Hes loud; hes opinionated and is the American talk show host our listeners love to hate. Michael Graham is live from Boston
Don't protest. Make a cheaper, better cup of coffee!
05/09/2017Michael Graham doesn't understand why people are protesting Starbucks, wants Ireland to leave the EU, and can't believe people died saving their pets from the floods.
€800 to go 55 miles on the train? That is insane
29/08/2017Michael Graham cannot believe the subsidies the Irish taxpayer pays when it comes to some of the lines on the Irish Rail network.
The Left don't believe in real freedom of speech
22/08/2017Michael Graham asks George about his run-in with the Taoiseach, talks Steve Bannon, Afghanistan and what real freedom of speech looks like.
Kicking Grannies Out and Speaking German
15/08/2017Micheal Graham gives his thoughts on housing proposals and if German immigrants should speak German.
The empty house tax punishes those who are smart
08/08/2017Michael Graham can't get his head around our empty house tax, and can't believe people have an issue with illegal immigrants being reprimanded.
The Left believes borders are inherently xenophobic
03/08/2017Trump has a new plan on immigration. Michael Graham gives his take.
Anthony Scaramucci gone in 10 days
01/08/2017Anthony Scaramucci is gone. Michael Graham reckons Trump supporters now have more hope than ever for the future.
Kushner, Trump and grade inflation
25/07/2017Michael Graham gives his take on Jared Kushner's statement in the White Hose rose garden and gets wound up about the inflation of grades over the years.
Charlie Guard, Libraries and Pet Shops
12/07/2017Micheal Graham discusses the difficult case of terminally ill baby Charlie Guard, Libraries and Pet Shops
Hiking minimum wage doesn't work. Happy 4th of July!
04/07/2017Michael Graham is celebrating Independence Day, and gives us news that minimum wage hikes don't necessarily work.
They knew what they were getting voting for Trump
30/06/2017Michael Graham tells George about the outrage that has ensued over US President Donald Trump's latest tweet.
Maybe Trump isn't so crazy after all
27/06/2017Michael Graham explains to George why the reaction to the Supreme Court passing a part of Trump's Travel Ban, proves that he may not be as crazy as we assume.
Arming the good guys is always a good thing
23/06/2017Michael Graham is fully behind a push to train teachers how to use firearms, and to arm them at school. George is astonished.
Illegal immigrants must be arrested. Obviously.
20/06/2017Michael Graham tells George why the case of John Cunningham's arrest for being in the US illegally is a good thing.
The elderly need to get out of the way
13/06/2017Michael Graham can't believe Age Action are against society becoming cashless. He thinks we need to move with the times, regardless of the elderly.
There was nothing historic about Comey's testimony
09/06/2017Was the James Comey testimony really the blockbuster many have made out. Michael Graham watched it all in a bar, and isn't so sure.
If it wasn't Trump, the travel ban isn't at all crazy
06/06/2017Michael Graham tries to explain Trump's Travel Ban to George, and tells him that it wouldn't sound so crazy if it was anyone else by Trump delivering it.
Dining out with you is a nightmare, George
30/05/2017Michael Graham gives George his simple rules for dining out, while also having a pop at Sláintecare, as published today.
When has enough blood been shed?
23/05/2017Michael Graham reacts to the Manchester Attack, Trump's trip to the Middle East, and whether a radical shift is coming in how we address the issue of terrorism.
Healthcare is not a right
16/05/2017Michael Graham is adamant that, like food and water, healthcare is a need, but it is not a right.