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PanAm Podcast: Brazil's Social Welfare Program with Bolsa Familia
30/11/2017 Duración: 18minLula da Silva rode a commodities boom to economic stability and poverty reduction, becoming the most important figure in recent Brazilian history. The Bolsa Familia program was a cornerstone of his efforts to reduce inequality. Widely lauded by the international community, and used as a model elsewhere, the program is a conditional cash transfer (CCT) that gives debit cards to poor families contingent upon school attendance and vaccination of their children. But is the program ultimately creating a permanent underclass and institutionalizing inequality? Is it really reducing poverty or creating a perpetual dependence mentality? And despite its popularity, will the destitute federal government be able to maintain the program in the future?
PanAm Podcast: Un análisis concienzudo de lo que fue Chile al mando de Pinochet
29/11/2017 Duración: 19minEn el podcast de hoy discutimo, a conciencia, lo que fue Chile bajo el mando del General Pinochet.
PanAm Podcast: Entrevista a uno de los estudiantes que increpó a los guerrilleros en el Rosario
28/11/2017 Duración: 10minEn el podcast de hoy hablamos con uno de los estudiantes que se atrevió a increpar a los guerrilleros de las FARC que daban una conferencia en la Universidad del Rosario.
PanAm Podcast: Moreno vs Correa, una pelea de forma y no de fondo
25/11/2017 Duración: 13minEn el podcast de hoy analizamos qué hay detrás de la visita de Rafael Correa a Ecuador, y nos preguntamos si la pelea entre el expresidente y Lenin Moreno es una cuestión de fondo o una simple riña de egos
Maduro Regime Incompetence on Display as Malaria Ravages Venezuela
24/11/2017 Duración: 17minThe collapse of Venezuela's economy and the decapitation of democracy in Venezuela have consolidated all economic and political power in the hands of the brutal regime of Nicolas Maduro. With the rise of a new malaria epidemic, Maduro maintains tight control on the importation and distribution of medicines, leaving public hospitals without necessary supplies. Dr. Jose Felix Oletta predicted the epidemic, and suggests that more than half a million Venezuelans will contract the dreaded tropical disease in 2017. Meanwhile, Maduro refuses to publish statistics or admit their is a crisis, maintaining the mantra that "Venezuela has the best healthcare in Latin America." Food and medicine have now become weapons of the regime to punish opponents and reward government supporters.
PanAm Podcast: "Sólo queda votar por el mal menor", análisis de presidenciales en México
23/11/2017 Duración: 19minEn el podcast de hoy hacemos un análisis de las propuestas hechas por los principales actores de las próximas elecciones presidenciales en México. Para nuestro invitado de hoy lo único que queda es votar por el mal menor.
PanAm Podcast: la estrategia de Piñera para lograr el triunfo en la segunda vuelta
21/11/2017 Duración: 16minEn el podcast de hoy hablamos con un miembro de la plataforma del expresidente Sebastián Piñera quien nos contará cuál es la lectura que tienen ellos de lo que ocurrió el domingo, en primera vuelta. Y cuál es la estrategia que usarán para ganar la presidencia en segunda vuelta
PanAm Podcast: con una izquierda dividida y un Piñera en el centro, presidenciales en Chile
19/11/2017 Duración: 18minHoy hacemos un análisis de las elecciones presidenciales en Chile. ¿Cómo está el panorama político? ¿Qué opciones tiene la izquierda?
PanAm Podcast: Colombia se "raja" en materia económica
17/11/2017 Duración: 13minEn el podcast de hoy le contamos cómo está Colombia en materia económica. Si bien desde el Gobierno se dice que la situación es buena las cifras muestran lo contrario
PanAm Podcast: Paul Manafort Digs His Own Grave With Corrupt Ukrainian President
17/11/2017 Duración: 14minThe most serious charge thus far to emerge from Robert Mueller's investigation has been tax evasion and wire fraud charges filed against former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, who is alleged to have set up an offshore bank account in Cyprus through which he wired $18 million to the US to fund a lavish lifestyle. The funds in question emanate from a rather sordid source: former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, who is accused of widespread corruption during his tenure, and was ultimately forced out of office and fled to Russia in the wake of the Maidan Revolution in 2014. Ultimately, Mueller's charges stem from before Manafort joined the Trump campaign, but Trump's judgment has been called into question for hiring Manafort in the first place. Here the head of Ukrainian Students for Liberty Mariia Chaplia discusses the turbulent presidency of Yanukovych, the events that drove him from power, and how this ties into the rise and fall of Manafort.
PanAm Podcast: para tumbar a Maduro primero hay que desarticular a la MUD
14/11/2017 Duración: 22minEn el podcast de hoy hablamos con uno de los miembros de la resistencia venezolana quien nos da su opinión sobre la MUD
Polish Nationalists Hijack Independence Day Celebration, Worry EU
14/11/2017 Duración: 17minThis weekend Polish nationalists took to the streets of Warsaw in record numbers, enthusiastically advocating for a return to traditional values, a disdain for the EU and its imposition of political will from afar, and its hostility to Islam and settling refugees in Poland. The Law and Justice party in Poland, which controls both houses of Congress and the Prime Minister, has soared in popularity, blending traditional Catholicism, economic interventionism, anti-immigration rhetoric, and right-wing populism. Antifa hosted a much smaller rally, estimated to number around 5,000 people. As Polish nationalism seems to veer closer towards fascism, Brussels is certain to worry. The eurozone crisis, the refugee problem, and a spate of terrorist attacks are likely to only further exacerbate the divide between Eastern and Western Europe in the years to come.
PanAm Podcast: Would Gun Control Have Prevented Texas Church Massacre?
10/11/2017 Duración: 18minThis weekend, America suffered the worst mass shooting at a house of worship in its history. 26 year old Devin Kelley killed 26 and injured 20 at the Sutherland Spring Baptist Church in Texas. He had been convicted for domestic violence during his stint in the Air Force, and was accused by a commanding officer of attempting to kill his infant stepson, whose skull he fractured. Kelley received a mere 12 months confinement, and a "bad conduct" discharge. His criminal record should have prevented him from buying a firearm, but he slipped through the cracks due to a bureaucratic snafu. Ultimately, an NRA member prevented a higher body count by shooting Kelley on his way out of the church. While better background checks and stricter gun laws are reasonable topics of debate in public policy, fundamentally gun control is not the answer. What we need to do is enforce existing laws, and pursue harsher penalties for convicted felons and criminals who are found in possession of firearms.
PanAm Podcast: La JEP, una amenaza para empresarios y gente de bien
10/11/2017 Duración: 17minEn el podcast de hoy hablamos de los peligros que trae consigo la Justicia Especial para la Paz creada por las FARC.
PanAm Podcast con Lía Fowler: no son disidencias, es el brazo armado de las FARC
08/11/2017 Duración: 14minEn el podcast de hoy hablamos de las supuestas disidencias de las FARC y del peligro inminente que representa la participación en política de los guerrilleros.
PanAm Podcast: Did Bowe Bergdahl Receive a Fair Sentence?
07/11/2017 Duración: 20minRecently Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl was handed down a sentence by a military court: he received no jail time, a dishonorable discharge, and forfeited pay. Many, however, feel that the sentence was grossly lenient considering that Bergdahl deserted, effectively handing himself over to the enemy, and placing his fellow soldiers in harm's way as they conducted numerous search and rescue missions to find him. The decision is likely to bring further scrutiny to Barack Obama's decision to exchange Bergdahl for five high-ranking Taliban commanders, among them individuals cited for war crimes, including the massacre of thousands of Afghani Shia.
PanAm Podcast: ¿Cómo sobrevive un venezolano a la crisis?, le contamos la cruda realidad
06/11/2017 Duración: 27minEn el podcast de hoy les contamos detalles del día a día de los venezolanos. ¿Cómo es vivir con un salario mínimo de 4 dólares?
PanAm Podcast: Is It Time to End the "Diversity Visa" Program?
03/11/2017 Duración: 16minUzbek national Sayfullo Saipov's recent terror attack in New York City has called into question a little known immigration measure known as the diversity visa program. Essentially, it prioritizes visas and green cards for nations under-represented in the United States. Uzbekistan has done particularly well under the program. Yet, for advocates of a merit-based immigration system, the program seems more about political correctness than practicality. Encouraging immigration from nations with few immigrants already in the United States seems a goal dictated by bureaucrats, rather than responding to economic needs. Immigrants should be given access to the US and its lucrative job market because of the contributions they can make to the economy; not to check off some box or fulfill some quota based on the whims of political correctness.
PanAm Podcast: "todo lo que advertimos sobre el acuerdo Santos-FARC está ocurriendo"
03/11/2017 Duración: 17minEn el podcast de hoy hacemos un análisis de lo que ha ocurrido hasta ahora por cuenta del acuerdo Santos-FARC y de lo que se viene después de que el Gobierno aceptó la participación en política de los principales cabecillas de la guerrilla.
Papadopoulos Charges Insignificant, Washington Establishment Fails to Find Smoking Gun
01/11/2017 Duración: 18minFormer Trump foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty to charges of making false statements to the FBI, but the damage to Trump will be minimal. There is no evidence that Papadopoulos's efforts led to any meeting between the Trump campaign and Russia, and Papadopoulos was a low level unpaid volunteer who allegedly only met once with Trump when he convened his national security council. There is also no evidence that Papadopoulos's communication led to the Trump campaign receiving any emails or "dirt" on Hillary Clinton. Ultimately, the Washington establishment and the Deep State are attempting to pull off a coup, overturning the results of a democratic election, and driving Trump from offices on preposterous charges, using the fictitious story of "Russian collusion" with the Trump campaign as a pretext to subvert democracy.