Refreshing Bread



Refreshing Bread provides daily meditations from the Bible to inspire, encourage and share spiritual food with others. Refreshing Bread is a production of the Romanian Catholic Diocese in Canton, Ohio. Visit us at


  • Refreshing Bread - The king’s trust in his servants

    25/11/2016 Duración: 06min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Calin Tamiian meditates on the manner in which our good works, our growth in size and responsibilities are God’s gift. If we accomplish these successfully, the result is trust manifested not in retirement and relaxation, but even more work opportunities for God’s divine plan. Luke 19:12-28 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - In a childlike way

    23/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Calin Tamiian meditates on Jesus’ wisdom to point out the spiritual values that children possess – sense of wander, trust, obedience, and ease of forgiveness. These are the values that will determine our openness to the Kingdom of God. Luke 18:15-17, 26-30 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - The Second Coming of Jesus

    23/11/2016 Duración: 06min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Calin Tamiian speaks about Jesus’ unsettling description of the context of his second coming. Where do we find ourselves in this context? Luke 17:26-37, 18:8 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - The clash of two temperaments

    22/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Calin Tamiian ponders upon the Jesus’ interaction with Mary and Martha. Why is this encounter still meaningful today as two options always in front of us? Why is this clash of temperaments so powerful and only one true? What is that one thing that’s needed that Mary gets and Martha does not? Listen to this episode to find out the answer. Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - Good followers

    19/11/2016 Duración: 06min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea reminds us that as human beings we want to take care of human business first before following Jesus, because we are too attached to the material. Jesus, even if he’s not present physically, is still present within us, constantly sending an invitation to follow him. What is our answer today? Luke 9:57-62 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - God knows our hearts

    18/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea invites us to contemplate the fact that despite living in a world of “fake” and “hypocrisy” God knows our hearts. How can we stay real? How can we react to the “fake” that surrounds us? The answer lies in our complete and transparent connection to God. Luke 16:15-18; 17:1-4 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - Being good stewards

    17/11/2016 Duración: 07min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea meditates on being good stewards with God’s gifts. In this sense, the more we give (share) from our gifts the more we will receive. Luke 16:1-9 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - Not perfect, but perfectible

    16/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea focuses on the openness of the love of God to all people, to all imperfect people. Pope Francis’ quote speaks volumes: “The Church is not a club of the perfect but rather a hospital of the sick.” God meets us exactly where we are. Thus, we are not perfect but perfectible. The way we can overcome our imperfect nature is by humbling ourselves and letting God’s power mold us into spiritual perfection. Luke 15:1-10 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - Putting Christ first

    15/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea meditates on the first day of Christmas Lent. How can we become Christ’s disciple? Simply by putting him first. Luke 14:25-35 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - Money and Soul

    15/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea meditates on how the material problem (the money problem) has been a constant concern in the history of mankind. Jesus doesn't avoid the subject but confronts it, proclaiming that although it's a significant aspect of our life, it should not be the center of it. Rather, the salvation of our soul should be our constant focus. Luke 12:1, 12-15 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - In search for something better

    12/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Ovidiu Marginean meditates on our continuous search for finding something better in our lives. And it’s not a better home, car, job, or anything material and fading. To receive ”something better”, similar to the power of faith and healing that Jesus had, we are invited to connect with God through prayer, meditation and fasting. Luke 9:37-44 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - Overcoming our fear

    11/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Ovidiu Marginean meditates upon Jesus’ stand in face of fear while being on his mission. Jesus has an attitude of complete disregard of fear and entire focus on his mission. This is a great example for us as well: when fear hits us, focus back on our mission - our journey with God. Luke 13:31-35 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - How evil works

    10/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Ovidiu Marginean challenges us to consider how evil works in our life. Who is causing evil? Just one person or a few? Or are we all contributing to it bit by bit? If we are all interconnected in good and evil, then the change we produce in our personal life will be reflected and felt on a greater scale as well. Luke 13:1-9 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - To whom much is given

    09/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Ovidiu Marginean invites us to focus our attention on Jesus who is challenging us to live our lives and what all we receive by giving back in return. Today, have I done enough for others as I have done for myself? Luke 12:48-59 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - Our great power from God

    09/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Ovidiu Marginean invites us to contemplate the power we received from God, one that links us directly to God, a power even greater than that of archangels and angel. Luke 10:16-21 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - Traveling Light

    05/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Calin Tamiian raises the importance of travelling light on our spiritual journey. Just like the apostles were taught by Jesus to abandon all burdens that make their journey heavy to bear, so are we invited to let go of our attachments in our day to day race. Luke 9:1-6 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - On preserving our soul

    04/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Calin Tamiian invites us to continue trusting God in one’s spiritual life, because true value comes from preserving our soul, our God-like image for eternity from the powers of evil, every day of our lives. Luke 12:2-12 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - Knowing the true faith

    03/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    Are the only good prophets the dead ones? That seemed to have been the answer for the scribes during Jesus’ time, while having Christ in front of their eyes. Fr. Calin Tamiian explores this myopia that we might still suffer from even today. Luke 11:47-54; 12:1 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Refreshing Bread - Jesus the whistle blower

    02/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Calin Tamiian speaks about Jesus’ encounter with the Pharisees, the scribes and the lawyers and their lack of connectivity with the reality of faith. Luke 11, 42-46. Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

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