Peak Fearless Podcast



Peak Fearless helps people shed outworn ideas and ideals about who they are, how the world should work and whats possible for humanity. Our conversations help reveal a more complete picture of who we are as human beings. We talk with people about making the hard choices needed to create balance between the lives we show outwardly and the lives we live inwardly. Host: Taisha Lalanai Rucker, Esq.Music created by David M. Hamilton.


  • Episode 4 - Dawn Siler

    14/02/2018 Duración: 52min

    Why do so many marriages fall apart when people begin to spiritually awaken even if both people believe they share a soul connection? How can two people who met on the way to a Buddhist retreat and meditated together for many years grow apart? Shouldn't that type of kismet alignment guarantee forever for-ever-ever? In recent years, the term "conscious uncoupling" has gained momentum. Our guest describes her version of this as well as the fear and guilt of starting over with three children after being a stay-at-home mom for fourteen years (married for sixteen). We also speak candidly about looking for happiness in relationships. Why do we still hold onto the idea that there is a ONE who will provide the answer to the deepest questions we've started to ask ourselves? This episode nudges us to think more deeply about what it is within us that urges us to take actions that inevitably disrupt our lives even though we feel fearful of what may come. It's as if we can't stop ourselves. And if that's true, who or what

  • Episode 3 - Dr. Terrlyn Curry Avery

    27/01/2018 Duración: 55min

    Being fearless differs for different people. Dr. Terrlyn invites us to see the fearlessness is learning to trust again after being hurt as equal to the fearlessness it takes to start a business or change jobs. It becomes clear that the one who is fearless is the one has the courage to step into the unknown and is willing to risk being uncomfortable. To be spiritually awake, aware or curious is disruptive. There are moments that require us to make decisions that reorient our lives and the people in it. A decision to answer a "calling", even if we are secure that this is God's purpose and plan for our lives, doesn't guarantee easy passage. How, then, do we do what we are called to do without sacrificing the dreams and callings of those we love? How do we heed the call when those closest to us may not understand why we'd risk losing what we have worked so hard to obtain? Terrlyn tells us that being fearless doesn't mean walking on somebody else's dreams. It's a reminder that to not allow the zealousness that com

  • Episode 2 - Marley

    13/01/2018 Duración: 55min

    We often believe that fearless is a state of being that only a lucky few attain. But this interview challenges us to think about the flowering of fearlessness in our lives rather than an end point. Can we be fearless when we have health challenges? financial woes? feel anything but fearless? Can we be fearless AND uncertain about what's next? Is that, in fact, what it really means to be fearless? Other ideas discussed: • What does being fearless mean? • Depression as an impetus for spiritual growth • Difference between self-isolation and alone time • Going from earning six figures to the welfare office • Breaking free from being defined by what we have vs who we are • Why life doesn't unfold linearly for everyone, especially the spiritually awake, aware and curious • Looking within as therapy for both learning and healing

  • Episode 1 - Alicia Isaac

    05/01/2018 Duración: 38min

    Alicia Isaac is a spiritual coach. But she didn't always use her intuitive gift in this way. Like everyone else, she worked a regular job until one day she found herself crying at work and unable to stop. At first, she tried to push through and suck it up because that's what people expect us to do. But, as a single mom with bills to pay, she had a decision to make. This is her story on becoming #peakfearless. Alicia discusses what happened after that day at work and the forgotten gifts that she began to reclaim after she stepped or was launched into the unknown. This conversation pushes us to think about the impact fear of what others think or say about us has on us not becoming who we are or want to be. How often do we find ourselves demanding something new before we are willing to let go of the old—way of life, relationship, career, person we think we are. Other ideas discussed: • How to recognize you're living in fear • The inner turmoil that results when we fight to stay in relationships or circumstances