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PanAm Podcast con Ricardo Puentes: el estremecedor caso de las niñas secuestradas por las FARC
07/10/2017 Duración: 20minEn el podcast de hoy el director de Periodismo sin Fronteras nos cuenta la difícil situación de los niños secuestrados por las FARC. Hablamos también de la difícil situación que afronta Colombia y de las divisiones al interior del Centro Democrático
PanAm Podcast: lo que no le han contado del izquierdista movimiento independentista catalán
05/10/2017 Duración: 21minEn el podcast de hoy hacemos un análisis de lo que poco se dice sobre el independentismo catalán, que no solo viola las leyes españolas sino también las propias leyes catalanas
PanAm Podcast: a un año del triunfo del "No", es evidente que no se logró la paz
03/10/2017 Duración: 12minEn el podcast de hoy, un año después de que Santos se robara el plebiscito, hacemos un análisis de lo que ha ocurrido en Colombia con la aplicación del acuerdo Santos-FARC.
What the Left and the Right Get Wrong About the NFL Protests
03/10/2017 Duración: 19minOver the past month, sports and politics have collided in the US like never before; Trump merely added fuel to the fire, by weighing in on the "taking a knee" controversy. Fundamentally, the right and the left must remember that, in addition to being a First Amendment issues, it is also a labor law issue in which team owners have some prerogative to dictate the actions of their employees. While the American right is wrong to view the protests as an assault on American values and traditions, the American left is equally wrong to assume that a sporting event or venue is an ideal venue to promote social or political causes. Americans watch sports, music, and movies for entertainment, not because they want to be told what to think about hot button political issues. Finally, a perusal of the statistics reveals that it is inaccurate to suggest that there is a "national epidemic" of police shootings. Yes, for civil libertarians, it should be a serious problem, and we should constantly look for ways to improve poli
Crítico del feminismo toma acciones legales contra Facebook (Parte IV)
30/09/2017 Duración: 01minCrítico del feminismo Agustín Laje toma acciones legales contra Facebook por discriminación ideológica
Crítico del feminismo toma acciones legales contra Facebook (Parte III)
30/09/2017 Duración: 01minCrítico del feminismo Agustín Laje toma acciones legales contra Facebook por discriminación ideológica
Crítico del feminismo toma acciones legales contra Facebook (Parte II)
30/09/2017 Duración: 18sCrítico del feminismo Agustín Laje toma acciones legales contra Facebook por discriminación ideológica
Crítico del feminismo toma acciones legales contra Facebook (Parte I)
30/09/2017 Duración: 24sCrítico del feminismo Agustín Laje toma acciones legales contra Facebook por discriminación ideológica
Manafort Angle Complicates Trump Investigation, but Unlikely to Directly Implicated President
20/09/2017 Duración: 19minThe Trump White House has been rocked by recent revelations of wiretapping and rumors of indictment of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. However, the investigation had already been previously suspended for lack of evidence, and Manafort was let go in August 2016 by the campaign. There appears to be a new major thrust to expand the focus of the Mueller investigation into business dealings, which is likely to anger the White House, which has insisted that the focus should merely be on Russian hacking and meddling. Wiretapping allegations may lend credence to Trump's claim that he was targeted at Trump Tower, albeit indirectly. There still remains no evidence that Trump colluded in election hacking and meddling, or that the Russian government or hackers in its employ changed votes, or the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.
PanAm Podcast: HRC Blame Game Conspiracy: Everyone to Blame but Herself
15/09/2017 Duración: 24minThe long-awaited memoir on Hillary Rodham Clinton's failed "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory" 2016 presidential campaign is finally here, and there is a lot of blame to go around! Little of it, of course, is directed at herself for running an incompetent campaign characterized by smug arrogance and inevitability. She takes on Barack Obama for failing to play up the Russian hacking, Joe Biden for daring to question her affinity to working class Americans, and Bernie Sanders and his "bros" for their disparaging fashion of claiming the moral high ground, while peppering her supporters with allegedly misogynistic online comments. Yes...HRC has something to blame on just about everyone.
Dr. Eric Graf Discusses How Media Manipulates Natural Disasters and Government Replaces Insurance
06/09/2017 Duración: 20minDr. Eric Graf of the Universidad de Francisco Marroquin, has been troubled by the potential for the media and government institutions to manipulate natural disasters and use them to further their own ends. Houston is a known floodplain, prone to such events from time to time: thus emerges a classic free-rider problem, whereby the government subsidizes free-riders who choose to eschew the private insurance market. Trump has sadly followed the course of his predecessors, and taken a big government approach to disaster relief, as Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin ties disaster relief funding for Texas to raising the debt ceiling
Entrevista: Crisis venezolana obliga a cirujano de Carabobo a ser vendedor ambulante en Bucaramanga
02/09/2017 Duración: 05minEntrevista: Crisis venezolana obliga a cirujano de Carabobo a ser vendedor ambulante en Bucaramanga by Panampost
PanAm Podcast: qué es el fascismo y cuál es su relación con el socialismo
16/08/2017 Duración: 13min¿Qué relación hay entre izquierda y fascismo? ¿Por qué se tilda de fascistas a los liberales? ¿Un nacionalista es necesariamente seguidor del fascismo?
Thomas Peters Discusses How Apps Can Inspire A New Generation to Participate in Politics
08/08/2017 Duración: 16minuCampaign CEO Thomas Peters has burst onto the political landscape with revolutionary apps that engage people in all aspects of political campaigns with new technology. He cultivates online communities where campaign supporters compete for action points, work on fundraising, get out the vote efforts, and share ideas and messaging. His apps are fully customizable, and have been used by the Trump/Pence, Brexit, Ted Cruz, and UK Conservative Party campaigns.
Polish Artist Agnieszka Pilat Discusses Growing Up Under Communism
01/08/2017 Duración: 24minPainter Agnieszka Pilat grew up in tumultuous 1980s Poland, as the nation was fighting the onerous oppression of Soviet Communism, and transitioning to a social democracy and market economy. Here, she discusses her memories of that time, the impact of Communism on her life, family, and country, and how her experiences led her towards the libertarian movement.
Singer-Songwriter Tatiana Moroz on Using Music to Advance the Cause of Liberty
26/07/2017 Duración: 14minActivist, singer-songwriter, and bitcoin enthusiast Tatiana Moroz has been on the frontlines of the libertarian movement, using her music to call attention to themes of liberty. Inspired by the protest song tradition of the 60s and 70s, she's worked with the Ron Paul and Gary Johnson campaigns, and been a vocal proponent of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht's case. A graduate of Boston's prestigious Berklee College of Music, Tatiana mixes music with an inspirational political message, and has been one of the first musicians to make extensive use of bitcoin technology as a way to develop relationships between artists and their fans.
PanAm Podcast at FreedomFest: President Jedlicka of Liberland Discusses Legal and Political Vision
24/07/2017 Duración: 20minLiberland President Vit Jedlicka sits down with PanAm Post English editor David Unsworth to discuss the latest legal and political developments as the libertarian micro-state fights for recognition from the Serbian and Croatian governments. Jedlicka talks about the philosophical foundation of Liberland, providing practical advice and logistics to potential citizens of Liberland, as nearly a half million liberty-lovers from around the world have already applied for citizenship.
Partido de María Corina Machado no firmó el documento de gobernabilidad
21/07/2017 Duración: 02minPartido de María Corina Machado no firmó el documento de gobernabilidad presentado por la MUD. Ramos Allup mintió al respecto.
Libertarias cubanas prohibidas de circular por zonas turísticas
19/07/2017 Duración: 07minPolicías cubanos acusan a prostitución a mujeres jóvenes que no acceden a sexo a cambio de su libertad
Grabación telefónica de secretaria del Partido Libertario Cubano detenida por "conducta desajustada"
18/07/2017 Duración: 01minEl domingo a la noche Yanet, secretaria del Partido Libertario Cubano-José Martí, llama a la presidente para notificar su detención