Creepy Kitch



Stac and Cins ramble on about the weird and the creepy. We'll be reviewing Horror films, the horror genre, and just general creepy stuff that we find interesting. We're not your typical horror blog. Interested in a lady's point of view? Join us, won't you?


  • Creepy Kitch Episode 76: PANTY CAST! Tiffany Roberts's Infinite City Series


     The inaugural pantry cast episode where we drag you into the world of romance novels! Join us for this super-sized episode where we discuss Tiffany Roberts's Sci-Fi Romance series, The Infinite City.  Also join us for Stacy's unintentional review of the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Spoiler, she hated it).Lustful fur-covered heroes! Super horny heroines! Weird peen! It's all here so settle in and grab yourself a drink because we're digging deep!

  • Creepy Kitch's Halloween Pandemic Special!


     We got this sucker in just under the wire! Welcome to Creepy Kitch's Social Distanced Convergence Episode!  In this Spook-tack-cular episode we discuss all things Halloween, answer some listener questions and laugh way too hard for a respectable podcast.So sit back, grab a beverage, and don't let the skeleton grab your dick!

  • Creepy Kitch Epsiode 72: VVitchy Vibes


    We're back! And this month we talk about the amazing 2015 slow burn movie The VVitch while totally derailing with conversations about history, feminism, and smut.Also this episode:Shhhh...Let people enjoy thingsThat time Cindy chafed her thighs."You're either burning people at the stake or your making baby salsa"Jon. Jon Jr. Jon III, Jon-Jon, Jon to the fourth, and that like in Dragnet?All that and more! 

  • Creepy Kitch Episode 71: D**mmit Claude!


    And we're back! Two months in a row! And this episode we bring along long time listener Jimmy-Claude! And be brought the weirdest fucking movie that almost out Equinox's Equinox, 1988's Lair of the White Worm, a film that made Stacy rage and Cindy scratch her head in despair.Also!Claude took notes and is so confused!How the other movie we were going to watch was even worse.Ken Russel's movies make Cindy want to punch him in the face.Drac-u-leeeee! Drac-u-la-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!All this and more!

  • Creepy Kitch Episode 70: Lovecraftian Horror and Alien Wang


    Its quarantine time which means we have a lot of chances know...actually record! And it's a Filler Fun episode where we discuss the amazing horror Podcast The Magnus Archives as well as Ruby Dixon's series Ice Planet Barbarians as well as a lot of other various versions of weird alien peen. Buckle up for this totally unfocused episode!Also:There really is a wide variety of alien wang. Like...a lot.Paranormal Roooooomaaaaaaance.That is definitely a vibrator.UNCOMFORTABLY LOUD!Listen here!

  • Creepy Kitch Episode 69 (Heh heh) CONVERGENCE 2019!


    We survived our Disney death march to bring you 2019's convergence episode!This year Ace joins us on our discussion of 2019's Doctor Sleep as well as out gushing about What We Do In The Shadows the series!Also!...And Ewan MacGregor as the Clit Twiddler!It's fun the hear Ace lose her shit.Listeners remember their favorite show moments.Listen to Tales in Somber Tones.Enjoy the dulcet tones of harpies screeching here!

  • Creepy Kitch Episode 68: Not to Halloween Halloween Ep!


    It's our favorite month! And even though we weren't really feelin' it (Our convergence was moved to November this year and 2019 has been kick our asses) We still got an ep this Halloween Season!And we'll be doing a much more spooky Halloween-ish ep in November. :)This round, we discuss It: Chapter 2!All this aaaaand...Dear God, we're tired.We need your best Halloween stories!and More LGBTQ input as well!Why we need to do a Christopher Pike episode.Give us a listen! 

  • Creepy Kitch Episode 67: Suspiria 2018


    We're back! And this month we discuss the 2018 Remake of Suspiria in all its beautiful weird-ass glory!Also in this ep:Tilda Swinton is a high faeCindy goes on another damn rantThe Cheese BeastSemper Bi!All this and more! Give it a listen!

  • Creepy Kitch Episode 66: Filler Fun - Childhood Trauma


    We are back! And we have our filler fun episode where we talk about TV shows that traumatized us as a child... in particular, Punky Brewster....that horrible bitch.Also!Honkey Trek!That fucking Smurfs Episode!Please call us out on our White Privilege! ( seriously. Please do.)All this and more!

  • Creepy Kitch Episode 65: Listeners' Choice


    We're back with our latest Listeners' Choice ep! Wow... you guys picked two really somber movies.This episode we discuss 2017 Ghost Stories and Absentia.One was a beautiful melancholy was full of WTF. Figure out which one is which on this latest episode of Creepy Kitch!Plus:More story requests!Book recommends!We need more Thanksgiving Horror movies!Give a listen right here!

  • Creepy Kitch: Episode 64 Personal Ghost Stories Part 2


    We're finally back with Part 2 of our Personal Ghost Stories episodes! We have some fabulous audio files to play for you!Also:Fabian either fights it or seduces itPERIOD PANTIESAbsenteea and her sister Gin and Tonic-a.All this and MORE!

  • Creepy Kitch Episode 64: Personal Ghost Stories Part 1


    The bitches are back! No, really we are!We're fixing the hack (episodes 1-30 are back online!) and ringing in the new year with another round of personal ghost stories! This is a two-parter episode and this one we read the emails you've sent us of your creepy encounters.Beware...MumMum is a badass.Listen here!

  • Creepy Kitch Convergence Episode 2018 Where We Are in the Same Room Together!


    Its the most wonderful tiiiiiime of the yeeeeear! A time when I can't think of a better title.It's the time when Stac and Cins are in the same room! It's our Convergence episode! I would give a number but I seriously lost track.This episode we discuss all things Halloween including Halloween 2018 and The Haunting of Hill House (Which Cindy keeps saying wrong the entire episode).As usual, its a banner episode so Give us a listen! ... You know you wanna.

  • Creepy Kitch: Episode 63 The One About The Fairy Tales


    We return with our Fairy Tales Episode! This month we discuss 1997's Snow White: A Tale of Terror and 2015's Tale of Tales. You actually hear us bicker on this one! But only for a second, then we go back to hugs, love, and foul language.Also on this banner episode:Why The John and Dave books my David Wong are amazing.Cins has too much wine...natch.Find out why Stac needs you to "Take your dad's dick out of your mouth"Why we need T-shirts made for this show!All this and more! Listen here!

  • Creepy Kitch Episode 62: The F***in' Intense Episode


    Finally had two minutes to upload the episode! Finally, you get to hear our ramblings... on Diva cups. You have been warned, people!This episode we discuss 2015's The Devil's Candy and 2017's The Ritual, two super intense movies that made us breathe heavy in not a sexual way.Also, stocky guys are friggin hot,  the Diva cup learning curve, MAMMARY-GRAM!, and much much more... period talk.Enjoy!

  • Creepy Kitch, Episode 61: So Bad It's Bad


    We're back with its So Bad, It's Bad episode and trust me, its Baaaaad.We have our special guest host, Patrick from the amazing ScreamQueenz Podcast!  This month we talk about 1992's Sleepwalkers and 1995's Leprechaun 3. Both are really God awful...but in a good way.ALSO!Lots of cat talk.Fuck you and your magical vagina!Leprechaun vs. Showgirls.CLOVIS!And we're still working on recovering our files from the hacking incident. Bear with us, folks!Listen Here!

  • Creepy Kitch Episode 60: Listeners' Choice


    We return!Finally, Listeners' Choice! This episode we talk about Only Lovers Left Alive and The Girl With All the Gifts! There's also a lot more but I seriously can't remember so listen, and absorb! Enjoy, folks!Listen Here!

  • Creepy Kitch: Convergence Halloween Episode of Dooooooom!


    It's that time of year again!The time when we are closest to the end of times. When Cins and Stac Converge!This year we chat about our favorite Halloween memories as well as other nonsense such as:Dain, Dain the Choo-Choo TrainFavorite childhood costumesGrown men wearing sheer pantyhoseNever eat popcorn while podcastingOur Kitch Bitch of the month, Horror Crush, and Weekly Fuck Offs!Join us for our eternal search for Tim Curry's Tamborine!

  • Creepy Kitch Special IT Episode!


    Hang on to your hats and put on your clown shoes! The gals are back to talk about the remake of IT! Spoiler: We loved it.There's not much more to say other than listen to the episode and enjoy our squealing.Check out our review here!

  • Creepy Kitch Episode 59: Lady Horrors


    Just when you thought they podfaded, the gals are back! Cins and Stac chat about 2014's It Follows and 2016's I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House. Also!Cindy is finally a Murderino!Fucking line cutters and menstrual cycles!Pagina!Impromptu discussion of Hellraiser 3! All this a more!Give us a listen!

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