Refreshing Bread

The Mission of the Church Today (Ep.2 - Liturghia)



Welcome to Refreshing Bread and our series, “The Mission of the Church Today”. Here is Father Calin Tamiian. This is Father Calin Tamiian again welcoming you to the series “The Mission of the Church Today”. We’re going to speak about liturghia. Liturghia is a Greek word that speaks about the praise and the worship that we are due to God. We use the word in English as liturgy both in East and West as a modality to name all those beautiful rituals that we are presenting as we sanctify the people of God. But liturghia goes much deeper than just those rituals and praises that we see in the public marketplace or in our churches. Liturghia is the way in which we exhibit or piety first individually and then as a Community of Faith, as the body of Christ. And when I speak about piety in my tradition as a Byzantine Catholic priest I merely go to my first image in my childhood of my grandmothers and the women in the villages in the Carpathian Mountains I grew up in. I remember the way in which they entered the c