Cnn Talk With Max Foster



CNN Talk with Max Foster tackles the major news stories and talking points of the day. A panel of regular contributors debate, discuss and argue about the major stories affecting your world. Available live on CNNI and daily at 7a ET.


  • Meghan pregnant: Is your country excited?

    15/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    The CNN Talk team scrambled down to Buckingham Palace this morning, after the news broke that Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are expecting their first child. Both have spoken about wanting a family, and the announcement is just the latest big news for the couple who's May wedding was the talk of the nation. We want to know how this latest royal baby news is being received where you live. Max Foster anchors a conversation with Liam Halligan, Ayesha Hazarika and Iain Dale. via Knit

  • Does royal charity work justify the public expense?

    12/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    They are partying at Windsor Castle once again today, as Princess Eugenie and her now-husband Jack Brooksbank tie the knot. Eugenie is ninth in line to the throne, and the high price tag for her nuptials has raised eyebrows about how much money should be spent on the royal family. But today's wedding comes just one day after Princes William and Harry took part in a major conference aimed at ending wildlife trafficking - just one of many causes the royal family supports enthusiastically. So, does the charity work done by the royal family justify the public expense? Bianca Nobilo anchors a discussion with Charlie Wolf, Ayesha Hazarika, Liam Halligan -- and special guest John Scanlon, Special Envoy with African Parks. via Knit

  • Missing Saudi journalist: How should the world respond?

    11/10/2018 Duración: 24min

    Washington Post Columnist and prominent Saudi critic Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2. He hasn't been seen or heard from since. Fingers have been pointed at the Saudi regime, which denies any involvement in his disappearance. Now, as grisly details about his likely killing emerge in the press, western governments are starting to demand answers and action. Max Foster anchors a conversation with Nina Schick, Iain Dale and Liam Halligan. via Knit

  • Is Hillary Clinton right that American democracy is in crisis?

    09/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    Monday in Washington, U.S. President Donald Trump hosted a ceremony at the White House. It was a celebration of sorts to mark the confirmation of his contentious Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. Today, former Trump challenger Hillary Clinton sat down with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, to talk about Kavanaugh's confirmation and the state of American democracy. And the CNN Talk panel dissected it all, with anchor Max Foster and contributors Iain Dale, Afua Hirsch and Bonnie Greer. via Knit

  • Climate change warning: Can we give up our addiction to oil?

    08/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    Governments around the world face a stark new warning. It comes from the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The panel warns that Earth will reach the crucial threshold of one-and-a-half degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by as early as 2030.This greatly raises the risk of extreme drought, wildfires and floods. On our panel: Liam Halligan, Columnist at The Sunday Telegraph, Ayesha Hazarika -- Political Commentator and Comedian and Andrew MacDougall -- Former Communications Director for Canadian PM Stephen Harper. via Knit

  • Can the Nobel Peace Prize help to end the use of rape as a weapon of war?

    05/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to two people at the forefront of the fight to end the use of sexual violence in war. Dr. Denis Mukwege is a Congolese surgeon, who is one of the world's foremost experts in repairing the physical damage from gang rape. Nadia Murad is herself a survivor of sexual violence, having been kept as a sex slave by ISIS militants after she was kidnapped in Northern Iraq. So, will the Nobel help to shine a light on and end the practice of rape in war? Max Foster anchors a conversation with Freddy Gray, Ayesha Hazarika, Liam Halligan and Leslie Vinjamuri from Chatham House. via Knit

  • Kavanaugh report imminent: What impact will Trump's rally rant have?

    04/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    U.S. President Donald Trump has - in recent days - painted two very different pictures of his Supreme Court nominee and the woman who accuses that nominee of sexual assault. Trump took to the stage at a rally to mock Christine Blasey Ford's testimony, while praising Brett Kavanaugh and painting him as a victim in the process. With the FBI set to release its report into the Kavanaugh allegations, what impact do Trump's statements have? Max Foster anchors a conversation with Nina Schick, Bonnie Greer and Iain Dale. via Knit

  • Theresa May speech: Are Britain's best days ahead after Brexit?

    03/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    CNN Talk is live at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham, England, where British Prime Minister Theresa May gave the speech of her life today. Under political pressure over Brexit from within her own party, the PM had to deliver a winner today to try to dispel rumors that her leadership might not last much longer. So did she do enough? Max Foster anchors from inside the conference hall, with Iain Dale, Ayesha Hazarika and Liam Halligan. via Knit

  • Kavanaugh probe: Should anything be off limits?

    02/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    President Donald Trump says Democrats have been trying to destroy his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh since he was first announced. Mr. Trump says he wants a thorough but swift investigation of sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh. So, should anything be off limits? On our panel are: Charlie Wolf - Broadcaster, writer and commentator, Bonnie Greer - Playwright and Columnist, at The New European and Andrew MacDougall - Former Communications Director for Canadian PM Stephen Harper. via Knit

  • Six months to go: How can Britain make a success of Brexit?

    01/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    The clock is ticking! There now less than 6 months left until Britain takes a historic step into the unknown by leaving the European Union. It's crunch time on many fronts - British Prime Minister Theresa May must find a deal that both her party and the EU can agree to. Meanwhile, multiple Tories seem to be conspiring to take over her job, including Boris Johnson and potential new challenger Jeremy Hunt. So is there still time for Britain to make a success of Brexit? Hannah Vaughan Jones anchors a conversation with Andrew MacDougall, Ayesha Hazarika and Stig Abell. via Knit

  • Kavanaugh v. Blasey Ford: Your verdict

    28/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    It was the hearing that captivated Washington. A woman, testifying about a decades-old sexual assault that she says changed her life. A man, vociferously denying those claims and fighting to clear his name. And the incredibly dramatic context, an internationally televised hearing before a U.S. Senate panel. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh had their say during yesterday's session. Now, CNN Talk wants to know what you think. Max Foster anchors, with panelists Bonnie Greer, Charlie Wolf, Afua Hirsch and Freddy Gray. via Knit

  • Kavanaugh and accuser testify: Can both sides get a fair hearing?

    27/09/2018 Duración: 24min

    All eyes will be on a hearing room on Capitol Hill today, as U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford testify. Blasey Ford alleges Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were both in high school. Kavanaugh has strongly denied her allegation, as well as others that have emerged. How will today's hearing play out? And can either side get a fair hearing? Max Foster anchors a powerful conversation with Bonnie Greer, Iain Dale and Brian Klaas. via Knit

  • Trump at the U.N.: What should the world do about Iran?

    26/09/2018 Duración: 24min

    U.S. President Donald Trump says Iran is sowing "chaos and death." His National Security Adviser John Bolton says there will be "hell to pay" if Iran threatens the United States. But Europe and other parts of the world say they want to work with Iran, and point to Tehran's certified compliance with the terms of the nuclear deal. So who's right? How should the world deal with Iran? Max Foster anchors a conversation with Iain Dale, Bonnie Greer, and Liam Halligan. CNN Senior Correspondent Nick Paton Walsh, who has reported from inside Iran, also brings his expertise to the panel. via Knit

  • Trump at the UN: is the world body still relevant?

    25/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    Donald Trump is in New York for the UN General Assembly. The US President has criticised the United Nations before, for bloated bureaucracy and mismanagement. So is the United Nations still relevant? Or has it shown itself incapable of making a difference in the world's biggest conflicts? On our panel : Bonnie Greer -- Playwright and Columnist, at The New European, George Pascoe-Watson -- Senior Partner & Chief Adviser at Portland Communications, and Andrew MacDougall from Trafalgar Strategy via Knit

  • Kavanaugh Controversy: How should sexual assault allegations be handled?

    24/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    It's the talk of Washington: The controversy surrounding Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanagh. Christine Blasey Ford alleges that Kavanaugh assaulted her at a party decades ago. While Kavanaugh strenuously denies the accusation, it is raising questions about how sex assault claims are handled in the public eye. It's a timely debate for our #metoo era. Max Foster anchors a powerful conversation, with Afua Hirsch, Liam Halligan and Iain Dale. via Knit

  • Was Brexit sold to Brits by "liars"?

    21/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    French President Emmanuel Macron did not mince words during this week's tense European Union summit in Salzburg. He called those who had campaigned in favor of Brexit "liars" and urged the EU to stick to its core principles. British Prime Minister Theresa May was in the Austrian city to sell her "Chequers" Brexit plan, but most leaders indicated it had major flaws. So is Emmanuel Macron right? Were the British public misled? Max Foster anchors a conversation with Freddy Gray, Ayesha Hazarika and Liam Halligan. via Knit

  • Should there be another Brexit referendum?

    20/09/2018 Duración: 24min

    Brexit is back on center stage, as European leaders gather in Salzburg. Their aim? To try to move toward a deal that would untangle one of their own from the bloc, the United Kingdom. Theresa May is trying hard to sell her so-called "Chequers" deal to the likes of Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel and Donald Tusk. But whatever deal - or no deal - scenario is in place when Brexit arrives, the question is, should the British people get another vote? Max Foster anchors a lively conversation with George Pascoe-Watson, Bonnie Greer and Iain Dale. via Knit

  • Koreas summit: is the world right to trust Kim Jong Un?

    19/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    A peace deal on the Korean peninsula looks closer than it has in decades. A three day summit is bringing together North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in. The two leaders signed an agreement to suspend any hostile acts against one another. On our panel: Iain Dale - Radio Host at LBC, Ayesha Hazarika - Political Commentator and Comedian and Iain Martin - Columnist and Reaction Editor at The Times. via Knit

  • Trump's trade tariffs: Is his tough-guy style working?

    18/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    Today's CNN Talk panel was joined by a special guest - former Tony Blair Press Secretary Alastair Campbell. He joined Max Foster, Rachel Shabi and Freddy Gray to discuss Donald Trump's latest salvo in his escalating trade war with China. The U.S. administration is slapping tariffs on another $200 billion USD in Chinese goods. China has vowed to retaliate, but how will Trump's tough talk on trade go down among his supporters at home? via Knit

  • Is Brexit still inevitable?

    17/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    Britain's Prime Minister says lawmakers in the UK face a stark choice: her Brexit proposal -- or no deal at all. Her former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson continues to criticize the plan -- saying it opens the country up to political blackmail. On our panel: Liam Halligan, Columnist at The Sunday Telegraph, Ayesha Hazarika, Political Commentator and Comedian and Iain Dale, Radio Host at LBC. via Knit

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