Evanghelia Sfântului Luca (12:32), cuvinte pe care le-am ales ca moto al episcopatului meu cu douăzeci și unu de ani în urmă. Poate, acum, meditând asupra acestui moto, ați fi tentați să răspundeți "Dar de ce să nu ne temem? Trăim în momente înspăimântătoare!" Într-adevăr, lumea pare a fi un loc mai înspăimântător decât în aceeași perioadă a anului trecut, sau chiar cu șase luni în urmă, sau poate chiar săptămâna trecută, când ne îndreptăm instantaneu spre un fel de haos național și global, nefamiliar nouă și plin de presimțiri negre și de temut. Și nu există lipsă de "stăpâniri, autorități, și puteri [ale] acestui veac întunecat" (Efeseni 6:12) dispuse și capabile să se hrănească din teama noastră, să o folosească în moduri care par a amenința însăși existența rasei umane. ”Nu te teme, turmă mică.” În acest sezon de nopți lungi și de zile reci, mi se pare consolator să-mi amintesc aceste cuvinte ale Maestrului, deoarece El i-a sfătuit pe

  • Fear not, little flock (Bishop Botean Christmas message)

    22/12/2017 Duración: 03min

    "Fear not, little flock." So go the words of Jesus from the Gospel of St. Luke (12:32) which I chose as the motto for my episcopal ministry twenty-one years ago. Perhaps, now, thinking about my motto, you might be tempted to ask, "Why not be afraid? We live in frightening times!" And indeed, the world seems a scarier place than it did this time last year, or even six months ago, or perhaps even last week, as we tumble headlong into a kind of national and global chaos, unfamiliar to us and full of foreboding and dread. And there certainly is no lack of the "principalities and powers" of which St. Paul writes in Ephesians 6:12, willing and able to feed off of our fear, to make use of this fear in ways that seem able to threaten the very existence of the human race. "Fear not, little flock." In this season of long nights and cold days, I find it comforting to remember these words of the Master as he advised His disciples to depend totally on God. We cannot look to the unstable, transitory powers of this world t

  • The Mission of the Church Today - Kerygma

    09/12/2017 Duración: 11min

    First in this series of 4 episodes on the mission of the Church today, Fr. Calin speaks today about kerygma (the power to proclaim) and how this power is present and can be used in our own lives.

  • The Gift - Bishop Botean Easter Message (2017)

    16/04/2017 Duración: 04min

    While "Refreshing Bread" is transforming, enjoy the gift of Bishop John Michael Botean. Christ is Risen! What a gift!

  • Jesus' Call (S2E47)

    24/03/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca meditates upon the simple but often forgotten truth: Jesus has come to call sinners and heal them. Those who are well are not in need of healing. Since we are all sinners in one way or another, Jesus calls us, you and me. How do we respond to his call? In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca Mark 2:14-17 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Honesty and justice (S2E46)

    24/03/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca reminds us that dishonesty equates victims. In contrast, God is fair and right and expects the same from us. God is perfects and expects us to be perfect. Loves honesty and integrity and will bless us if we are just and fair. Proverbs 10:31 – 11:12 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • A Story of Two Invitations (S2E45)

    16/03/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca makes an insightful analogy: imagine receiving two invitations to dine at different restaurants. The first is in the best restaurant in town, the second is a place almost shut down by the health inspector. Which one will you accept? Similarly, in our reading wisdom’s invitation to humanity is to a banquet at her house, with best food and drinks, great people and all are welcome. Foolishness, invites humanity to a different kind of meal – stolen food, eaten in secret; death is her guest. Which one will you choose? Proverbs 9:12 - 9:18 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • The Abundant Life (S2E44)

    16/03/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca speaks about wisdom as a “treasure of blessings.” Wisdom offers us life in God’s favor. This is the abundant life, this is the best life, this includes eternal life. Wisdom is knowing the perfect will of our loving God for every aspect and choice of life. It is the ability and knowledge of making decisions in every part of our life. Proverbs 8:32 - 9:11 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

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