Peaks, Valleys & Plateaus



Peaks, Valleys & Plateaus is a podcast primarily about people in and around the creative world. The creative world to me consists of a very broad spectrum of people. Visual artists of all types, musicians, performance artists, podcasters, tattoo artists, stand up comedians, film makers, and any creators of content.Also on this podcast youll hear from entrepreneurs and business owners of various creative and sometimes even noncreative fields. This is not a self-help podcast but rather real and honest conversations from creators who are just doing what they love.


  • Episode 37: Kevin Sweet


    Well, I’m back again! After another long stretch of major life changes, beauty and chaos I couldn’t think of a better guest to get back into it. Kevin Sweet is one of my favorite musicians. He’s one of those artists…

  • Episode 36: Mike Alexander and Chris Wagner


    In this episode I sit down with Mike Alexander and Chris Wagner of Hipshot Killer. This is one of those power house bands that’s been putting out solid records and great live shows for 10 years strong. Please check out…

  • Episode 35: Travis Fields


    In this episode I sit down with with Travis Fields of The Westport Saloon. We get deep into his history running bars and establishing a true destination with integrity and hard work. Not only dose Travis do all the booking…

  • Episode 34: Chris Mowry


    In this episode I sit down with fellow podcaster Chris Mowry. His podcast Look Who’s Talking Mow is been on a bit of a hiatus but not for long. He’s finally gearing back up and preparing to start dropping episodes…

  • Episode 33: Taj Mattingly


    In this episode I sit down with one of my very favorite artist Taj Mattingly. This was an important episode for me because Taj is an artistic force of nature. His work is undeniable and he seems to have a…

  • Episode 32: J Howell


    J Howell (musician/writer) In this episode I sit down with my friend J Howell. We go deep into the origins of his past bands ESAU and E.I.O (Experimental Instrument Orchestra) We also talk a bit about J’s experience as a…

  • Episode 31: Nick Baldridge


    I’m back! Hopefully 3 months is the longest I’ll go without podcasting in 2019. I couldn’t think of a more appropriate guest after a hiatus then Nick Baldridge! Nick is an accomplished artist, entrepreneur and visionary. Please check out Nicks…

  • Episode 30: Duane Trower, John Cruz, Chuck Irons, Justin Warring


    In this episode I sit down with all the members of Ex Acrobat. This is the first time I’ve been able to record an entire band thanks to Duane Trower’s beautiful state of the art recording studio called Weights and…

  • Episode 29: Clint Hoffmeier and Matt Tady


    In this episode I sit down Clint Hoffmeier and Matt Tady of the Wednesday Night Drinking Practice Podcast! We go deep into the origins of WNDP a bit about how Clint and Matt’s lives and I make an announcement about…

  • Episode 28: Micah Blatt


    Micah Blatt (Glass Artist, Entrepreneur) In this episode I sit down with one of my closest friends Micah Blatt. Luckily he decided to come hang out in KC for a day and a half after another trip before returning home…

  • Episode 27: Zack and Erica Kauffman


    Zack and Erica Kauffman (Atomic Cotton/EZT’Z) In this episode I sit down with Zack and Erica of Atomic Cotton. I know I say this a lot but this was a super fun recording. It was so cool to finally sit…

  • Episode 26: Adam Hoffsette


    Adam Hoffsette (Visual Artist/Animator) In this episode I sit down with artist and animator Adam Hoffsette. Adam is one of those artist motivated enough to carry a sketchbook almost everywhere he goes. Although he’s always drawing sketching, and painting his…

  • Episode 25: Chris Frye


     Chris Frye (Artist/Art Educator) In this episode I sit down with one of my favorite artist, Chris Frye. We discuss his epic journey as an art educator and the path that led to his chosen artistic medium “Pop art” Please…

  • Episode 24: David Jonathan Lee


    David Jonathan Lee (musician/songwriter/manager, producer/vocal & beatbox instructor) DJ and I decided to get together and record this podcast on a hot ass July 4th. In this episode we go deep into the origins of his past band Scratch Track.…

  • Episode 23: Adam Finkelston


    Adam Finkelston (Artist, Publisher, Entrepreneur) in this episode I sit down with the talented and organized Adam Finkelston. Our chat ranges everywhere from his 15 year tenure as an high school art educator to his five years of experience with…

  • Episode 22: Gene Abramov and Dave Fyten


    Dave Fyten and Gene Abramov (Search & Seizure) In this episode I sit down with Gene Abramov and Dave Fyten of Search & Seizure. The reason why it makes it a special episode is because I was lucky enough to…

  • Episode 21: Matthew Crim


    Matthew Crim (Martial Artist/Tattooist/Entrepreneur) In this episode I sit down with one of my favorite Tattooists Matthew Crim. We discuss everything from his long career as a tattoo artist to his life long passion with martial arts and his kung…

  • Episode 20: Joel Castillo


    Joel Castillo (Singer/Songwriter) It’s hard to believe that I’m already at episode 20 and I can’t think of a better guest for the 20th episode then Joel Castillo! In this episode we dig into the origins of his band 77…

  • Episode 19: Aniko Adany


    Aniko Adany (Multi instrumentalist, songwriter, social justice warrior) This was a special episode for me because Aniko is one of my friends that I’ve wanted to have on the podcast since it’s creation. I was lucky enough to catch her…

  • Episode 18: Brew Lamb and Dee Thurn


    Brew Lamb & Dee Thurn (Artists) In this episode I sit down with artists, Dee Thurn and Brew Lamb. They came by the studio on a brisk Saturday evening so we decided to have some beers along with recording. It’s…

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