It's A Fit Life Creation With Katrina Julia



Katrina Julia is a Lifestyle Entrepreneur + Results Generator + Philanthropist. The goal of It's a FIT Life Creation is to share inspiring stories and insights to Get Healthy, Make Money, Build Brands + Give Back. Find out more at


  • Ep 34: How to Unleash Inspiration

    26/06/2018 Duración: 29min

    You’ve tried some things to help you get inspired. You’ve perhaps dabbled in several programs, yet haven't felt or experienced the results you want or are capable of.   You’re concerned about several areas of your life. Perhaps, you are concerned about the physical, financial, relational to name a few.    You’re worried about spending more time and money, and still not feeling like you are making progress. Worse yet, not getting the results you want.   You’re feeling frustrated like a hamster on a wheel because you want results, yet can't seem to achieve what you want in health, wealth and/or business.   Yet you are more afraid of not living as your best self with your best life in this lifetime. You are also afraid of not getting your story, your experience, and your brand out there, so you hang on through the process.   You are still reading because… because deep down inside you know there has to be a better way to unleash inspiration in every area of your life!   What if… What if you believed with fait

  • Ep 33: How to Jump Start Transformation: Competing in Fitness Shows

    26/06/2018 Duración: 12min

    You’ve tried some things in transformation You’ve perhaps dabbled in several programs, yet haven't felt or experienced the results you want or are capable of.   You’re concerned about several areas of your life. Perhaps, you are concerned about the physical, financial, relational to name a few.    You’re worried about spending more time and money, and still not feeling like you are making progress. Worse yet, not getting the results you want.   You’re feeling frustrated like a hamster on a wheel because you want results, yet can't seem to achieve what you want in health, wealth and/or business.   Yet you are more afraid of not living as your best self with your best life in this lifetime. You are also afraid of not getting your story, your experience, and your brand out there, so you hang on through the process.   You are still reading because… because deep down inside you know there has to be a better way to jump start transformation in every area of life and feel like you are making progress daily.   Wh

  • Ep 32: How to Jump Start Transformation

    20/06/2018 Duración: 14min

    You’ve tried some things in transformation You’ve perhaps dabbled in several programs, yet haven't felt or experienced the results you want or are capable of.   You’re concerned about several areas of your life. Perhaps, you are concerned about the physical, financial, relational to name a few.    You’re worried about spending more time and money, and still not feeling like you are making progress. Worse yet, not getting the results you want.   You’re feeling frustrated like a hamster on a wheel because you want results, yet can't seem to achieve what you want in health, wealth and/or business.   Yet you are more afraid of not living as your best self with your best life in this lifetime. You are also afraid of not getting your story, your experience, and your brand out there, so you hang on through the process.   You are still reading because… because deep down inside you know there has to be a better way to jump start transformation in every area of life and feel like you are making progress daily.   Wh

  • Ep 31: How to Create Crazy Confidence

    12/06/2018 Duración: 41min

    You want to be, feel, and show confidence in every area of your life, yet you have no idea where to begin. You’ve gotten results in some areas of your life, yet you've never felt fully on confident in all areas at the same time.    You feel that it is possible, yet you aren't sure how to do it exactly. You want to create crazy confidence and truly feel it all the time.   You’re afraid to appear fully confident, even if your life isn't perfect. You want to really feel authentic confidence.    You’re afraid of not fully living up to your passions, purpose, and potential. You know there is so much more inside of you....   Yet you are more afraid of not getting your story, your experience, and your brand out there, so you hang on through the process. You are still reading because… because deep down inside you know there has to be a better way to create CRAZY confidence in LIFE and business all at the SAME time.    What if… What if you followed a simple structure with focus in three ways across seven areas of

  • Ep 30: How to Make Momentum in Life and Business: In a Day

    05/06/2018 Duración: 53min

    You want progress in every area of your life, yet you have no idea where to begin. You’ve gotten results in some areas of your life, yet you've never felt fully on fire in all areas at the same time.    You feel that it is possible, yet you aren't sure how to do it exactly. You want and crave structure and direction.   You’re worried that if you take on too much, you may drop the ball. You want a clear road map.    You’re afraid of not fully living up to your passions, purpose, and potential. You know there is so much more inside of you....   Yet you are more afraid of not getting your story, your experience, and your brand out there, so you hang on through the process. You are still reading because… because deep down inside you know there has to be a better way to make momentum in LIFE and business all at the SAME time.    What if… What if you followed a simple structure with focus in seven areas of your life easily? What if you increased your excitement every day knowing you are making momentum in all a

  • Ep 29: Inspire with Influence Feature with Bhav Patel: StoryTeller Team

    30/05/2018 Duración: 01h14min

    Feature: Inspire with Influence: Bhav Patel: StoryTeller Team We talk all things on inspiring with influence, becoming an entrepreneur, building a brand, influencer marketing, giving back and much much more!    Highlights:  You’ve heard of influencer marketing and social media campaigns. You’ve perhaps dabbled in the concept or maybe even led full blown campaigns once, twice, or regularly. You’re concerned about your strategy, your structure, your systems. You’re concerned about the experience and/or how you present the product your offering. You’re worried about picking the right influencers, increasing your results, growing engagement, growing profits, and return on investment all at the same time. You’re afraid of missing out on the influencer marketing that is here to stay, but you equally worried about cash flow, paying the bills, as well as the results they will (or won’t deliver).... Yet you are more afraid of not getting your story, your experience, and your brand out there, so you hang on through th

  • Ep 28: Five Steps to Build Your Brand with Influencers (And Double Your Return) Part I

    29/05/2018 Duración: 53min

    You’ve heard of influencer marketing and social media campaigns. You’ve perhaps dabbled in the concept or maybe even led full blown campaigns once, twice, or regularly.  You’re concerned about your strategy, your structure, your systems. You’re concerned about the experience and/or how you present the product your offering. You’re worried about picking the right influencers, increasing your results, growing engagement, growing profits, and return on investment all at the same time. You’re afraid of missing out on the influencer marketing that is here to stay, but you equally worried about cash flow, paying the bills, as well as the results they will (or won’t deliver).... Yet you are more afraid of not getting your story, your experience, and your brand out there, so you hang on through the process. You are still reading because… because deep down inside you know there has to be a better way to build your brand and find the right influencers for long term results (elevate energy, exponential exposure, save ti

  • Ep 26: How to Be a Website Wonder

    16/05/2018 Duración: 24min

    You’ve thought about creating a website. You’ve perhaps dabbled in the concept or maybe even played with a tool or two. You know you need a website (or maybe you want an update). It's not your skill set and/or maybe not something you are super excited about doing. You’re worried about picking the right tool, focusing on what matters, and getting it done quickly all at the same time.  You’re afraid of missing out on more marketing opportunities online, but you equally worried about the how to, visuals, the time it will take as well as the results that will (or won't come).... Yet you are more afraid of not getting your story, your experience, and your brand out there, so you hang on through the process.   What if…  What if you created or updated a site with tools that are simple and easily?  What if you had a team member do it for a lot less than you think easily?  What if your roadmap to be a Website Wonder was crystal clear and super simple?  Imagine the return… Imagine the results… It is possible to crea

  • Ep 25: Build Your Boss Brand Step by Step

    07/05/2018 Duración: 20min

    We see the shifts of entrepreneurship all around. With the increasingly connected digital world we live in, it has made it easier to connect to more people. At the same time, facing fears from the inside out is a real thing. Making the leap on going all in on our own dreams may sometimes bring up fears we never knew we had!  Although, I was a side hustle queen (before the term even existed) from college on to 2010, I became painfully aware of many doubts, fears and insecurities I had when I became a full-time entrepreneur. These have included fear of success (yes despite my own results and helping others), fear of failure, fear of being seen to name a few. When I realized how irrational they can be it baffled me - how could I be a public speaker for 15+ years yet be terrified to get on camera (overcame this one last year)!. Our mind is powerful. It tries to protect us from harm or perceived harm. We get to learn how to reframe and overcome the imaginary fears!  This made me start thinking about my own story o

  • Ep 24: 6 Pack of Abs? Let's Talk About a 6 Pack of Wealth

    26/04/2018 Duración: 25min

    We hear all over the internet and in real life about a 6 Pack of Abs. I remember reading countless articles throughout the years especially when I struggled with >55 lbs. of excess weight at times. I remember finally getting all my weight off and keeping it off in 2014. I remember the feeling of finally having the elusive 6 Pack. I remember thinking WOW this is a LOT of work! I remember falling in love (and still do) with being healthy inside and out all the time. When I first started sharing my story and my before and after, my business grew 25X in that year. This made me start thinking about my own story of judging myself and my worth with money, status, recognition....and a 6 Pack of Wealth. This may help you whether you are simply trying to get a handle on your money and currently work for someone else, have a side hustle, are a long time entrepreneur, lifestyle entrepreneur, run a multi-million or multi-billion dollar company (I've seen money issues everywhere and even done fraud cases too!) or want any

  • Ep 23: How to Do Social Media Smart in a Day

    24/04/2018 Duración: 17min

    If you’re a coach, entrepreneur, blogger or brand in 2018 (or want to be one), then it's safe to say you know social media is key for your business. Perhaps, you are just starting out with using social media for your business and are in the camp of "what is social media" or "what is social media marketing" and how in the world do I start?  Or perhaps you feel like you have a great handle on it, yet you know you there has to be an easier way! On this episode, I will walk you through How to Do Social Media Smart in a Day! For over 15 years, I struggled with health, wealth, and integrating all the businesses I had served (>7 industries + >15 brands generating up 11 figure results per year. I bounced from role to role searching because my passion and purpose was not fulfilled and I was riddled with fears. Once I created transformation and unleashed inspiration in how not only may I be the hero in the story, but more importantly serve others, my world and everything around it changed. Here is to you creating a lif

  • Ep 22: 10 Things You Should Do Every Month if You are a Lifestyle Entrepreneur (or Want to Be One!)

    17/04/2018 Duración: 39min

    You’ve heard about lifestyle entrepreneurs, coaches, or bloggers. You aren't 100% clear on what it is, or you are one, or want to be one.  On this episode, I will walk you 10 Things You Should Do Every Month if You are a Lifestyle Entrepreneur (or Want to Be One) to Create a Life and Business You Love. For over 15 years, I struggled with health, wealth, and integrating all the businesses I had served (>7 industries + >15 brands generating up 11 figure results per year. I bounced from role to role searching because my passion and purpose was not fulfilled and I was riddled with fears. Once I created transformation and unleashed inspiration in how not only may I be the hero in the story, but more importantly serve others, my world and everything around it changed. Here is to you creating a life and business you love step by step. Hear all about 10 Things You Should Do Every Month if You are a Lifestyle Entrepreneur (or Want to Be One) in Episode 22. ps. visit for the free 14 Day

  • Ep 21: How to Face Financial Fears Holding You Back

    10/04/2018 Duración: 31min

    You’ve thought about being an entrepreneur, yet you have no idea where to start. You already are an entrepreneur, yet the thought of being in charge of your future still excites and terrifies you. The concept of having financial freedom is a vision, yet the reality feels very far away.  You know there are some things holding you back, yet you can't pinpoint exactly what they are. “Being Seen" “Upper Limits” “Internal Belief"... may trigger some emotions, yet you aren't exactly sure what or why. On this episode, I will walk you through these three fears, and the practical steps on how to overcome them. I share examples of my own story so that you know I may relate and help you face fears.  For over 15 years, I struggled with integrating all the businesses I had served (>7 industries + >15 brands generating up 11 figure results per year. I bounced from role to role searching because my passion and purpose was not fulfilled and I was riddled with fears. Once I created transformation and unleashed inspiration in

  • Ep 20: How Passion Plus Purpose Equals Profits

    07/04/2018 Duración: 10min

    When I was five years old, you could find me either running around doing things outdoors (by myself or with friends), playing with friends, doing things with my parents, and most importantly... Being Fearless... Whether it was being determined to sell the 200+ boxes of Girl Scout cookies (early stages of my entrepreneurship LOL) to get the teddy bear charm I had my eye on, trying something brand new, or making a new friend... I knew absolutely NO FEAR. On this episode, I will more tales from five year old Katrina, as well as currently on how to walk through the Passion Plus Purpose Equals Profits framework that will help you integrate what you love and have overcome into a Lifestyle Entrepreneur business model. I share examples of my own story so that you know I may relate and simplify business for you. More importantly, helping you feel more equipped than ever before. For over 15 years, I struggled with integrating all the businesses I had served (>7 industries + >15 brands generating up 11 figure results pe

  • Ep 19: 90 Day Plan: Apr-Jun 2018: From Spiritual to Financial

    03/04/2018 Duración: 41min

    Are you ready to create a life and business you love with a 90 DAY PLAN? Do you want to see how I create a 90 Day Plan with spiritual, mental, emotional, relational, playful, relational, and financial?  (Seven Steps to Success) In this episode, I will give you insight into 90 DAY PLAN and the SEVEN STEPS TO SUCCESS! I expose you here to setting your days and next three months powerfully for success! You will learn the basics about HOW TO DO A 90 PLAN (AND THE BEHIND THE SCENES)! With the 7 Steps to Success and the 90 DAY PLAN, you will get clear on what is possible for you to create. It is time for you to be clear HOW TO CREATE A LIFE AND BUSINESS YOU LOVE. On this episode, I will help you get clear HOW TO CREATE YOUR 90 DAY PLAN to set yourself up for success. I share examples of my own story and current 90 day plan so that you know I relate to your journey. I am constantly learning new ways to create my own life I love and shift my own 90 DAY PLAN and help others do the same. More importantly, helping you f

  • Ep 18: Jump Start Transformation with Your Morning Routine

    30/03/2018 Duración: 21min

    Are you ready to JUMP START YOUR TRANSFORMATION?  Do you want several areas of your life to change, yet you don't know where to start!  In this episode, I will give you insight nto HOW TO JUMP START WITH YOUR MORNING ROUTINE! I expose you here to setting your day up for success with your morning routine. You will learn the basics about HOW TO JUMP START TRANSFORMATION - with your MORNING ROUTINE. We will get into a "Before and After" of my own story with and without a MORNING ROUTINE. It is truly a game changer for you!  With this entrepreneur and results focus, you will get clear on your mindset AND how to set your day up for success! It is time for you to be clear HOW TO JUMP START YOUR TRANSFORMATION WITH YOUR MORNING ROUTINE! On this episode, I will help you get clear HOW TO JUMP START so that you know easily what to do to set yourself up for succcess each and every day. I share examples of my own story so that you know I relate and am also learning how to jump start transformation all thetime. I am const

  • Ep 17: How to Activate Abundance (and Get Crazy Confidence)

    27/03/2018 Duración: 13min

    Are you ready for CRAZY CONFIDENCE in every area of your life?  Do you love the idea, but have no idea how to feel like you are on the right track? Do you struggle every day with feeling confident? Do you feel like you are "doing" the right things, but you donm't feel like it is happening?! In this episode, I will give you insight nto HOW TO ACTIVATE ABUNDANCE (AND GET CRAZY CONFIDENCE!) I expose you here to mindset and the feeling that are all a part of the process. You will learn the basics about HOW TO ACTIVATE ABUNDANCE - the MINDSET YOU NEED TO FOCUS ON! HOW TO ACTIVATE ABUNDANCE - we will get into FEELING, MINDSET, AND ACTION! You will have a journal activity too so get ready! You will also reframe your mind to have gratitude and celebrate the CONFIDENCE YOU ARE CREATING!  With this entrepreneur and results focus, you will get clear on your mindset AND how to FEEL to GET CRAZY CONFIDENCE! It is time for you to be clear HOW TO ACTIVATE ABUNDANCE SO THAT YOU MOVE TOWARDS THE LIFE YOU WANT!  You want to le

  • Ep 16: How to Make Momentum (and the Metrics You Want to Measure!)

    20/03/2018 Duración: 33min

    Are you ready to MAKE MOMENTUM in every area of your life?  Do you love the idea, but have no idea how to feel like you are on the right track? Do you struggle every day with setting up your day for success? Does the idea of planning your week or month give you anxiety? In this episode, I will expose you to insight into HOW TO MAKE MOMENTUM (AND THE METRICS YOU WANT TO MEASURE)! I expose you here to the metrics I've helped entrepreneurs, and mid-size to Fortune 500 companies set up. This includes everything from catch-up and self care days to the metrics and key performance indicators that have gotten 7-8 figure annual results consistently! You will learn the basics about HOW TO MAKE MOMENTUM and the METRICS YOU WANT TO MEASURE - the daily, weekly, monthly to set you up for success!  HOW TO MAKE MOMENTUM - we will get into CREATING, COMMUNITY, AND LIMITLESS. You will get exposed into traction both online and LIVE! You will also reframe your mind to have gratitude and celebrate the MOMENTUM YOU ARE MAKING!   W

  • Ep 15: Inspire with Influencers (Platforms to Help Influencers Too)

    16/03/2018 Duración: 11min

    Are you an influencer curious how to grow more on influencer platforms? Are you part of a brand (or your own brand) and you are curious about influencer marketing? Maybe you've seen some brands run campaigns? Do you love the idea, but have no idea to start? In this episode, I will expose you to insight into INSPIRE WITH INFLUENCE.  You will learn the basics about Phenomenal Platforms -the types that exist, and where you may list yourself more as an influencer - and where you may list campaigns as a brand.  INSPIRE WITH INFLUENCE - we will get into free, paid, and percentage based platforms and special insight for INFLUENCERS. I also share specific platforms to help you get started. As entrepreneurs, many have been exposed to facebook and instagram ads. However, many startups up to mega sized brands are not tracking return on investment and results from influencer campaigns yet. I strongly recommend you get clear on your ideal influencer first, and you track metrics before, during and after campaigns. With thi

  • Ep 14: How to Tame Time to Get Transformation You Want

    12/03/2018 Duración: 23min

    How are you managing your time? Do you simply go through your days reacting or are you truly taming your time? When is the last time you looked at how you spend your time? In this episode, TAME YOUR TIME - we will get into how you spend your time, whether you simplify tasks in 5 steps or less, how you scale your time, and how you speed up time. As entrepreneurs, many have not been exposed to out of the box thinking on time. For many of us, we didn't grow up with an entrepreneurial background, or see successful examples on how to be a boss with our time. So it is not a surprise that >95% of businesses fail within the first 10 years. There is hope though! With boss insight into tips, tools, and technology of taming time and scaling smart, you may breakthrough! The more you get clear and make transformational changes, the faster you will get results. There are many distractions vying for our attention. If you do not get clear on where you want to spend your time, and if it aligns with what you say you want, it w

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