Highlands Church Sermons



The official sermon podcast of Highlands Church in Scottsdale, AZ. This feed also presents guest speakers and special events from Sunday mornings. Connect with us at www.highlandschurch.org!


  • Jesus Rejected


    Since the beginning of his ministry, Jesus was often rejected by religious leaders who saw him as a threat to their power and control. Today it’s common to hear people reject Jesus because of the challenge he brings to their worldview, autonomy or...

  • Jesus is Tempted


    The interaction between Jesus and the Devil in the wilderness is a powerful example of the importance of knowing and obeying God’s Word through the power of the Holy Spirit. When we’re presented with enticing temptations, the anchor of God’s Word will...

  • A Servant of God


    John the Baptist had many followers and great influence during his day, yet he was clear that his ministry wasn’t about himself at all. He used every opportunity in humility to point people clearly to the Savior who was coming after him. 2,000 years...

  • Heart of Repentance


    John the Baptist challenged a culture that was clinging to religion by pointing out their need for a Savior. His message of repentance - turning away from the things God calls sin - was preparing the way for Jesus and his ministry to come. His message...

  • Highlands 25th Anniversary


    As Highlands celebrates its 25th anniversary, it’s important to pause and remember God’s incredible, unwavering and overwhelming faithfulness to His church.

  • Jesus the Son


    Even as a boy, Jesus recognized his purpose to represent the Kingdom of God coming down to earth. As a 12-year-old in the template, Jesus was giving the temple leaders (and his parents) a taste of his ministry to come, recognizing his call from the...

  • Faithful to the Lord


    Even as a child, Jesus was making an impact on the world around him. Through the faithfulness of Mary and Joseph to God’s law, to the recognition by Simeon of God’s plan for salvation, we can see the value of answering God’s call on our lives. We’re...

  • Birth of the Savior


    The humble birth of Jesus is so much more than a baby in a manger. As the heavenly host declares the arrival of Christ the Lord, we see the reaction of angels, shepherds, bystanders and Jesus’ mother - reactions of awe, wonder and celebration. When we...

  • God's Larger Story


    In the midst of our day-to-day successes and struggles it can be easy to miss the larger story that God is weaving through our lives and the world around us. In the busyness of life, there’s value in taking time to pause and remember God’s goodness...

  • Magnify the Lord


    God works through regular, humble people to do His work in the world. When Mary is told by the angel Gabriel that she’s been chosen to carry the Savior, her response is one of humility and willingness to serve as she gives God the glory. Her example...

  • Promises of God


    God is faithful to keep His promises. As He orchestrates His plan and purposes throughout history, God proves His love for us as He hears our prayers and perfectly provides for us. As God reveals His answer to Zechariah’s prayer for a child, He...

  • Hero of the Gospel


    The Gospel of Luke is the most detailed and comprehensive telling of the life and ministry of Jesus. It presents Jesus, the hero of the gospel, in every aspect: teacher, servant, healer, miracle worker, savior and king. A study of Luke’s gospel is to...

  • The Heart of God


    The end of Jonah’s story reminds us of the danger of judging others as ‘unworthy’ of God’s grace. The truth is that we’re all sinners in need of God’s grace. The grace and mercy we receive through Jesus Christ should motivate us to want to share that...

  • Reaching the Unreachable


    When we think about sharing our faith with others, it can be easy to assume some people aren’t ready to hear it. Maybe they don’t have an interest in spiritual things, or they’re even hostile to the idea of God. But in reality, we can never know what...

  • Prayer Inside a Fish


    In our lowest moments, where do we turn? As Christians, we’ll all experience times in life where God has our full attention. Jonah’s prayer from inside the belly of a fish is a picture of what humble submission to God’s plan looks like. In his time of...

  • Called to Go


    The story of Jonah is a picture of God’s mercy as He reveals His plan to reach people who are far from Him. His call to Jonah to bring His message to Ninevah is the same call Jesus gives every single Christian: go and make disciples of all nations...

  • "Follow Me" ~Jesus


    Simply put, Christians are people who follow Jesus Christ. Through his life and teaching, Jesus gave us both a model to follow and incredible words to live by. So how do we make sure that we’re following Jesus well in our day-to-day life? How do we...

  • Jesus is King


    Jesus was born into a world where people with power and influence weren’t interested in a new king. But God’s provision and protection of His Son to fulfill prophecy demonstrates to us that nothing will stop the plan of God from moving forward. When...

  • Sovereignty and Submission


    Tracing the family tree of Jesus reveals the incredible plan of God playing out across thousands of years. Along the way, we see the reality of humanity on full display including faithfulness, rebellion, obedience and dysfunction. Through it all, we...

  • The Promise of Hope


    In a gloomy and dark world, Jesus Christ is the Promise of hope for salvation. While this was true in the days before Jesus’ birth, it’s true of our time and culture as well. Our world looks to many different things for hope - comfort, technology, or...

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