Highlands Church Sermons



The official sermon podcast of Highlands Church in Scottsdale, AZ. This feed also presents guest speakers and special events from Sunday mornings. Connect with us at www.highlandschurch.org!


  • Inside Out


    Have you ever done the ‘right’ thing for the wrong reasons? Jesus reserves some of his harshest warnings for the people in his day who held their religious actions up as a status symbol, yet their hearts completely lacked care and compassion for...

  • Look into the Light


    It’s easy to become fixated on the darkness in our world and become discouraged. Jesus is quick to remind his followers that true blessing comes from keeping our eyes fixed on his light, always remembering that the Kingdom of God has overcome all the...

  • How to Pray


    One of the most amazing aspects of having a relationship with the Lord is that we can communicate with Him at any time through prayer. Jesus gives his disciples a model for what a conversation with the Lord should be like: praising Him for who He is...

  • Life’s Highest Priority


    Can too many ‘good’ things keep us from a ‘great’ thing? Sometimes we can get so caught up in our day-to-day tasks - all of which can be ‘good’ things - that we miss the bigger picture of simply spending time in the presence of the Lord. In a world...

  • Christmas at Highlands


    Christmas brings a hope unlike anything our world can offer. Jesus is God Himself, come down in the flesh, to be born a humble baby, sacrifice His life for our sake, and rise from the dead to give us new life. Because of who He is and what He’s done...

  • Christmas at Highlands 2023


    Christmas is a chance to remember the amazing gift we have in Jesus Christ - a Savior who calls us to draw near to Him, no matter our past or what struggles we might be walking through. Through His death and resurrection, we can receive the ultimate...

  • Time to Draw Near


    Have you ever had your seats upgraded at a concert or a game? We love it when we get to ‘draw near’ to something great. The author of Hebrews encourages us to “draw near” to God, and Jesus is who makes this closeness possible. For those who have ever...

  • A Perfect Savior


    When life gets hard, it can feel like God is distant. But the truth of the gospel is that God came down to us in the form of His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus lived among us as a man, experiencing all the emotions, temptations, triumphs and heartbreak that...

  • Hold Fast


    The season of Advent is when we look both back and forward at the gift of Jesus. We look back and give thanks for the gift of Jesus our Savior, born as a baby 2,000 years ago to live among us and pay the penalty for our sin once and for all. We also...

  • The Good Samaritan


    When Jesus says, “love your neighbor”, who comes to mind? We probably first think about the people we choose to reach out and help because we already have compassion for them. But what about the people who are harder to be around, or the people we...

  • Sent By Jesus


    Have you ever been given an important assignment by someone you admire and respect? Chances are you took that assignment pretty seriously. Jesus has given every single one of his followers an assignment: to go into the world, wherever your sphere of...

  • Jesus Over Everything


    The call to follow Jesus is a call to lay down our desires, our priorities, and even our comfort. It's not just costly, but to truly follow him costs us everything. So we must ask ourselves, am I prepared to place Jesus over everything?

  • Greatness on Display


    The greatness of Jesus is on full display all around us as we remember that through him everything in existence was created. But even more incredible than that is the greatness of how personal Jesus is. In his ministry he showed great care and...

  • Mountaintop Experience


    Have you ever had a ‘mountaintop experience’ in your faith? Maybe it was a moment when God’s glory shone through a situation, or when you’ve felt God’s presence in an incredible way. When Jesus’ disciples witness his transfiguration on the mountain...

  • Who is Jesus


    Who do you say Jesus is? While some try to minimize him to simply a good teacher of life lessons, Jesus actually doesn’t give us that option. Jesus claimed - and proved - to be the Christ, the Son of God and one with the Father. To follow Jesus means...

  • More Than Enough


    God provides. It’s a simple statement, yet we can be quick to forget it when challenges in life make us think that our needs won’t be met. When Jesus miraculously provides food for thousands of people from a single meal, he teaches his disciples an...

  • God’s Kingdom or Mine?


    What does it look like to proclaim God’s Kingdom to the people around you? Just as Jesus gave his disciples a mission to go out into the world to tell people about the Kingdom of God, we have that same mission today. No matter where our day-to-day...

  • Desperate for Jesus


    The most desperate moments of life are what often draw us most strongly to Jesus. The stories of Jairus’ daughter and the woman with the flow of blood show us that when life brings its biggest challenges, we can find hope, comfort, and peace through...

  • Power Over Darkness


    Jesus has power and authority over the powers of darkness - Satan and his demons. While it can be easy to be distracted by the preoccupation our culture has with the demonic, God’s Word is clear in its warning against any association with those...

  • Shine the Light of Truth


    Knowing the good news about Jesus and the redemption we have in him is an incredible gift. But Jesus calls us to do more than just know the gospel - he calls us to live it out. When we truly understand the truth about the gift of grace we’ve received...

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