Felix Blume (Narbonne, France, 1984) is a sound artist and sound engineer. He currently works and lives between Mexico, France and Belgium.His personal work is based on field-recordings using sound as a basic material, in sound pieces, videos, actions and installations. He works with communities in the public space. In his pieces, he blurs the line between sounds and music by changing noise in sounds that eventually sheds a new light on the perception of the surrounding sounds. The particularity of his work is that the audio and visual aspects are closely intertwined. As a sound collector, he has a large sound library recorded from different parts of the world that he freely shares on the Internet. He has participated in exhibitions in Spain (LOOP Festival, CCCB), Mexico (Ex-Teresa, Fonoteca Nacional, Casa de Francia, Quinto Piso), Chile (CENTEX, Festival Tsonami), France (Instants Chavirés) , Germany (Labor 19) and Belgium (Festival Monophonic). His sound pieces were broadcasted in galleries and radios from all over the world: Arte Radio (FR), Kunst Radio (AT), Deutschland Radio Kultur (DE), Radio Nacional de España (ES), Phaune Radio (FR), ABC Radio (AU), Radio Panik (BE), Radio Grenouille (FR) among others, as well as in different spaces such as Centre Pompidou and Musée dOrsay. His work Los Gritos de Mexico was granted the Pierre Schaeffer prize in the French festival Phonurgia (Paris) and an honorific mention in the Bienal de Radio in Mexico City.His work as sound engineer focus on sound recording and sound design for documentaries, feature films and video art, collaborating with different directors and visual artists as Francis Alÿs among others. He graduated from INSAS Film School in Belgium and an Audiovisual Technician Brevet in France. He also gave workshops in France, Mexico, Italy and Belgium.
Sous Sussurrement
08/07/2024 Duración: 14minSous Sussurrement is a collaborative sound piece that documents the experience of listening to and sounding with Azillanet, a small village in the south of France. Created by nine sound recordists, artists, engineers and dabblers from nine different countries during a workshop with Felix Blume, it attempts to unearth the village's hidden, subterranean and parallel sound worlds. Worlds carried on the back of whispers, murmurs, flutters, whisps, buzzes, footfalls and creaks. A sound piece by Alyssa Moxley, Anne Marie Deacy, Heather Anderson, Jakov Munizaba, Jamie Reinert, Joschka Waibel, Marco Furlanetto, Nino Paton and Ruxandra Stoicescu. Our thanks, always, to the people of Azillanet who welcomed us and our ears warmly. Special thanks to: Alain, Andres, François, Georges, Guiguitte, Héloïse, Laurence, Marie, Martine, Mathieu and his pupils, Maya, Nico, Pierre-Luc, Susanne and Youri.
Goutte que Goutte
07/05/2024 Duración: 15minAh ces poly-sons ! Ils sont complètement tirés par les plumes en saison sèche … car, quand l’appel du parapluie fait un sens averse, c'est une pluie d’oiseaux qui vient fredonner la polyphonie d’Azillanet. "Goutte que Goutte" est une pièce sonore réalisée par la fusion de 4 gouttes de Belgique avec 5 gouttes de France. C'est une composition de sons glanés dans le village d'Azillanet et sa nature environnante, à différents moments d'une journée et d'une semaine, et aux hasards de rencontres avec les habitant.e.s, les oiseaux, les fluides, les végétaux et les lieux de vie. Elle témoigne autant de la diversité des sensibilités de ses créateurs et créatrices, que de la singularité de leur écoute poétique du monde. Ecouter le monde, c'est se relier à lui et en prendre soin, même en temps de pluies, alors coûte que coûte, les micros ont été sortis et les oreilles se sont ouvertes. Les 4 gouttes de Belgique : Virgile Loiseau, Zoé Maus, Katherina Lindekens et Anne Versailles. Les 5 gouttes de France : Marie Spille
Bonus Disc : Maestro Walter's Brass Band - TRAVÈSE DEZÈ A
26/03/2024 Duración: 05minThe original LP disc Death in Haiti: Funeral Brass Band & Sounds of Port-au-Prince (label Discrepant) presented a selection of 36 minutes from 15 hours of recordings of funerals, churches, wakes and Port au Prince ambiences. This new release 6 years later is a free addition to it, a new selection of recordings condensed into 43 minutes of brass bands, crying, masses, voices and field-recordings. The release is offered for free, any possible earned money through BandCamp will get directly to the youngest musician of the bands, living in Port au Prince in difficult conditions.
Bonus Disc : Maestro Walter's Brass Band - SI JE PARLAIS
22/03/2024 Duración: 03minThe original LP disc Death in Haiti: Funeral Brass Band & Sounds of Port-au-Prince (label Discrepant) presented a selection of 36 minutes from 15 hours of recordings of funerals, churches, wakes and Port au Prince ambiences. This new release 6 years later is a free addition to it, a new selection of recordings condensed into 43 minutes of brass bands, crying, masses, voices and field-recordings. The release is offered for free, any possible earned money through BandCamp will get directly to the youngest musician of the bands, living in Port au Prince in difficult conditions.
18/10/2023 Duración: 12min9h34 Départ ou retard pour la transe. Mais être toujours en avance sans vraiment savoir pourquoi. Appuyer sur le REC et attendre. « Tu jettes pas ta canne quand le poisson passe ! ». Autre espace-temps, à Azillanet ça craquèle sous les rires. se laissent surprendre par l’expérience, d’autres y plongent les yeux fermés. Se laisser traverser les oreilles ! Cueillette sonore et montage par : Chloé Kobuta, Jana Laux, Louise André, Martine Rousseaux, Raphaël Wild, Sébastien Comyn, Sonia Perego, Vania Jaikin Miyazaki sous les grands lobes du bélier sensible Bélix Flume. @cordessensibles Avec la généreuse participation de : Florence, Eloïse, Stéphane, Nico, Martine, Georges, Anne, Suzanne et les d’Azillanet.
Duo Chaudron Sonore - Maurice Langlois & Félix Blume
18/05/2023 Duración: 02minDuo Chaudron Sonore Maurice Langlois & Félix Blume 15 Mai 2023 Enregistrement réalisé dans le cadre du projet "Le Chaudron Sonore"
Le Chòt
03/05/2023 Duración: 13minÀ l’aube, Un petit duc sonne la cloche du village et réveille les rossignols, Solo de mobylette qui dessine le paysage, Un bourdon drague un saxophone, L’eau capricieuse se fraie un chemin jusqu’au vignoble d’un mélomane, Le boulanger guette le vent… Au commencement était le son. Avec la participation de Vincent, Georges, Stéphane, Victor, Emma, Jacques, Marc et Myriam. Création sonore collective réalisée par Ana Sany, Anaïs Binggeli, Celia Dessardo, Cicely Fell, Déborah Benarrosch, Irazema Vera, Jacob Redman, Léa Roger, Marie Casanova et Mathias Arrignon. @kovisuel @cicelyfell @irazeman @lea_roger @user-653640218 Réalisée durant le stage de prise de son animé par Félix Blume à Azillanet (Avril 2023) dans les locaux du Couvent géré par le Foyer Rural d’Azillanet. Remerciements à Nicolas Darzacq, Sara Lana, Martine Rousseaux, les membres du Foyer Rural et la Mairie d’Azillanet.
New Year Eves 2023 in the countryside of Brazil (Minas Gerais)
01/01/2023 Duración: 06minNew Year Eves 2023 in the countryside of Brazil (Minas Gerais) Recorded by @sara_lana & Félix Blume with an ORTF by 2 x CCM4 on a Sound Devices MixPre6 II recorder. Original recording in 96kHz, 24bit. GPS: -20.111322, -43.728883 Same sound on Freesound here
Thunder and rain in south of France during summer (1 hour)
01/01/2023 Duración: 01h00sThunder and rain in south of France during summer, recorded from the balcony of my house. More sounds of thunder here Recorded by an AB Setup with two B&K 4006 Omni microphones. On a 633 Sound Devices recorder. Original Recording in Wave 96kHz 24bit Sound Ref: FR-180812-3
Volcano Mount Yasur, Tanna Island, from the bottom
05/12/2022 Duración: 10minActive volcano recorded from the bottom, during the night. Recorded by a DoubleMS Setup by Schoeps, CCM41+CCM8+CCM4 (in a Cinela Windscreen), and a Geofon by LOM Audio. On a Sound Devices MixPre6 recorder. Original recording in 96kHz, 24bit. This sound has been edited and mixes the different sources. GPS: -19.523922 169.440028 Sound Ref: @VA-mixpre221103-009 Recorded on 3rd of November 2022, between 7pm and 8:30pm Sound from the top of the volcano here on Soundcloud
Volcano Mount Yasur, Tanna Island
08/11/2022 Duración: 30minActive volcano recorded from the top, at the edge of the crater, during the night. Recorded by a DoubleMS Setup by Schoeps, CCM41+CCM8+CCM4 (in a Cinela Windscreen), an AB Setup by DPA Microphones, 2 x 4006, and a Geofon by LOM Audio. On a Sound Devices 833 recorder. Original recording in 192kHz, 24bit. This sound has been edited and mixes the different sources. GPS: -19.530189, 169.445493 Recorded on 6th of November 2022, between 6:30pm and 8:30pm.
Histoires De Pierres
14/10/2022 Duración: 39minHistoires de Pierres est une déambulation et installation sonore à la croisée de la pièce sonore poétique, du cabinet de minéralogie et de l’archéologie imaginaire. Une invitation à se balader dans les rues et à découvrir le village de Fitou, pour écouter le chant des pierres et son paysage rocailleux, au son du vent et des récits intimes des habitants. Ils ont tous leur propre rapport à la pierre : celle qui fait la qualité incontestable du vin, celle du mur de leur maison, celle qu’ils charrient chaque vendredi pour restaurer des abris dans la garrigue, celle qu’ils ont ramassée lors d’une balade et qu’ils ont gardée presque machinalement, qui trône maintenant sur un coin de la cheminée. Les pierres qui sembleraient banales deviennent précieuses, ce sont des trésors anciens dont les habitants sont les gardiens. Chaque histoire est singulière et les récits associés esquissent l’histoire d’une communauté. Une invitation à découvrir le village sous une autre oreille. Balade sonore Rendez-vous : samedi 15 et
Banana seller in a Brazilian market
08/06/2022 Duración: 14minIn a peripheral area of Sao Paulo (Perus), Alessandro is one of the sellers from the "Tigueis Banana" stand. At the end of the market, the prices are low and he has to scream to sell all the banana before the end of the street market. Recorded by an ORTF setup Schoeps CCM4 on a Cinela ORTF suspension and a DIY Windscreen on a Sound Devices MixPre6 in Wave 96Khz 24bit GPS: -23.407617, -46.757858 Sound Ref: BR-220603-03 Recorded on 3rd of June 2022 at 3pm
Suspiros | Aquatic Sound Installation in the Lagoon of Zapotalito
03/04/2022 Duración: 07minSuspiros | Aquatic Sound Installation in the Lagoon of Zapotalito done during a residency at Casa Wabi in March-April 2022 Community project in collaboration with the children of the school of Zapotalito.
Squeaking dock on the lagoon, during the night
30/12/2021 Duración: 13minDock Squeaking at Seminole Rest (Florida) during the night. Recorded by an ORTF Schoeps, mixed with a geofon Lom and an Aquarian H2a hydrophone. on a Sound Devices MixPre6 Original recording in Wave 96kHz 24bit Done during a residency at ACA Soundscape Fieldstation at Canaveral National Seashore in December 2021 GPS : 28.871296, -80.836791 Sound Ref : FL-211216-008
Coyotes running during the night in the woods
29/12/2021 Duración: 48sCoyotes Running During The Night In The Woods Recorded by an AB setup done with 2 B&K4006 omni mic in a Cinela suspension on a Sound Devices MixPre6 Original recording in Wave 96kHz 24bit Done during a residency at ACA Soundscape Fieldstation at Canaveral National Seashore in December 2021 GPS : 28.903873, -80.817517 Sound Ref : FL-211206-008
Train passing by in Florida
27/12/2021 Duración: 04minTrain passing close by, at a few meters, during the night. A mile from Seminole Rest. Recorded by an ORTF, 2 x Schoeps CCM4 in a Cinela suspension on a Sound Devices MixPre6 Original recording in Wave 96kHz 24bit Done during a residency at ACA Soundscape Fieldstation at Canaveral National Seashore in December 2021 GPS : 28.867561, -80.856406 Sound Ref : FL-211216-010
Wild boars
27/12/2021 Duración: 04minWild boards yelling in the woods in the morning. Recorded by a MS Setup Schoeps CCM41+CCM8 in a Cinela suspension Pianissimo on a Sound Devices MixPre6 Original recording in Wave 96kHz 24bit Done during a residency at ACA Soundscape Fieldstation at Canaveral National Seashore in December 2021 GPS : 28.9028877, -80.8168633 Sound Ref : FL-211203-001
Train passing by at a distance, during the night
25/12/2021 Duración: 04minSeminole Rest, Florida. A train is passing by at a distance. Recorded by an ORTF, 2 x Schoeps CCM4 in a Cinela suspension on a Sound Devices MixPre6 Original recording in Wave 96kHz 24bit Done during a residency at ACA Soundscape Fieldstation at Canaveral National Seashore in December 2021 GPS : 28.870238, -80.837478 Sound Ref : FL-211216-009
Toad close to the lagoon at night
24/12/2021 Duración: 05minToad close to the lagoon at night at Seminole Rest, part of the Canaveral National Seashore. Recorded by an ORTF, 2 x Schoeps CCM4 in a Cinela suspension on a Sound Devices MixPre6 Original recording in Wave 96kHz 24bit Done during a residency at ACA Soundscape Fieldstation at Canaveral National Seashore in December 2021 GPS : 28.869592, -80.837176 Sound Ref : FL-211216-06