Highlands Church Sermons



The official sermon podcast of Highlands Church in Scottsdale, AZ. This feed also presents guest speakers and special events from Sunday mornings. Connect with us at www.highlandschurch.org!


  • Power Over Darkness


    Jesus has power and authority over the powers of darkness - Satan and his demons. While it can be easy to be distracted by the preoccupation our culture has with the demonic, God’s Word is clear in its warning against any association with those...

  • Shine the Light of Truth


    Knowing the good news about Jesus and the redemption we have in him is an incredible gift. But Jesus calls us to do more than just know the gospel - he calls us to live it out. When we truly understand the truth about the gift of grace we’ve received...

  • What God Wants


    When the gospel is shared, it can be met with many different reactions. Some reject it out of a hardness of heart. Some are excited about it but then lose interest when it doesn’t fit their own agenda. Some receive it sincerely but find it difficult...

  • The Debt of Sin


    Humility comes from recognizing our sin and need for a savior. In an incredible display of humility, a woman washes Jesus’ feet with her tears and hair, recognizing her own sin and Jesus’ power to forgive. As the self-righteous religious leaders look...

  • Jesus is the One


    What happens when God doesn’t meet our expectations? Maybe it’s an unanswered prayer or a situation doesn’t go the way we’d like, but we’ll all encounter times when we realize we’ve put an expectation on God. As Jesus confronts the expectations of the...

  • Faith & Compassion


    Jesus’ miracles came from both a response to people’s faith as well as his compassion for those who were suffering. As he traveled from place to place, he was revealing the Kingdom of God - a kingdom free of sickness and suffering, where even death...

  • Fellowship & Community


    God designed us to be in relationship with others. As followers of Jesus, we’re called to be personally connected to other followers of Jesus to build one another up, bear one another’s burdens, pray for one another and more. As culture and technology...

  • Study & Meditation


    The Bible is God’s Word and in its pages we’ll find a firm foundation for how to live a life of blessing. Devoting time daily to study and meditate on God’s Word is a necessary practice to balance out the flood of noise we take in from the outside...

  • Stewardship & Generosity


    “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” That simple statement by Jesus formed a foundation of generosity for his followers since the earliest days of the church. When we recognize that everything we have - our time, our talent and our treasure -...

  • Finding Rest


    God designed us to require regular rest in order to function at our best. But as the world gets busier and busier, finding true rest can seem almost impossible. How can we find rest when the pace of the world moves so fast? What’s the difference...

  • Persistent Prayer


    Communication is the foundation for any good relationship. That’s why prayer is such an essential part of the Christian life. So why do so many Christians find it hard to pray? What does the Bible mean when it says to “pray without ceasing”? What...

  • Confession and Praise


    The first step in strengthening any relationship is honesty. Confession is the process of, in humility, being honest with God about who we are and where we struggle. Through Christ, our shortcomings are met by the incredible gift of grace and we...

  • Fruit and Foundation


    Putting the teachings of Jesus into practice will result in a changed life. Jesus challenges his followers to fill their hearts and minds with God’s Word so much that they would speak and act as an overflow of what they’ve heard. While the world...

  • Judge Not


    “Judge not and you will not be judged” is one of the most often quoted Bible verses of all time, but rarely is it quoted within its context. Why are we so quick to judge others? And does Jesus really mean that we should never judge anyone for...

  • How to Love Hard-to-Love People


    It can be easy to love the people we get along with, have much in common with, or have a longstanding relationship with. It can be hard to love those we don't have much in common with, and even more difficult with those who hate us or have even...

  • Eternal Perspective


    While the world encourages us to seek comfort, riches and approval in the here and now, Jesus shows us that true blessing comes from an eternal perspective no matter our circumstances. The teachings of Jesus challenge his followers to focus on the...

  • Law or Gospel?


    Did Jesus come to do away with Old Testament laws? The religious leaders of his day were convinced Jesus was breaking the law God had given them through Moses, but Jesus’ teaching points us to the truth: the Gospel of Jesus Christ is actually the...

  • Jesus Friend of Sinners


    Jesus defied expectations at every turn. As he forgave the sins of a man who was paralyzed and sat to eat with sinners, Jesus revealed his purpose: to seek and save the lost. Every step of the way, religious leaders of the day missed the point as they...

  • Power & Authority


    Jesus begins his ministry displaying his power to heal as well as his authority over the forces of darkness. As he encounters a lost world, Jesus gives us a model of compassion for people in need, while also prioritizing time alone to remain deeply...

  • When Jesus Says Follow


    Jesus calls his first disciples out of their comfort zone and into a life of purpose with an object lesson on trust. It’s the same call given to all Christians to go and make disciples of Jesus Christ - to follow Him in faith even when the...

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