It's A Fit Life Creation With Katrina Julia

Ep 25: Build Your Boss Brand Step by Step



We see the shifts of entrepreneurship all around. With the increasingly connected digital world we live in, it has made it easier to connect to more people. At the same time, facing fears from the inside out is a real thing. Making the leap on going all in on our own dreams may sometimes bring up fears we never knew we had!  Although, I was a side hustle queen (before the term even existed) from college on to 2010, I became painfully aware of many doubts, fears and insecurities I had when I became a full-time entrepreneur. These have included fear of success (yes despite my own results and helping others), fear of failure, fear of being seen to name a few. When I realized how irrational they can be it baffled me - how could I be a public speaker for 15+ years yet be terrified to get on camera (overcame this one last year)!. Our mind is powerful. It tries to protect us from harm or perceived harm. We get to learn how to reframe and overcome the imaginary fears!  This made me start thinking about my own story o