Cnn Talk With Max Foster



CNN Talk with Max Foster tackles the major news stories and talking points of the day. A panel of regular contributors debate, discuss and argue about the major stories affecting your world. Available live on CNNI and daily at 7a ET.


  • Hurricane Florence: Trump's biggest test yet?

    13/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    The U.S. East Coast is preparing for Hurricane Florence, a powerful Category 2 storm expected to make landfall overnight Thursday into Friday. U.S. President Donald Trump has been reassuring the public that all federal and state agencies are doing their utmost to be ready. So what is the role of a national leader when a natural disaster looms? Are they supposed to be the Consoler-in-Chief, or take a more business-like, hands off role? Hannah Vaughan Jones leads a conversation with Freddy Gray, Rachel Shabi and Iain Dale. via Knit

  • Does it matter that we are addicted to technology?

    12/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    Cell phone addiction is on the rise, and a growing body of evidence shows that smartphones and popular apps have gained control over our daily lives. So, does it matter that so many of us are addicted to technology or is it just a consequence of the era we live in? On our panel today: Liam Halligan -- Columnist, at The Sunday Telegraph, Sarah Sullivan -- Female Tech Leaders and Samuel Burke -- CNN Business & Technology Correspondent. via Knit

  • Boris Johnson scandal: Does personal morality matter in modern politics?

    11/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    Britain's notorious tabloid newspapers have had no shortage of fodder this week. Coverage has been dominated by former British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson's leadership ambitions and personal life, including a very public divorce in progress and fresh allegations of infidelity coming to light. Johnson seems determined to keep his political ambitions on track, but of course the main question is what voters will make of it all. Does personal morality still matter in modern politics? Bianca Nobilo anchors a conversation with George Pascoe-Watson, Bonnie Greer and Brian Klaas. via Knit

  • Serena meltdown: Victim of sexism or bad loser?

    10/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    Serena Williams is undoubtedly among the greatest greats in the history of tennis. She has legions of global fans, massive endorsement deals, and a near-record 23 Grand Slam titles under her belt. But that doesn't mean she's immune to criticism and controversy. On Saturday during the U.S. Open women's final, Williams faced off with the umpire over several penalties she disagreed with. An emotional Williams later said she felt the calls were "sexist," but others say the umpire was just enforcing the rules. What do you think? Max Foster anchors a discussion with Ayesha Hazarika, Iain Dale, Liam Halligan and CNN World Sport's Amanda Davies. via Knit

  • Is it time for the west to engage with Assad?

    07/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    As the leaders of Russia, Iran and Turkey gathered to discuss Syria's future, the CNN Talk panel gathered to talk about whether it is time for the west to engage with Assad. With only one province still in rebel control, and the backing of these regional strongmen, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad seems like he's not going anywhere soon. But U.S. President Donald Trump has signaled that major bloodshed in Idlib Province would lead to anger and potential repercussions. So what's likely to happen next? Bianca Nobilo discusses with Liam Halligan, Ayesha Hazarika, Freddy Gray and CNN's own Chief International Correspondent Clarissa Ward. via Knit

  • "Resistance" in the White House: Necessary or treasonous?

    06/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    On Thursday afternoon, The New York Times published an opinion piece that can only be described as extraordinary. The paper says it was written by a senior official within the Trump administration, and it describes an active "resistance" within the White House which works to thwart the President's agenda. Donald Trump himself reacted with anger, and called for the person who wrote the piece to be turned over to the government. So what do you think? Is the activity described in the editorial necessary, or treason? Max Foster discusses with Kate Andrews, Rachel Shabi and Iain Dale. via Knit

  • "Crazytown" White House: Your reaction to Bob Woodward's explosive claims

    05/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    Bob Woodward's new book "Fear: Trump in the White House" is making headlines and it hasn't even been published yet. The book details an increasingly chaotic administration, with high-ranking Trump aides and cabinet members openly defying and deriding the President. Donald Trump claims the book's allegations are false, but with Woodward's status as one of America's most respected journalists, will the reading public buy that argument? Max Foster discusses all the explosive claims, with Ayesha Hazarika, Iain Dale and Liam Halligan. via Knit

  • Nike chooses Kaepernick: Should sports and politics mix?

    04/09/2018 Duración: 23min

    To some, he's a new civil rights icon, standing up and sacrificing to speak out about racial injustice. To others, he's an ungrateful, highly paid athlete, who has repeatedly disrespected the American flag. He's Colin Kaepernick, the controversial former NFL quarterback who started a wave of protests by "taking a knee" during the playing of the U.S. national anthem. President Donald Trump has slammed the practice as unpatriotic, but now Kaepernick has been unveiled as the face of a new Nike ad campaign. So what do you think? Should sports and politics mix? Max Foster anchors a conversation with Bonnie Greer, Charlie Wolf and Freddy Gray. via Knit

  • Journalists convicted in Myanmar: Should Aung San Suu Kyi return her Nobel Prize?

    03/09/2018 Duración: 25min

    A court in Myanmar has sentenced two Reuters journalists to 7 years in prison for violating the Official Secrets Act. The men were arrested while they reported on the killings of 10 Rohingya men for the news agency. The journalists say they were framed, and the case has drawn international condemnation. The spotlight has also been on Myanmar's de facto leader, pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, and her seeming unwillingness to acknowledge a military campaign of what the U.N. calls "genocide" when it comes to the Rohingya. Max Foster anchors a powerful conversation with our CNN Talk panel, and CNN's Chief International Correspondent Clarissa Ward. via Knit

  • Should priests be required to report child abuse when they learn about it during confession?

    31/08/2018 Duración: 25min

    The Catholic Church in Australia is coming under fire for refusing to adopt a government recommendation that child abuse cases revealed in the confessional be brought to the attention of police. The "seal of the confessional" is a centuries-old Catholic belief meaning that sins revealed to a priest during the sacrament of confession are not shared with anyone else, even if they are crimes. With child sex abuse scandals rocking the church in recent years, some say it's time for that practice to end. But devout Catholics say it must remain in place, as a sacred space shared only with their priest and God. What do you think? Max Foster discusses with Iain Dale, Ayesha Hazarika, Liam Halligan and CNN Senior Vatican Analyst John Allen. via Knit

  • Study: Air pollution makes us dumber. How bad is the air quality where you live?

    30/08/2018 Duración: 25min

    A shocking new study finds that air pollution could actually be making us dumber. Researchers studied thousands of people in China, and found that long-term exposure to heavily polluted air led to lower verbal and math test scores. While the headline is troubling, the question of how to tackle air pollution is much more complex. What can we do to improve the air we all breathe? And what's the air like where you live? Max Foster anchors a conversation with Nina Shick, Kate Andrews and Freddy Gray. via Knit

  • What should be done about the rise of the far-right in Europe?

    29/08/2018 Duración: 25min

    It was a disturbing sight - large crowds taking to the streets of an east German city, demanding the government reduce immigration and even chanting Nazi slogans. While German Chancellor Angela Merkel was quick to condemn the demonstrations, the rise of the far-right in Germany and across Europe is a reality that can't be ignored. Many countries are dealing with their first far-right parties winning elections in decades. So what's behind the shift? And what should be done about it, if anything? Hannah Vaughan Jones anchors a conversation with Ayesha Hazarika, Liam Halligan and Iain Dale. via Knit

  • Is Trump winning his trade war?

    28/08/2018 Duración: 25min

    He's done a deal (of sorts) with Mexico. He's got a trade truce with European Union. He's put Canada in a tricky position and he's isolated China. He's Donald Trump of course, and he was keen to tout a new agreement made with Mexico yesterday, one that Trump envisions replacing the NAFTA deal with. While many economists caution against that, U.S. markets are at record highs and Trump repeatedly touts strong jobs numbers. But are the good times really good for everyone? And who should get the credit? Max Foster anchors a conversation with Brian Klaas, Bonnie Greer and George Pascoe-Watson. via Knit

  • What do you think John McCain's legacy will be?

    27/08/2018 Duración: 24min

    Was he a maverick in American politics, who crossed party lines to get things done? Was he a war hero, driven by his experiences in Vietnam to shape American policy overseas? Was he the U.S. President that never was, who saw it as his last role to take on Donald Trump? Senator John McCain died from brain cancer at age 81 on Saturday, leaving behind a legacy of decades of public service. But what will he really be remembered for? Hannah Vaughan Jones anchors a conversation with Iain Martin, Ayesha Hazarika, Liam Halligan and CNN's own Nic Robertson. via Knit

  • Trump gives his Presidency an A+. What grade would you give him?

    24/08/2018 Duración: 25min

    U.S. President Donald Trump may be facing one of the toughest weeks of his presidency, but he has given himself an "A+". That's the grade he put on his own report card when talking to Fox & Friends. So, we aske the question: "What grade would you give him?" CNN Talk anchor, Max Foster speaks to Liam Halligan - Columnist, The Sunday Telegraph; Ayesha Hazarika - Political Commentator and Comedian and Kate Andrews News Editor, Institute of Economic Affairs. via Knit

  • How should the world's media respond to Trump's "fake news" accusations?

    23/08/2018 Duración: 25min

    On today's CNN Talk, a special panel convenes to talk fake news at the Edinburgh International Television Festival. What better place than a gathering of the biggest names in television and digital to discuss how to handle the challenge of fake news? The term has gone from being virtually unheard of, to a household phrase during the Trump presidency. So how should journalists covering real news handle the challenge? Max Foster is joined by Deborah Byrne, Damian Collins, Iain Martin and Hadas Gold. via Knit

  • Trump associates convicted: what does it mean for the president?

    22/08/2018 Duración: 25min

    Washington is rocked by scandal, Donald Trump's former campaign manager and his former lawyer-slash-fixer are now convicted felons. Our panel debated what next. Joining us Liam Halligan - Columnist at The Sunday Telegraph, Ayesha Hazarika - Political Commentator and Comedian, Stig Abell, Editor & Publisher at the Times Literary Supplement and Brian Klaas, from the London School of Economics. via Knit

  • Is the rift between Meghan Markle and her father damaging the royal family?

    21/08/2018 Duración: 25min

    Nearly 100 days have passed since the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The week before the couple took their vows at Windsor Castle, father of the bride Thomas Markle dominated headlines and speculation about whether he would attend. 100 days on, and Thomas Markle is still speaking out and providing endless tabloid fodder. So what should the royal family do about him? And is the family rift starting to take a toll on the royal image? Max Foster discusses with Freddy Gray, Bonnie Greer and Nina Schick. via Knit

  • Trump's lawyer: "Truth is not truth." What does he mean?

    20/08/2018 Duración: 25min

    Donald Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani is never far from the headlines these days, and today is no exception. The former New York City Mayor is making news again, this time for telling an NBC anchor that "truth is not truth." But what did he mean by this line? And if we look more carefully at Giuliani's statement, is he sometimes right? Max Foster digs deeper, in conversation with Freddy Gray, Rachel Shabi and Liam Halligan. via Knit

  • R.E.S.P.E.C.T. to the Queen of Soul: What did Aretha Franklin mean to you?

    17/08/2018 Duración: 25min

    Aretha Franklin was one of a kind. Born into poverty in America, she forged a career for herself when racism and segregation were still daily realities. On her talent alone, she not only made her mark on the music industry, but became a living legend with hits like "Respect" and "Think." Today's CNN Talk celebrated Franklin's life, and looked at the artistic and activist legacy she leaves behind. Hannah Vaughan Jones anchors a conversation with Bonnie Greer, Liam Halligan, Rachel Shabi and Ayesha Hazarika. via Knit

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