Journey For Truth Tami Urbanek



Join Tami Urbanek, medium and clairvoyant, as she takes us on a journey to find truth. What is truth? We often walk through the days not paying attention, unaware, unconcerned while events, trend, problems of major import need discussion, examination and sometimes action. Our polluted government, polluted air and food supply, polluted planet, modern-day slavery, hatred of those not like us ignorance of things that can hurt us and those we love are but a few examples. Yet when we choose to talk about these things, about what is true, we can then make empowered choices leading us to a state of balance. Join Tami on this Journey for Truth.


  • Journey for Truth – Discovering Your Ancient Journey


    Hossca Harrison, the only medium for Jonah, will be offering a seminar-titled a Jonah Intensive-in Denver, Colorado in May 17, 18, and 19th, 2013. On this episode, Hossca shares with us what will be taught during the weekend Intensive and how we can apply it to our discovery of our own soul pathway, our own […] The post Journey for Truth – Discovering Your Ancient Journey appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Are You Being Haunted?


    What does it mean to be haunted? Does it mean someone is following you around, hanging out in your house, or interfering in your relationships? What does it mean to be haunted by a past life? Do you feel seemingly irrational feelings? Have unexplained dreams or memories that make no sense? Can’t quite get past […] The post Journey for Truth – Are You Being Haunted? appeared first on

  • Journey For Truth-Clearing Energy


    Nadia Powers learned very young that she needed to claim her individuality even in the face of physical, sexual, and spiritual abuse. How young was Nadia when she realized she needed to heal? Now at the age of nineteen, using her skills and intuition she assists others who want to clear out old and stagnant […] The post Journey For Truth-Clearing Energy appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – The Transformational Goddess


    Shann Vander Leek, author of Life On Your Terms, had a fabulous career in advertising. She worked with the hotshots like Nike and Pepsi-Cola and was pulling in a six figure income. Safe, right? She discovered that she just wasn’t happy and she needed to figure out why. Shann left her work to understand who […] The post Journey for Truth – The Transformational Goddess appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – The Supermind


    Maurie Pressman, M.D. has spent years researching the mind and how it works. His book, Living In The Supermind, discusses how the mind is separate from the brain and how it holds our wisdom right along with our denial of our own wisdom. How do we access the supermind or higher mind? What is the […] The post Journey for Truth – The Supermind appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – The Hooker’s Daughter


    Listen to Dale Stanten discuss her book, The Hooker’s Daughter. What is it like to have your mother turn tricks in your apartment? What about your father? Do the neighbors know? Listen to these answers and more in the interview with Dale! The post Journey for Truth – The Hooker’s Daughter appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Bullying


    Bullying has been around since the dawn of time, but does that make it OK? “Kids will be kids” is not acceptable, not after we see kids killing kids for being bullied. We need to take a stand and intervene when we see bullying. Jodee Blanco joins Tami on Journey For Truth to discuss Jodee’s […] The post Journey for Truth – Bullying appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Alpha Chick


    Mal Duane grew up in an affluent home on the East Coast and was a successful model in the late 1960’s and into the 1970’s. She was dubbed the United States Twiggy, was on billboards, magazines, and partied with celebrities and sports figures. She had money, beauty, status, and a colorful life. But, she had […] The post Journey for Truth – Alpha Chick appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Blindness in Music


    Konnie Ellis wrote Rory’s Story because Rory Hoffman is her brother and he has accomplished some amazing things! Rory, along with his three siblings, were all born blind with no medical reason. Despite his ‘disability’, he was conversing with adults at age 2, drumming at age 4, and went on to become an accomplished musician. […] The post Journey for Truth – Blindness in Music appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – New Spirit Guide Sessions


    Listen to Tami give two free spirit guide sessions to two people who volunteered. Tami sent out a request through Empowerment Through Healing Facebook page asking for two volunteers to listen to what their guides wanted to offer for the purpose of healing and sharing with the listeners. Joanna is first and she had never […] The post Journey for Truth – New Spirit Guide Sessions appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – It’s Not About The Money


    How many times do we make money an issue and it’s not even the real issue? What if the real problem began in childhood and it had to do with a parent or a sibling? Then as we age, our minds want to make the problem about money because money becomes more obvious than the […] The post Journey for Truth – It’s Not About The Money appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Healing


    As an adolescent, Justin Steckbaur began using drugs to escape his feelings about his family and its situation. After two trips to a mental hospital, jail time, and broken promises, he finally decided to sober up. He did that through his religion. Listen to Justin, still only 27 years old, talk about his journey to […] The post Journey for Truth – Healing appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Cracking Open


    Isabeau Esby, Beau for short, grew up in a logical and Type A personality household. Everything needed to be logical and concrete. That is until her grandmother passed away. Her grandmother was the only person who would talk about ghosts and spirits, so it made sense that after Beau’s grandmother passed, she showed up to […] The post Journey for Truth – Cracking Open appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Finding Happy


    Greg Friedman is a life coach, guide, and mentor. Peru and Australia are just two of the places through which he can guide people. How did Greg become a life coach and mentor, what has he learned by working with Shamans, and what is a real Shaman? Listen to Greg and Tami discuss what it […] The post Journey for Truth – Finding Happy appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Gentle Goodnight


    Are you a new parent or a parent of a new baby? Do you know someone who has a new baby at home or is interested in learning more of spiritual parenting? Listen to Lyssa Armenta, author of Gentle Goodnight, discuss her point of view on allowing your baby to ‘cry it out’ at bed […] The post Journey for Truth – Gentle Goodnight appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – The Journey To Films


    Malcolm Brooks had a passion and dream to write for, produce, and direct films. He graduated high school, was in the Air Force, and eventually made his way to screen writing and, along the way, even met Antoine Fisher. In that journey, he also became homeless, sleeping in his car. How did he transition to […] The post Journey for Truth – The Journey To Films appeared first on

  • Journey For Truth – Journey For Truth-Spirit Guide Sessions Offered


    Tami leads you through a new episode in which she offers spirit guide sessions to two individuals. Both women were eager to hear whatever their guides had to say and responded positively to the information, though the information was not always comfortable to repeat to them. Everyone has guides and your guides have information to […] The post Journey For Truth – Journey For Truth-Spirit Guide Sessions Offered appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Layla


    Jeannie Kerrigan spent most of her childhood being sexually abused by her father-which led to prostitution. But, in the beginning of Jeannie’s book, Layla, she is the caretaker for her ailing father. Did she forgive him? How did she heal the abuse of her childhood and the trauma of her adulthood-which includes being abducted and […] The post Journey for Truth – Layla appeared first on

  • Journey For Truth – Erotic Author


    Join Rico Lamoureux, an erotic author, on Journey For Truth as he discusses his autobiography, Power of the Pen. His book narrates his childhood of significant abuse from his mother, his time in child foster care, and his desire to overcome and heal his pain. He has had many obstacles to overcome in his 38 […] The post Journey For Truth – Erotic Author appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Self-Love


    Is learning to love yourself selfish or a waste of time? What is the importance of self-love? Is it only for those who do not have to survive in the ‘real world’, or is it for everyone to experience? Tina Nies shares with us her book, 40 Day LoveFest, that describes the importance of self-love […] The post Journey for Truth – Self-Love appeared first on

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