Journey For Truth Tami Urbanek



Join Tami Urbanek, medium and clairvoyant, as she takes us on a journey to find truth. What is truth? We often walk through the days not paying attention, unaware, unconcerned while events, trend, problems of major import need discussion, examination and sometimes action. Our polluted government, polluted air and food supply, polluted planet, modern-day slavery, hatred of those not like us ignorance of things that can hurt us and those we love are but a few examples. Yet when we choose to talk about these things, about what is true, we can then make empowered choices leading us to a state of balance. Join Tami on this Journey for Truth.


  • Journey for Truth – Animal Totems


    Patricia Brooks wrote her book, God Is In the Little Things; Messages From the Animals to tell her story and to educate us on animal totems. How do we identify with God outside of traditional religion and how do animals send us messages? What are animal totems? Find out here! The post Journey for Truth – Animal Totems appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Spirit Guides Give Past Life Information


    Spirit guides are with us all the time. They are knowledgeable and everyone has their own guides all through life. On this episode you’ll hear two people talk to their guides, specifically, to gain information on a past life that still plays a role in their current life. As a medium, Tami can repeat the […] The post Journey for Truth – Spirit Guides Give Past Life Information appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Yay Me!


    Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt had a difficult childhood. Instead of allowing her pain to control her destiny, she read books on spirituality and on how to create a positive life through affirmations and attraction. But, it wasn’t working. She had multiple miscarriages and she wasn’t creating the life she wanted. She finally decided to do something […] The post Journey for Truth – Yay Me! appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – My Uncle Gloria


    Meet Gloria Stein, formerly an amateur dominatrix. Gloria also was born a man and began the process of her gender change at the age of 63. Gloria is now 78 and has no intention of slowing down! Why did she change her gender? Where is she now in her life? How did her change inspire […] The post Journey for Truth – My Uncle Gloria appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Teaching Men The Art of Charm


    Jordan Harbinger realized that many men were lacking in charm and creating painful and short-lived relationships. He is the co-founder of the Art of Charm, an intense program to teach men how to identify and monitor old habits that tend to create those painful relationships or dead end jobs. How do you attract a woman […] The post Journey for Truth – Teaching Men The Art of Charm appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Harem Slaves


    Nancy Hartwell became interested in modern-day slavery after her friend mysteriously vanished. In Nancy’s research, she came to see how prevalent slavery still is. In her book, Harem Slave: One Thousand Nine Hundred and Four Days of Hell on the Persian Gulf (Human Trafficking) (Volume 1), Nancy writes of girl who is taken and placed […] The post Journey for Truth – Harem Slaves appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Thought Patterns


    Thought patterns control our lives. We make choices with our thought patterns and they affect our relationships negatively or positively. Listen to Kirk William Spencer talk with Tami about thought patterns and how we can change them to create the life we want to experience. The post Journey for Truth – Thought Patterns appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Let’s Talk Health


    Many assume the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry have our best interests at heart. But, do they? Why are doctors not required to take nutritional classes? Instead, doctors are encouraged to write prescriptions instead of analyzing a person’s diet. Dr. Carolyn Dean is a medical doctor and has gained much knowledge on nutrition and talks […] The post Journey for Truth – Let’s Talk Health appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – The Illusion of Time


    Three times per year a Jonah Intensive (seminar) is offered in Denver, Colorado for those who want to learn about the spirituality of science and the science of spirituality. Hossca Harrison joins Tami to discuss the upcoming October 2013 Jonah Intensive details. The October Intensive is called The Illusion of Time. How is time an […] The post Journey for Truth – The Illusion of Time appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Soul Health


    Dr. Katherine Kelly knows what it takes to live a soulful life. She write, “Our soul’s most natural state is that of unimpeded growth. Therefore, our soul’s evolution depends entirely on our willingness and ability to balance our lives in such a way that we create an unobstructed environment for its growth” in her book, […] The post Journey for Truth – Soul Health appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Movies and Spirituality


    Meet Jefferson Langely, co-producer of the movie, Not Forgotten. Jefferson is a writer, producer, director, and enjoys helping people find their passion and sense of self. How does Jefferson see movies as playing a role in helping people and how does Jefferson define success? Listen here! The post Journey for Truth – Movies and Spirituality appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Solomon Speaks


    Years ago, Eric Pearle discovered something new in his patients coming to him for chiropractic adjustments. He began seeing rapid change and rapid healing occur. In his new book, Solomon Speaks On Reconnecting Your Life, Eric writes about what was happening with his patients and the teaches that the entity Solomon offers. How can we […] The post Journey for Truth – Solomon Speaks appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Leaving Religion


    Margaret Placentra Johnston left her religion and wanted to learn from others who had done the same thing. Did they permanently leave religion or go back? Margaret’s book, Faith Beyond Belief, is about different people who left their religion behind, why, and their outcomes. Listen to Margaret talk about what she discovered! The post Journey for Truth – Leaving Religion appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Intuition and Healing


    Lisa Tarves could see and hear those in the nonphysical and angels since she was a child. Thankfully, she had a supportive family who encouraged her to use her abilities. Today, she assists people with her readings and healing services. Her book, Just Believe, tells her story and has garnered some great reviews. Listen to […] The post Journey for Truth – Intuition and Healing appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Creating Abundance


    Most people are seeking ways they can reach financial abundance, but feel like they never quite get there. Listen to Dr. Richard London talk about his work in assisting others in creating financial abundance. He has worked with entertainment personalities, industry leaders, and major organizations. He has discovered what it takes to make the leap […] The post Journey for Truth – Creating Abundance appeared first on

  • Journey For Truth – Healing Self-Abuse


    Ester Nicholson, former back-up singer for Better Midler and Rod Stewart, was a drug abuser and an alcoholic. She hit rock bottom when a taxi driver told her to do something different. Was he an angel? What did she do and how did she do it? Her book, Soul Recovery, details how to heal your […] The post Journey For Truth – Healing Self-Abuse appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Forgiveness


    Jeannie Kerrigan spent most of her childhood being sexually abused by her father-which led to prostitution. But, in the beginning of Jeannie’s book, Layla, she is the caretaker for her ailing father. Did she forgive him? How did she heal the abuse of her childhood and the trauma of her adulthood-which includes being abducted and […] The post Journey for Truth – Forgiveness appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – The Midas Tree


    Lesley Phillips, author of The Midas Tree, brings a sense of children’s fantasy tales into the realm of spiritual healing for all ages. Clairvoyant, healer, and spiritual coach, Lesley can guide people on their path of healing and enlightenment in more ways than one. What is The Midas Tree about? How does it help people […] The post Journey for Truth – The Midas Tree appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Homosexuality in Christianity


    Dave Thompson was interested in pursuing religion as his work ever since he was a kid. Studying Christianity starting at age nineteen, which later led him to begin working in a church. But, he felt he had to cover up his sexual orientation, for it was against God to be homosexual. Dave even spent ten […] The post Journey for Truth – Homosexuality in Christianity appeared first on

  • Journey for Truth – Recovery in Music


    Dale Rucklos had quite a struggle at age 51. He was labeled a manic depressive after taking meds to supposedly help his lack of sleep. Manic he was…but manic depressive? What happened? What happened after he was hit by an oncoming 55 mph car? What was his spiritual awakening? How does all of this relate […] The post Journey for Truth – Recovery in Music appeared first on

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