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PanAm Podcast: Evaluación de los dos años de Macri en el poder
01/11/2017 Duración: 20minEn el podcast de hoy hacemos una evaluación de los dos años que lleva Mauricio Macri en el poder y también hablamos de los retos que le quedan por delante al actual presidente. ¿Va muy lento o lo está haciendo bien?
PanAm Podcast: Manafort Indictment Reveals Tax Evasion, Doesn't Bolster Russia Trump Collusion Case
31/10/2017 Duración: 21minFormer Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was indicted today on twelve counts; chief among these were charges of money laundering, tax evasion, and failing to register as an agent of a foreign government. The charges are serious, but they do not in any way relate to the Russia Trump Collusion investigation, and in that sense Donald Trump can breathe a sigh of relief. Fundamentally, Manafort stands accused of hiding his lobbying work for the Ukrainian government, and then laundering the money through offshore bank accounts in order to avoid paying taxes on said income. In total he wired $18 million to the US. While Manafort's indictment will be a let-down to the Trump-haters who had hoped for me, it nevertheless reveals bad judgment on the part of Trump. How did Manafort obtain the position of campaign manager with all the ethical baggage and rumors swirling around him?
PanAm Podcast: la increíble similitud entre el acuerdo de "paz" de El Salvador y el de Colombia
28/10/2017 Duración: 13minEn el podcast de hoy un salvadoreño nos cuenta los resultados que ha tenido el acuerdo de paz firmado en ese país y la similitud con el que se acaba de firmar en Colombia
PanAm Podcast con Jairon Menchon: Correa rompe con Moreno y Glas espera juicio por corrupción
28/10/2017 Duración: 22minLo que se ve actualmente en Ecuador es bastante sorprendente: una gran ruptura entre el ex-presidente Rafael Correa y el actual presidente Lenin Moreno. Aunque ambos pertenecen al mismo partido político, Alianza Pais, han estado involucrado en una pública guerra de palabras. En tanto la disputa continua, el vice presidente Jorge Glas, y aliado fuerte de Correa, actualmente se encuentra con prisión preventiva, y se espera que pronto enfrente un juicio por corrupción debido al caso Odebrecht, en el cual es acusado de haber recibido sobornos a cambio de dar contratos lucrativos a la constructora brasileña. La lucha entre Moreno y Correa ha dividido al partido por la mitad, y ahora Moreno quiere implementar limites de mandato en Ecuador; una medida que preverá una posible postulación de Correa para la presidencia.
PanAm Podcast: Se equivocan quienes creen que el triunfo de Cambiemos significará más liberalismo
26/10/2017 Duración: 16minEn el podcast de hoy hacemos un análisis de lo ocurrido el domingo pasado en las elecciones legislativas en Argentina y de lo que Mauricio Macri hará después del apoyo logrado.
PanAm Podcast: Bush Critique of Trumpism Mixes Sincerity and Hypocrisy
24/10/2017 Duración: 20minThe normally taciturn former president George W. Bush waded into controversy this weekend, using a Bush Institute event in New York to launch thinly veiled broadsides at Trump and his followers. Bush warned of bigotry and nationalism, protectionism and nativism, and hammered home that economic globalization is here to stay. But were Bush's errors over 8 years less grave than Trump's? What personal motivations might Bush have to unleash on Trump? And how do the Bush and Trump presidencies stack up against a libertarian agenda? Fundamentally, Bush's critique appears to be a mix of sincerity and hypocrisy.
PanAm Podcast: el independentismo catalán se quedó sin salida
24/10/2017 Duración: 13minEn el podcast de hoy analizamos los diferentes escenarios que tiene el independentismo catalán y conversamos sobre lo difícil que puede ser la intervención a Cataluña
PanAm Podcast with Marcelo Duclos: Mauricio Macri Scores Huge Political Victory in Argentina
23/10/2017 Duración: 21minTonight Argentines went to the polls in midterm Congressional elections pitting center-right president Mauricio Macri and his Cambiemos Party against leftist Cristina Kirchner, Argentina's dominant political force for a decade. Kirchner won a Senate seat in Buenos Aires province, but had a disappointing performance natiowide, winning just 20% of the vote against Macri's 42%. Her decision to ababndon the Justicialista Party and form her own movement has divided the opposition, and now leaves Macri with a strong position to pursue his economic agenda and position himself for reelection in 2019. Ultimately, Duclos suggests that Kirchner and Macri may form some kind of implicit alliance: Macri still needs room to maneuver in Congress and could reach out to Kirchnerm and Kirchner can now use her Congressional privilege to thwart a series of legal investigations that has been swirling around her and her administration. Macri may, thus, be better off with Kirchner as the "leader" of the opposition.
PanAm Podcast: el intervencionismo de Santos está llevando a Colombia a la quiebra.
19/10/2017 Duración: 12minEn el podcast de hoy le contamos la realidad económica del país. La que el Ministro de Hacienda y todo el Gobierno Santos niega.
PanAm Podcast: London's Uber-Hypocrite Mayor Seeks to Deny Choice and Competition to Consumers.
19/10/2017 Duración: 18minLondon's mayor, Sadiq Khan, has recently spoken out in favor of Uber's ban in London. Strangely, merely two years ago, he admitted in a video that he liked to take Ubers himself. Transport for London's ban has been proposed on the most Orwellian of charges; the regulator has deemed Uber not "fit and proper" for operating in the city, allegedly over failing to file medical records and background checks. Uber claims they have filed such paperwork, and that the real objective of the city is to cave to the powerful taxi industry, which charges far more than Ubers. Ultimately, the greatest hypocrisy of all is that while Khan and his Labour acolytes claim to be the voice of immigrants, working class people, and non-native English speakers, these are exactly the people who would be most financially hurt by the ban on Uber. Uber's 40,000 drivers include a large immigrant population, while working class people rely on Uber for safe and reliable transportation that they can afford, especially at night. It's high time f
PanAm Podcast: "Los líderes de la MUD deben estar negociando con el Gobierno de Maduro"
18/10/2017 Duración: 25minEn el podcast de hoy hacemos un análisis de lo que ocurrió el domingo en Venezuela, cuando la supuesta oposición decidió legitimar al Gobierno de Maduro.
PanAm Podcast: Is Trump as Anti-Immigrant as the Media Makes Him Out to Be?
18/10/2017 Duración: 20minThe maisntream media has reveled in painting Donal Trump as a product of fundamentally nativist and xenophobic worldview. His proposed wall and travel ban have thrown the American left into hysteria, as the nation appears more divided along cultural lines than ever. But how radical is Trump's agenda? In his first nine months in office, Trump has prioritized deporting illegal immigrants who have committed crimes on American soil, which hardly seems draconian. Even most liberals and Democrats, I would imagine, would agree that non-citizens who commit crimes in the US should be deported. Conservatives and libertarians have plenty of ground to make a reasonable case for common sense measures: measures that will not reward those who broke the law by coming to the US illegally. Furthermore, from a fiscal standpoint, mass illegal immigration poses serious threats to financial solvency, as illegal immigrants use our education, healthcare, transportation, and infrastructure, but by and large do not pay taxes. Ultimat
"The Atlas Project"
17/10/2017 Duración: 09minEntrevista a Agustina Vergara Cid, Directora del Club Objetivista Internacional.
The Drug War Has Failed: Interdiction Won't Solve Fentanyl Epidemic
16/10/2017 Duración: 17minThe synthetic opioid fentanyl has been ravaging urban communities throughout the United States; nowhere has the wake of destruction been more serious than Baltimore, where the city's large population of heroin addicts has begun to consume fentanyl in large numbers. The danger of overdoses is serious, as fentanyl is 50 times more powerful than heroin. The drug is largely produced in China, then shipped to Mexico, where drug cartels distribute it throughout the US. It's a tragic situation, but is the Drug War the answer? Has the so-called "War on Drugs" worked, and will interdiction make a dent in supply if American public policy is ultimately unable to reduce the demand? Do human beings have the right to make their own decision regarding drug use, and what is the libertarian perspective on all this?
Videocolumna: Las universidades que han invitado a los asesinos de las FARC a dar conferencias
16/10/2017 Duración: 04minEn la videocolumna de hoy nos ponemos del lado de los estudiantes que se indignan al ver a los líderes de las Farc dando conferencias en sus universidades. Le contamos cuáles son los centros educativos que han considerado que los asesinos de esta guerrilla tienen algo para enseñar a sus estudiantes.
PanAm Podcast: Yael Ossowski Suggests Greater Political Autonomy Might Avert Catalonia Crisis
13/10/2017 Duración: 23minYael Ossowski of SFL discusses his recent op-ed in the Washington Examiner regarding this weekend's Catalonian independence referendum, which prompted a massive show of force from the Madrid government, leaving hundreds injured. Ossowski concludes that the independence question is not merely a political one, but a question of historical and cultural identity as well. The Catalonian people fiercely guard their own language and the memory of Francisco Franco's crackdown on Catalonian identity still looms large. But the road to political independence is fraught with peril, and somewhat quixotic given the prevailing trend of the past generation is political integration spearheaded by the EU, which does not look favorably on secessionist movements within the EU. Ultimately Ossowski concludes that some type of power-sharing or perhaps even rewriting the Spanish Constitution might avert what would certainly be a protracted and messy divorce.
PanAm Podcast: Tom Steyer's Push to Impeach Trump Likely to Backfire
12/10/2017 Duración: 19minIn a short period of time, California financial wizard and political activist Tom Steyer has emerged as the single largest donor in American politics. He's made climate change and environmental issues his policy priorities, and has invested heavily in a new generation of left-wing candidates in the Democratic Party, showering Congressional and gubernatorial candidates with money in 2014 and 2016. Now, he has decreed a "litmus test" for candidates he supports: they must aggressively charge ahead with the impeachment of Donald Trump. He cites Russian collusion, Trump's promotion of his own business interests, and Trump's propensity to lead America into war as his reasons. But do these charges meet the criteria of "high crimes and misdemeanors" laid out by the Constitution. Ultimately, as with calls for impeachment of Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, Steyer's effort is likely to backfire, while it drives the party further to the left, and out of the mainstream.
PanAm Podcast: Por qué la violencia en Tumaco revela el fracaso del acuerdo Santos-FARC
12/10/2017 Duración: 17min¿Acabará el acuerdo Santos-FARC con la violencia en Colombia? ¿Está el Gobierno tomando medidas adecuadas respecto al narcotráfico? Estás y otras preguntas se hacen los colombianos después de los recientes hechos sucedidos en Tumaco. En el podcast de hoy hablamos al respecto
PanAm Podcast: Derecha e izquierda se unen para ganar presidenciales en México
11/10/2017 Duración: 27minEn el podcast de hoy les contamos qué es el Frente Ciudadano por México, la unión que busca derrotar al PRI y a Morena
PanAm Podcast with Slobodan Franeta: The Balkans is Fertile Soil for Liberty
10/10/2017 Duración: 20minMontenegrin economist Slobodan Franeta is a fervent advocate for libertarianism, classical liberalism, and entrepreneurship in the Balkan region. In addition to founding the Montenegro chapter of Students for Liberty, he has founded the Lucha Institute, to promote laissez-faire capitalism in the region, and he's written extensively on the economics of education. Here Franeta discusses how Montenegro, one of the world's youngest nations, came into existence, and the urgent free-market reforms that are needed to revitalize the Montenegrin economy. While Montenegro was founded with principles of economic freedom in mind, Franeta has been concerned by recent governmental pushes for central planning, excessive state budgets, and barriers to free trade. Ultimately, however, he sees a bright future for libertarianism in the region, if some important public policy changes can be made.