Journey For Truth Tami Urbanek



Join Tami Urbanek, medium and clairvoyant, as she takes us on a journey to find truth. What is truth? We often walk through the days not paying attention, unaware, unconcerned while events, trend, problems of major import need discussion, examination and sometimes action. Our polluted government, polluted air and food supply, polluted planet, modern-day slavery, hatred of those not like us ignorance of things that can hurt us and those we love are but a few examples. Yet when we choose to talk about these things, about what is true, we can then make empowered choices leading us to a state of balance. Join Tami on this Journey for Truth.


  • Journey for Truth – Welfare Mothers


    Many assume that welfare mothers are lazy, uneducated, and have children simply to qualify for more welfare funds. Is that true? Maybe for some mothers on welfare. But, what about a college educated mother who was on welare? A woman who grew up in an affluent home? Listen to Barbara Morrison discuss her book, Innocent: […] The post Journey for Truth – Welfare Mothers appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Going Beyond Survival


    Marni Spencer-Devlin wrote her book, Crawling Into The Light, to assist others in knowing there is life beyond pain. Growing up in Germany, with a family that did not really want her, being molested by her older brother, raped at age 12 by a 25 year old man, traveled to the United States, addicted to […] The post Journey for Truth – Going Beyond Survival appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – The Truth-Finding Your Truth


    Les Schmidt has a story to tell! First, he grows up in a fear based and controlling church that does not believe in medical care nor birth control, he marries and has six daughters and begins his own car repair business, leaves his wife, manufactures illegal drugs, goes to prison twice, and then decides to […] The post Journey for Truth – The Truth-Finding Your Truth appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – The Cross in the Closet


    Timothy Kurek grew up in a strict religious community. A community that taught homosexuality was an abomination of God and that it was his duty to try to judge and try to convert homosexuals to heterosexuality. He was taught it was bad and wrong to ‘choose’ to be homosexual. Timothy believed that too. That is, […] The post Journey for Truth – The Cross in the Closet appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Deep Happy


    What does Deep Happy mean? Does it mean always walking around with a smile on your face or never having a bad day? Or does it mean something deeper; something that goes to your core essence? Peter Fairfield joins Tami, on Journey For Truth, to discuss his book, Deep Happy-How To Get There and Always […] The post Journey for Truth – Deep Happy appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Past Lives


    Adrian Finkelstein is a researcher, teacher, former university professor, author, and the recipient of awards from medical institutions. He also studies past lives and has performed many studies on whether past lives exist. He wrote many books, one of them titled Love Reclaimed: Jean Harlow Returns to Clear Her Husband’s Name. Have we lived before? […] The post Journey for Truth – Past Lives appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – I Lost My Job and I Liked It!


    Lilou Mace, author of I Lost My Job and I Liked It and I Had No Money and I Liked It, shares with us her journey from employment to being laid off. What was she going to do? She realized a couple of things, such as she was not happy in her work anyway, but […] The post Journey for Truth – I Lost My Job and I Liked It! appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – The Rational Psychic


    Jack Rourke joins Tami in a discussion about what a Rational Psychic is and misperceptions that people have about psychics. Jack describes some of his own experiences and speaks with us about his own skepticism, even though he is a psychic. You can purchase Jack’s book, The Rational Psychic, a Skeptics Guide to Extraordinary Perception, […] The post Journey for Truth – The Rational Psychic appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Sex Addiction and Healing


    Listen to Amrita Grace speak with Tami about Amrita’s childhood sexual abuse which led to sexual addiction. After failed marriages and continued pain, she finally sought out assistance to heal her painful past. Amrita discusses her journey to heal and why sexual addiction is misunderstood. You can read Amrita’s book, Reclaiming Aphrodite, for free by […] The post Journey for Truth – Sex Addiction and Healing appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Addiction Talk Therapy Sucks?


    Listen to Steve Jennings discuss his book, Why Addiction Talk Therapy Sucks, an E-book. You will hear Steve, discuss with Tami, his alcohol addiction, what led up to it, and how difficult it was for him to ‘get sober’. He believes that the traditional talk therapy in treatment centers is not effective and he states […] The post Journey for Truth – Addiction Talk Therapy Sucks? appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – A Matter of Panache


    “After many years as a successful educational psychologist and working in Alaska for 18 years, I had my car accident. I experienced a brain injury. I lost some of my relationships. I lost my home. I lost my ability to earn a living. I lost my ability to think clearly.” Listen to Debra Sanders discuss, […] The post Journey for Truth – A Matter of Panache appeared first on

  • Journey For Truth – New Spirit Guide Sessions


    Listen to Tami offer spirit guide sessions to Barbara and Dona! Barbara and Dona responded to an Empowerment Through Healing Facebook request for two volunteers to have a guide session on Journey For Truth. What do Barbara’s guides tell her about what she needs to heal and about her mother? How do Dona’s guides offer […] The post Journey For Truth – New Spirit Guide Sessions appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Jonah Life Institute


    Listen to Hossca Harrison discuss his work as a medium for Jonah, the October Jonah Intensive in Denver, Colorado, different available Jonah CD messages, and Hossca’s popular blog that attracts thousands of readers. Hossca, who is a medium for Jonah, is not your ‘average’ medium, nor is Jonah your ‘average’ spiritual teacher. Hossca describes Jonah […] The post Journey for Truth – Jonah Life Institute appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – A Nurse’s education on life and death


    Becki Hawkins wrote the book, Transitions: A Nurse’s Education About Life And Death, based on her own nursing experiences in Hospice and the Oncology department. How do people respond to their cancer treatments? What do they learn about themselves? What do people, who have Near Death Experiences (NDE’s), say they saw? How many talk to […] The post Journey for Truth – A Nurse’s education on life and death appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Life Energy Flow Tai Yi Practitioners Speak Out!


    Join Tami Urbanek, Wayne Holum, Jason Harrison, and Sharon Farrell on this episode, discussing Life Energy Flow Tai Yi. What is Tai Yi? How does it assist you in healing a variety of ailments, such as an addiction to sugar, memory loss, digestive issues, anger, anxiety, among many other ailments? How does one receive Tai […] The post Journey for Truth – Life Energy Flow Tai Yi Practitioners Speak Out! appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Sex, Orgasms, and Healing


    Betty Louise joins Tami Urbanek on this episode to discuss how a satisfying sexual experience significantly decreased the pain of Betty’s Rheumatoid Arthritis. Betty explains how she went from being an athlete in her 20’s to suffering from crippling pain in her 30’s that lasted for 15 years despite toxic pain medications that had to […] The post Journey for Truth – Sex, Orgasms, and Healing appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Journey For Truth-John Holland discusses his abilities as a psychic medium


    John Holland has been featured on CBS’ Unsolved Mysteries, A&A, and on the History Channel. He also has a new feature coming in August 2012 on the Biography channel. Listen to John discuss, with Tami, his abilities as a psychic medium. He briefly addresses his childhood, as a black sheep, and how a near fatal […] The post Journey for Truth – Journey For Truth-John Holland discusses his abilities as a psychic medium appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Peter McCarthy, author of Adrenaline Nation


    Peter McCarthy wrote the book Adrenaline Nation to bring awareness about the importance of what we are doing to our own health. Peter graduated from the Air Force Academy, he spent 20 years in the military, and also was an airline pilot for many years. He graduated with a Doctorate in Traditional Naturopathy and is […] The post Journey for Truth – Peter McCarthy, author of Adrenaline Nation appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – The Emotion Code


    Listen to Dr. Bradley Nelson discuss his book, The Emotion Code. Dr. Nelson is a chiropractor, who after many clients, understood that most people’s emotional and physical ailments are connected to emotional baggage. He began to understand that ‘trapped’ emotions would and do create a range of difficulties in a person at any age in […] The post Journey for Truth – The Emotion Code appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Michael Mapes, Psychic and Life Coach


    Michael Mapes discusses his abilities, as a psychic/medium and life coach, with Tami. Michael knew of his abilities at a young age and even told his preschool teacher he was psychic, at the age of 5. He grew up in a supportive home and really began assisting people in his late teen years as a […] The post Journey for Truth – Michael Mapes, Psychic and Life Coach appeared first on

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