It's A Fit Life Creation With Katrina Julia

Ep 23: How to Do Social Media Smart in a Day



If you’re a coach, entrepreneur, blogger or brand in 2018 (or want to be one), then it's safe to say you know social media is key for your business. Perhaps, you are just starting out with using social media for your business and are in the camp of "what is social media" or "what is social media marketing" and how in the world do I start?  Or perhaps you feel like you have a great handle on it, yet you know you there has to be an easier way! On this episode, I will walk you through How to Do Social Media Smart in a Day! For over 15 years, I struggled with health, wealth, and integrating all the businesses I had served (>7 industries + >15 brands generating up 11 figure results per year. I bounced from role to role searching because my passion and purpose was not fulfilled and I was riddled with fears. Once I created transformation and unleashed inspiration in how not only may I be the hero in the story, but more importantly serve others, my world and everything around it changed. Here is to you creating a lif