Again With This: Beverly Hills, 90210



Need someone to share the joy, pain, and shoulder pads of your Beverly Hills, 90210 rewatch? The Tara Ariano and Sarah D. Bunting are here for you!


  • DC S01.E03: Kiss

    29/01/2024 Duración: 43min

    Since Dawson simply cannot shut up in the back of the film class he is very much not enrolled in, Mr. Gold finally tries to get him to shut up by letting him be a PA on Cliff's movie. Will Dawson's constitutional inability to keep his thoughts to himself ruin his chance to parlay the PA gig into full access to the class? At the same time, he's still very anxious to kiss Jen, going so far as to plan not just the music and setting but possibly also the dialogue, and refuses to hear Joey when she tells him THAT'S CREEPY. Joey, meanwhile, meets a preppie tourist named Anderson and decides to try on a whole new identity with him: Upper East Sider Deborah Kerr.......son. Deborah Carson! How far can she push her luck using the random facts she's gleaned about Manhattan, a place we may safely presume she's never been? Speaking of pushing her luck: Tamara. Pacey claims he strategically failed a quiz to try to weasel his way into having her tutor him and she agrees because she has a lot of issues she is refusing to ack

  • MP S07.E26: How Amanda Got Her Groove Back

    22/01/2024 Duración: 34min

    Amanda's one-story fall leads to medical consequences that are, for any soap opera viewer, extremely expected. Further consequences ripple through the group: Lexi takes advantage of Ryan's distress to get intel on his romantic past. Eve looks up an old prison pal for help fleeing her life. And Peter finally decides to try to run down the VA lab results to see if he can prove to Kyle that he did, in fact, father a child with Amanda. In the background of all this, Nurse Audrey takes her revenge on Michael with the help of her secret sex tape. We are going to get into all of this AND the extremely inappropriate episode title in our podcast on "How Amanda Got Her Groove Back"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • DC S01.E02: Dance

    15/01/2024 Duración: 46min

    Only two episodes in, and already it's just overall a bad time to be Joey Potter. First of all, she has to be present for all of Dawson's yammering about the romantic relationship that only he thinks he's on his way to having with Jen. Also, she has to bear the terrible knowledge that Gale is having an extramarital affair, though at least in that case, she lightens her burden a little by telling Gale she knows. And THEN, there's a friggin' Victory Dance at school, and a football player/aspiring filmmaker named Cliff (a pre-Felicity Scott Foley!) dares to ask Jen before Dawson could...ask her over to watch dance movies instead. And when Dawson decides to try to shoot his shot around Cliff, he makes Joey come and witness it. It's rough! Speaking of rough: Pacey, spending almost all his time trying to force Tamara to go against her instincts not to get arrested. Pour yourself some punch, then spike it, and enjoy our podcast on "Dance"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • MP S07.E25: They Shoot Blanks, Don't They?

    08/01/2024 Duración: 29min

    Amanda is doing her best to be supportive while Kyle goes through his rehab program, but she still feels guilty about pushing him to do things she doesn't think he ever wanted to do, while he feels ashamed to have fallen short of his own standards. She definitely needs a friend to lean on, and since she and Eve are still fighting about Amanda having fired Sharp Objects, Amanda seeks support from Peter, fueling rumors: Lexi tells Ryan about seeing Amanda and Peter getting a hotel room key after the foundation fundraiser, Eve remembers how Amanda clung to Peter after he got Ricky G away from her, and the one and only other patient Kyle's talked to in his program is perfectly cheerful about his own wife cheating on him while he's away, leading Kyle to jump to wild conclusions. Lexi and Ryan aren't ONLY talking about Kyle: when they simultaneously land on a great slogan for the Passion Island campaign, they throw themselves a drinking contest to decide which of them will get to present it -- a contest that has co

  • DC S01.E01: Pilot

    01/01/2024 Duración: 50min

    Dawson Leery, the world's #1 Steven Spielberg fan, has a great life: wonderful friends he's known since childhood, parents who are seriously crazy about each other, and plenty of resources to pursue his dream of becoming a filmmaker. But just as he and his pals are about to start high school, cracks start to appear. Joey suddenly decides she can't sleep over anymore, just because of their hormones. Dawson's elderly next-door neighbor takes in her beautiful granddaughter Jen, who's fleeing some kind of scandal in New York City. Dawson's mother maybe sleeping with her closest work colleague?! Meanwhile, when a hot-to-trot older lady comes into the video store where Dawson works with his friend Pacey, the latter decides that the new member's request for The Graduate is some kind of signal that she wants to fool around with him. All that and it's truly just the beginning. You don't want to wait for our podcast on the Dawson's Creek pilot -- and you don't have to! Here it is. JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • Special: It's A Very Tori Time Of Year

    25/12/2023 Duración: 35min

    We're off this week but we bring you two Again With Again With This episodes full of holiday cheer. AWAWT 120: Let’s Watch SNL’s Tori: Absolutely Christmas! Our discussion of the ongoing Tori Spelling send-up from Saturday Night Live is twice as long as the pleasingly concise skit, which we give pretty high marks. Is Melanie Hutsell's Tennessee-flavored Tori a success? Is there STUFF? Listen and see what we thought! AWAWT 125: Let's Watch Tori Spelling In A Carol Christmas! Carol Cartman is a truly heinous bitch of a daytime talk show host, but can visits from three Christmas ghosts show her the error of her ways? ...Yes, yes they can. JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • Special: It's A Jack Wagner & Heather Locklear Sorta Christmas

    18/12/2023 Duración: 41min

    We're off this week but we bring you two Again With Again With This episodes full of holiday cheer. AWAWT 121: Let's Watch Jack Wagner In Falling For Christmas! Netflix's "Hallmark, But Expensive?" movie Falling For Christmas features LiLo as an amnesiac heiress, and Jack Wagner as her hotel-magnate dad. It's a completely predictable bagatelle -- but were we charmed by it? Was Wagner's best work in the blooper reel? And can we get a Tad/Ralph spin-off or what? AWAWT 124: Let's Watch Heather Locklear In Her First Spin City Christmas Episode! Caitlin may be a new arrival to The Mayor's staff, but Heather Locklear is a veteran when it comes to parrying men's romantic overtures and pretending she's not interested herself. Her stubbornness is matched by Mike's in this holiday episode: join us as we mix and mingle, but stay away from the Croot Loops. JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • MP S07.E24: Saving Ryan's Privates

    11/12/2023 Duración: 43min

    The good news is that after seeing his worst qualities reflected in his awful father, Kyle has realized that he does, finally, have to tell Amanda what's driven him to drink and pills. The bad news is that he does so immediately after setting the dream house frame on fire and driving off to parts unknown. Amid and around waiting for him to return, Amanda decides to send Ryan to Mexico for a resort client pitch meeting, and Lexi decides to send herself as soon as she knows he's going. Amanda also manages Sharp Objects out of the rock and roll club in Kyle's absence, pissing off Eve, who thinks Amanda's doing it on Peter's orders to sabotage Eve's career. (Peter also finds time to comfort Amanda...maybe a little too well?) Elsewhere, we find out what exactly Michael has been doing with Nurse Audrey, and whether he found the right partner for a scheme based on sexual intrigue. Get ready to salute our podcast on "Saving Ryan's Privates"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • MP S07.E23: The Younger Son Also Rises

    04/12/2023 Duración: 41min

    McBride patriarch Mack comes to town to ruin everyone's lives.

  • MP S07.E22: A Fist Full Of Secrets

    27/11/2023 Duración: 40min

    Having been assaulted, at the end of the previous episode, with Kyle's version of Eve's scandalous history, Peter kind of...acts like a grownup? He tells her what he's heard, then goes to Oakhurst to see what he can find out himself. Unsurprisingly, the small-town fascists make Eve look much more credible by contrast. Back in L.A., Kyle is still a mess, and Ryan is still sniffing around Megan's restrictive new work schedule. Wilshire Memorial has taken a cue from the rest of the country post-Monica Lewinsky by deciding to educate its staff about sexual harassment. When Michael isn't trying -- and still failing -- to confess his charity embezzlement, he's ignoring everything he was told in his sexual harassment seminar to flirt with a cute new nurse named Audrey. We will TRY not to punch too hard in our podcast on "A Fist Full Of Secrets"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • MP S07.E21: I Married A Jock Murderer

    20/11/2023 Duración: 43min

    Kyle's reaction to Amanda kicking him out? Putting down his duffel bag and opening up his bag of pills. He's not trying to hear advice from Peter or Ryan, so Eve takes her shot -- then probably regrets it when Sharp Objects comes to town and Kyle orders her to perform as their new lead singer despite how uncomfortable she is about their lascivious looks. Perry is selling Michael so hard on the investment opportunity that Michael decides there's actually no risk at all if he just secretly borrows $100,000 from Peter and Amanda's children's charity. You'll never guess what happens next unless you've ever watched or read a single story about short cons. And when Megan ramps up her efforts to find lasting love for Lexi -- secretively, as Lexi has demanded -- Ryan starts to wonder whether her furtiveness is due to her having returned to her old job. We think we killed our podcast on "I Married A Jock Murderer"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • MP S07.E20: The Kyle High Club

    13/11/2023 Duración: 40min

    Kyle still hasn't figured out how to tell Amanda the news about his infertility, and has gone so far past the point of self-medication that he...gets on a plane and goes all the way to the other side of the country to "scout bands" in New York City. This is a great plan, because Peter doesn't want to refill his prescription of "relaxers," and you know who has access to drugs and a willingness to party? Bands! And their managers! Back in Los Angeles, Lexi is still trying to figure out what secret Eve is keeping from her; Peter says he doesn't care, when it's pretty clear he does. Lexi takes a break from harassing her ex's new wife to give Megan an important new assignment at her fake job: find Lexi a man! On the promise of becoming a name partner upon completion of the unorthodox assignment, Megan agrees. Deciding to give up on their divorce doesn't mean Michael and Jane no longer have any problems to deal with: they still have to pay their lawyers, but Michael refuses on principle to economize in any way, whi

  • MP S07.E19: The Usual Santas

    06/11/2023 Duración: 38min

    It's the winter holiday season on Melrose Place, and Santa's sleigh is about to get totaled. Dr. V has the charitable instinct of enlisting Michael, Peter, and their male neighbors from the complex to be temporary Santas at various local schools. Little do they know that ANOTHER group of Santas has assembled for much more nefarious purposes. Fortunately, a moment of mistaken identity is quickly cleared up, freeing the Santas for their various pursuits. Michael resumes divorcing Jane, only for an activist judge to order them to spend the holidays together. Ryan celebrates finally getting together with Megan by calling out from work for a multi-day bone-a-thon. Eve's hope for a beautiful first Christmas with Peter is threatened when Travis, the tree lot guy, tries to blackmail her into sex, and Kyle volunteers to get involved to help work out a little of his self-hating aggression on Travis's face -- because, oh yeah, while Amanda keeps talking about this being their last Christmas alone, Kyle still hasn't told

  • MP S07.E18: Suddenly Sperm

    30/10/2023 Duración: 36min

    Amanda and Kyle having decided they want to have a baby, Amanda's gotten herself medically cleared for action, and asks Kyle to do the same. But since he knows some of his Gulf War veteran buddies have had fertility issues, Kyle goes to his new pal (?) Peter (??) for a physical to see if he also got exposed to anything that compromised his baby-making capacity. The very busy Amanda also accepts Lexi's invitation that they bury their former animosity by starting a charity to benefit the hospital; since Eve is present when Peter's exes tell him about it, Eve gets territorial about Lexi and volunteers to join them, even though the more time she spends with Lexi, the more opportunities she has to reveal too much about her past. Ryan and Megan both finally get over themselves and agree to a date that doesn't exactly go the way either of them would like. And Michael and Jane try to move on from each other, even if neither of them seems entirely sure that's what they want. No, we certainly will NOT be making any "st

  • MP S07.E17: When Cheerleaders Attack

    23/10/2023 Duración: 32min

    We found out in the last episode that Eve served 15 years in prison, and this week, we find out why; thus, all of us are one-up on Peter, since Amanda and Eve convince Kyle (to whom they spilled their secret) not to tell Peter, and he and Eve get married without incident as far as he knows. Kyle's not thrilled about it, but when he gets back to L.A. he finds much to distract him: a random baby to hold and be cute with; a plot of land he and Amanda might buy to build their dream house on; all kinds of SIGNS that the drama is behind them and they can talk seriously about settling down and starting a family. Meanwhile, back in Oakhurst, Lexi makes an ass of herself crashing Peter and Eve's honeymoon; the shock of finding out Peter went ahead and married another lady convinces her to stop acting the fool all over town. Jane continues dealing with her health scare, and Megan does a terrible job keeping her confidence, leading Michael into situations that confuse him as to the future of his relationship with Jane.

  • MP S07.E16: Lethal Wedding 4

    16/10/2023 Duración: 42min

    The sex-driven roof collapse of the previous episode has thrown everyone into chaos. Jane is going ahead with divorce proceedings immediately! Ryan is done with Lexi for good! Megan is also done with Lexi as a friend and a boss! starting therapy, which is honestly probably a good idea and long overdue! Peter is suddenly bereaved, as he finds out his estranged father has died, apparently alone, and after the day it takes to settle his estate and not attend the funeral, Peter is re-evaluating his life. Specifically, he doesn't want to end up as lonely as his old man, so will Eve marry him? She will! And she'll have it in Oakhurst, which is alarming to Amanda for reasons we don't know! Kyle decides he's done hating Peter just in time to get very suspicious about his new fiancée, and try to save him from marrying an unworthy partner. We tell you whether wedding bells will successfully ring this time in our podcast on "Lethal Wedding 4"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • MP S07.E15: Fiddling On The Roof

    09/10/2023 Duración: 45min

    It's Jane and Michael's wedding day: take 2! Bad start: Michael is reunited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, who all soon realize none of them knows where Jane is. Amanda does, once Jane summons her to the hotel room she's booked (which: let's pause and congratulating her on figuring out THIS resource) to say she and Alex kissed and now she doesn't know if marrying Michael is a mistake. Amanda tries to hold everything together, getting the groom and all the guests to the church...but will Jane join them? Whether you're listening at sunrise or sunset, please enjoy our podcast on "Fiddling On The Roof"! JOIN THE AWT CLUB

  • MP S07.E14: Suspicion

    02/10/2023 Duración: 40min

    In some ways, things for Eve and Peter seem to be going great: he's giving her his credit card for a shopping spree, broadly hinting that he'd love her to move in, and so on. Buuuuuuuut, there's also the fact that she needs a shopping spree because she barely has any clothes; and is she maybe so focused on Peter that she might pass up a chance to make a deal with a record label? That's not all, but don't get too excited: whatever her terrible secret is, that reveal isn't happening yet. Also not happening: Jane's participation in the final wedding arrangements, because Alex is demanding that she come with him to his studio in Chicago to help him with his spring line. And if this puts them back together at the same place where they boned on the eve of her last wedding to Michael, so much the better for him! Michael tries to prove that he really does trust her by staying away, though if Peter wasn't around to keep distracting him, Michael would definitely be getting on a plane to intrude. Megan continues running

  • MP S07.E13: The Night The Lights Went Out At Melrose

    25/09/2023 Duración: 40min

    Eve is about as eager to get things going with Peter as a person can be. And she knows he and Amanda were formerly married. And she recognizes that her instincts about relationships may not be the greatest. But no, she is not going to listen to any of Amanda's suggestions about how to handle things with him. Megan is trying to walk the narrow line between staying on Lexi's good side (and in her employ) while letting Amanda know Megan respects her; she's also, maybe, starting to thaw on Ryan. Lexi, meanwhile, is holing up in her condo trying to drink away her public humiliation. Michael and Jane's story is still mostly spinning its wheels. At least Alex does what he can to change things up by suggesting that Jane become the face and body of his fashion brand, while also enlisting Amanda to break Jane and Michael up on threat of Alex pulling his business. Then there's a city-wide blackout that throws everyone into disarray! You don't need to see a dang thing to enjoy our podcast on "The Night The Lights Went Ou

  • MP S07.E12: The Rumor Whisperer

    18/09/2023 Duración: 41min

    After being drawn to Eve's (a) medical level of neediness and (b) siren song, Peter asks her out. And Amanda is all about it, giving Eve tips on how to land him and even lending her an outfit. But then Eve is a little too aggressive in kissing him goodnight, and too eager to try to walk back her first impression, to the degree that both Peter and the audience is left wondering what her deal actually is. We're not going to find out from Amanda this week, since she's got her own problems: BizLine has nominated her for Woman Of The Year, and since Lexi simply cannot have that, she uses back channels to try to talk the editor out of giving it to Amanda and, when that doesn't work, starts a rumor that Amanda slept with him to clinch her victory. Since Jane never noticed that Michael was on the property when Alex was declaring his love in the last episode, she remains focused on her suspicion that what Michael's hiding is an affair with Megan, despite being proven wrong every time she confronts either of them about

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