Cnn Talk With Max Foster



CNN Talk with Max Foster tackles the major news stories and talking points of the day. A panel of regular contributors debate, discuss and argue about the major stories affecting your world. Available live on CNNI and daily at 7a ET.


  • Trump's combative weekend: Why is he lashing out now?

    19/11/2018 Duración: 25min

    It was an active weekend for U.S. President Donald Trump, to say the least. He lashed out on a wide variety of topics, both in interviews and through his favorite social media platform, Twitter. He raised fears about the migrant caravan, praised Saudi Arabia, suggested that poor forest management was behind the devastating wildfires in California, and even questioned why it took the U.S. military so long to kill Osama bin Laden. So why now? What's prompted Trump to lash out on these diverse topics at this time? Max Foster digs into the President's mindset with Ayesha Hazarika, Liam Halligan and Iain Dale. via Knit

  • What's best for Britain: May's deal, no deal, or no Brexit?

    16/11/2018 Duración: 24min

    We're facing a crucial weekend in British politics. Theresa May has done all she can to sell her draft Brexit deal. But her party and Parliament seem unconvinced. There are rumblings that the Conservatives may launch a leadership challenge, aimed at toppling May and installing what they see as a more committed Brexiteer leader. But there is no guarantee that will work, or that a new leader will be able to get a better deal out of Brussels. Max Foster speaks one-on-one with UK International Trade Secretary Liam Fox, before hosting a panel discussion with Iain Martin, Ayesha Hazarika and Liam Halligan. via Knit

  • Controversial Brexit draft deal: Can Theresa May survive as PM?

    15/11/2018 Duración: 49min

    She's sold her draft deal to cabinet - now, British Prime Minister Theresa May starts trying to sell her deal to Parliament. May took questions on the floor of the House of Commons for more than two and a half hours today, answering MP's concerns about the draft deal struck with Brussels. But is it enough to save May's premiership? Or will the Tory party start looking for ways to topple her? Max Foster anchors a special one-hour edition of CNN Talk live from Westminster - with Iain Dale, Nina Schick and Bonnie Greer. via Knit

  • Brexit crunch point: Should Britain back the deal?

    14/11/2018 Duración: 25min

    It's do-or-die for British Prime Minister Theresa May today, as she faces her toughest challenge yet: selling a draft Brexit deal to her cabinet. The deal with Brussels is the result of years of negotiations. But multiple cabinet members have signalled they can't support a deal that they say leaves the European Union in control of the United Kingdom. Max Foster anchors a lively debate from outside the Houses of Parliament in London, with Ayesha Hazarika, Liam Halligan and Iain Dale. via Knit

  • Brexit deadline: Is no deal better than a bad deal?

    13/11/2018 Duración: 25min

    It's coming down to the wire on Brexit this week. There are late-night talks in Brussels, as the UK and EU scramble to make a deal before a key Wednesday deadline. British Prime Minister Theresa May is working hard to sell that deal to her own cabinet - a mighty challenge, as numerous MPs from her own party say they won't support it. And, both the UK and the EU are on the brink of preps for the dreaded "no deal" scenario. Hannah Vaughan Jones anchors a passionate debate, with Bonnie Greer, Iain Dale and Stig Abell. via Knit

  • What are the dangers of the rise of nationalism?

    12/11/2018 Duración: 25min

    As world leaders gathered in Paris to mark the centenary of the end of World War 1, the French President used the moment to warn of the dangers of nationalism. Sitting a few meters away was U.S. President Donald Trump - a man who has proudly self-identified as a nationalist. So, was Macron right to denounce nationalism, and promote patriotism? Is nationalism really a bad thing? And what's the difference between nationalism and patriotism anyway? Max Foster anchors a discussion with Kate Andrews, Andrew MacDougall and Ayesha Hazarika. via Knit

  • Remembering World War I: What lessons have we learned?

    09/11/2018 Duración: 25min

    It's been nearly 100 years since World War 1 came to an end. The conflict left more than 8,500,000 troops and many more civilians dead. It also changed the way society viewed war, as mechanization became a deadly factor in conflict for the first time. Today on CNN Talk, we look back at the Great War and ask what lessons we've learned that still apply today. Bianca Nobilo anchors a discussion with Charlie Wolf, Ayesha Hazarika and Iain Dale. via Knit

  • U.S. midterms: Your verdict on Trump so far?

    05/11/2018 Duración: 25min

    It's just one day before Americans to the polls, in what's being billed as the most significant midterm elections in a generation. Donald Trump's name isn't on the ballot but the vote is being widely seen as a referendum on his presidency to date. So how are Americans likely to vote? CNN's Richard Quest anchors a special CNN Talk live from London's World Travel Market, with Ayesha Hazarika, Liam Halligan and Andrew MacDougall. via Knit

  • Is Trump stoking racist sentiment to boost his chances in the midterms?

    02/11/2018 Duración: 25min

    There are just days to go before what is arguably the most important event in Donald Trump's presidency so far - the midterm elections. Americans will go to the polls on Tuesday, in what's being seen as a referendum on the Trump administration. The president himself is on the campaign trail, using fiery language to rev up his supporters - and particularly engaging on the issue of immigration. But will Trump's strategy work? And have some of his anti-immigrant comments gone too far? Hannah Vaughan Jones anchors a discussion with Kate Andrews, Liam Halligan and Ayesha Hazarika. via Knit

  • Where should we draw the line between free speech and political correctness?

    01/11/2018 Duración: 25min

    It's one of the major issues of our time - where does the line between free speech, hate speech and political correctness lie? The editor of a major UK food magazine was forced to step down recently, after making comments about vegans. Some were deeply offended by his words, while others thought he was just joking. Does living in a digital age make us more prone to outrage? Or are we rightly pointing out and condemning hateful words more than we used to? Bianca Nobilo anchors a discussion with Andrew MacDougall, Bonnie Greer and Iain Dale. via Knit

  • How will Trump's rhetoric impact the Midterms?

    30/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    All eyes will be on President Trump's visit to Pittsburgh. He said he is just going to pay his respects, after the synagogue shooting. The problem is Pittsburgh's Mayor and several Jewish leaders doesn't want him there. Many in the city regard the President as divisive, incendiary and a distraction from the victims and their families. On our panel: Bonnie Greer -- Playwright and Columnist, at The New European, Iain Dale -- LBC Radio Host and Brian Klaas from University College London. via Knit

  • Synagogue massacre: what does it say about the State of America?

    29/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    The mass killing at a Pittsburgh synagogue, is likely the worst anti-Semitic incident in US history. It has Jewish Americans questioning whether they are now fated to live with the fear and threats at home. The attack represents a flagrant challenge to America's core values, that people of every race or religion are endowed with the same inalienable rights. On our panel: Liam Halligan -- Columnist, The Sunday Telegraph, Ayesha Hazarika -- Political Commentator and Comedian and Andrew MacDougall -- Former Communications Director for Canadian PM Harper. via Knit


    26/10/2018 Duración: 24min

    This week, 12 pipe bombs were addressed to prominent Democrats, prominent Trump critics as well as CNN. The intended recipients include former President Barack Obama, the Clintons, former Vice President Joe Biden, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, former Attorney General Eric Holder, billionaire philanthropist George Soros and actor Robert DeNiro. Another intended target, former CIA Director John Brennan hit out at U.S. President Donald Trump saying "Your inflammatory rhetoric, insults, lies, & encouragement of physical violence are disgraceful." Meanwhile President Trump believes he is being unfairly linked to the pipe bombs delivered to frequent targets of his acrimonious rhetoric. We ask: "Is Trump's Rhetoric Promoting Violence?" Our Hannah Vaughan Jones discusses that with Liam Halligan, Columnist for The Sunday Telegraph; Ayesha Hazarika, Political Commentator and Comedian and George Pascoe-Watson, Senior Partner & Chief Adviser, Portland Communications and Former Political Ed


    24/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    UK Prime Minister Theresa May faces a Brexit showdown as negotiations reach a crucual point. May has a crucial meeting with an influencial group of lawmakers who are highly critical of her Brexit plan and could put the wheels in motion to trigger a leadership challenge. And there's more bad news for May on the Brexit front with a new reporting pointing to a breakdown of the UK's borders in the event of a no-deal and a marginally better situation with a deal. Today's question: A NO-DEAL BREXIT: IS IT WORTH IT? Our Hannah Vaughan Jones discusses that with Liam Halligan Columnist, The Sunday Telegraph; Ayesha Hazarika, Political Commentator and Comedian and Iain Dale, Radio Host, LBC. via Knit

  • How Should Trump Respond When The Migrant Caravan Reaches The U.S. Border?

    23/10/2018 Duración: 24min

    A migrant caravan of about 7,500 people are marching north through Mexico with the aim of reaching the U.S. border and seeking asylum. U.S. President Donald Trump says that Mexico's police and military are unable to stop the caravan, which he claims includes "criminals and unknown Middle Easterners". Trump says he will cut off, or substantially reduce, foreign aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. As the migrants stream north, all eyes are on Mexico's government - now under pressure from the Trump administration. Today's question: HOW SHOULD TRUMP RESPOND WHEN THE MIGRANT CARAVAN REACHES THE U.S. BORDER? CNN's Max Foster is joined today by: George Pascoe-Watson, Senior Partner & Chief Adviser, Portland Communications and Former Political Editor of The Sun; Charlie Wolf, Broadcaster, writer and commentator and Bonnie Greer, Playwright and Columnist at The New European. via Knit

  • How Should Trump Deal With Saudi Arabia?

    22/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    It's been a weekend of stunning developments surrounding the case of Jamal Khashoggi. Saudi Arabia finally admitting that Khashoggi was killed but that it was a "tremendous mistake ... and what compounded the mistake was the attempt to try to cover up." On Saturday, U.S. President Trump told the Washington Post said that "obviously there's been deception and there's been lies" but again praised the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammad Bin Salman, calling him strong and saying "he's seen as a person who can keep things under check." So, what will Trump's next move be? We ask the question: How Should Trump Deal With Saudi Arabia? CNN's Max Foster is joined by Liam Halligan, Columnist, The Sunday Telegraph; Ayesha Hazarika, Political Commentator and Comedian and Iain Dale, Radio Host, LBC. via Knit

  • Khashoggi Outrage: Should The West Continue To Do Business With Saudi Arabia?

    19/10/2018 Duración: 24min

    The global outrage continues amid mounting reports of Saudi involvement in what happened to missing Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. U.S. President Donald said for the first time that he believes Khashoggi is no longer alive. Also, U.S. Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, has pulled out of a planned appearance at a Saudi investment conference dubbed "The Davos of the Desert" next week. As investors and businesses distance themselves from Riyadh at this time, we ask "Should the West continue to do business with Saudi Arabia?" via Knit

  • Is a no-deal Brexit now inevitable?

    18/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    Britain could extend the Brexit transition window to allow more time for trade talks. Prime Minister Theresa May confirmed she is considering the move in an attempt to break deadlocked talks. It comes as plans for a special summit next month to complete the deal are shelved. On our panel: Iain Dale - LBC Radio Host, Nina Schick - Political Commentator and Stig Abell - Times Literary Supplement's Editor & Publisher. via Knit

  • Should cannabis be legalized worldwide?

    17/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    It's a big day in Canada. The country becomes only the second in the world to legalize marijuana for recreational use. It's a campaign promise fulfilled for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and a cause for celebration for advocates across the country. But is it a good idea? And should other countries follow suit? Max Foster hosts a discussion with Iain Dale, Ayesha Hazarika and Liam Halligan. via Knit

  • How should the world respond if Saudi Arabia admits to killing Khashoggi?

    16/10/2018 Duración: 25min

    In a shocking new development in the disappearance of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, sources tell CNN that the Saudis are preparing to admit he died during an interrogation gone wrong. Khashoggi's family are demanding an independent investigation into his apparent death, while Donald Trump has dispatched his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to get answers from the Saudis. On today's CNN Talk, Max Foster anchors a conversation with Bonnie Greer and Rachel Shabi. CNN Senior International Correspondents Sam Kiley and Clarissa Ward also add their expertise to the show, live from the region. via Knit

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