Immanuel Church Wilmington Delaware



Sermons from Immanuel Church in Wilmington Delaware at 2414 Pennsylvania Ave Wilmington, DE 19806


  • Who is the Holy Spirit? - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    19/05/2024 Duración: 41min

    John 14:12-21 We begin a several week series on "Life With The Holy Spirit". In this first sermon, we see who the Holy Spirit is, and how he's been manifest from creation until now. He was involved in the life of Jesus from his birth to his resurrection. Currently, the Spirit enables God’s work of salvation, and enables us to experience that salvation daily. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • Life Without Lack - Brian Boswell

    12/05/2024 Duración: 47min

    Psalm 23 As we look at the 23rd Psalm, we are reminded that God is a loving Shepherd, who cares for each of his sheep. We can be assured that He is always leading us to places that meet our needs. No matter the valleys we may face, He is there to strengthen and restore us. We need not fear the future. We can trust His loving heart. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • Living Out the Good News of Jesus - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    05/05/2024 Duración: 20min

    1 Corinthians 15:1-8 Christianity is a Good News faith. God has not abandoned us, but offers us new life through Christ. In this 1 Corinthians passage, Paul defines the Good News of Jesus's life, death, burial and resurrection. We need to live out that new life daily. Two testimonies were shared before and after this brief sermon, and 8 individuals declared their faith publicly in the time of water baptism later in the service. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • Unity in a Diverse Church - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    28/04/2024 Duración: 38min

    Ephesians 4:1-6 The early Church began with Jewish believers in the Messiah. The book of Acts recounts how the Gospel then spread throughout the Gentile world. As the Church became more diverse, Peter, Paul, and others wrote letters to various churches, to help them deal with some of the issues that arose between various cultures. It was made clear that all should humble themselves and seek unity. There is one Body of Christ. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • From One Generation to the Next - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    21/04/2024 Duración: 37min

    Psalm 78:1-8 As we continue to focus on our priorities for 2024, we address the challenge of passing down our faith to future generations. Are we spiritually fathering or mothering children and new believers? Are we raising up a new generation of leaders? We have a responsibility to share our faith journey with others, to encourage them and to build upon the foundations  of Christ's Kingdom. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • Workers for the Harvest - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    14/04/2024 Duración: 43min

    Matthew 9:37-38 As we begin a short series entitled "In Focus", we look at the exhortation of Jesus to pray for laborers to harvest souls. Our responsibility today is to not just pray for laborers, but to become them. Harvesting also involves planting, watering, etc. Each of us should seek to serve in some capacity, both in our personal lives and in the life of the local church. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • From "Give Me" to "Take Me" - Elder Dino Medori

    07/04/2024 Duración: 39min

    Luke 15:11-24 As we look further at the Parable of the Prodigal Son, we see someone who had all he would need in life, but chose to walk away, drawn by the temptations of the world. He could have stopped and returned at any time, but kept getting further into depths of despair, before humbling himself and returning to a forgiving father. May we not find ourselves backsliding and drifting further from our Heavenly Father. Stand firm in His amazing grace. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • Resurrection Sunday: Dead, But Alive Again - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    31/03/2024 Duración: 36min

    Luke 15:11-32 As we study the Parable of the Lost Son, we see lessons that relate to resurrection. The father rejoices when his son returns, for "he was dead, but now is alive". However, the elder son was bitter, having been faithful to his duties. The message of resurrection joy is available to wayward sons, and also to religious ones. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • Palm Sunday: The First Priority of the King - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    24/03/2024 Duración: 44min

    Matthew 21:1-17 As we review the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, we see that the priorities in his spiritual Kingdom were different than what was expected for a physical kingdom. He came in humility, then declared the importance of prayer. He made it clear that it was for all people, then proceeded to minister to those in need. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • FAITH, Part 6: Living Out the Truth - Pastor Will Donato

    17/03/2024 Duración: 47min

    Hebrews 13 This chapter offers a rich tapestry of theological truths and practical exhortations that are essential for the Christian journey. From calls to enduring faithfulness and hospitality, to reminders to remember the persecuted and honor spiritual leadership, Hebrews challenges us to live lives marked by love, gratitude, and sacrificial worship.  Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • FAITH, Part 5: Approaching the Living God - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    10/03/2024 Duración: 43min

    Hebrews 12:14-29 The scripture declares that God is a consuming fire. Not only does this refer to the judgement upon Christ's return, but also to the reality that He burns through the dross in our life, and brings transformation, purification and empowerment. The call to holiness involves finding the very life that God has for us. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • Enduring the Race of Faith - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    03/03/2024 Duración: 45min

    Hebrews 12:1-11 The lessons from this passage in Hebrews can be summed up with Verse 1: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • FAITH, Part 3: Faith in the Gaps - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    25/02/2024 Duración: 48min

    Hebrews 11:17-40 Faith is the fuel of the Christian life. The author of Hebrews looks at the gaps in the many stories recounted in the Old Testament, and finds that faith helped each one push through. For some, faith helped them in the midst of risk. For others, it sustained their hope. It helped many to endure trials. All looked toward the realization of God's promises being fulfilled. May our lives be grounded in faith. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • FAITH, Part 2: A Better Country

    18/02/2024 Duración: 43min

    Hebrews 11:8-16 As we continue to look at people of faith, the author of Hebrews describes the life of Abraham. His faith in God was manifested in several ways. One was in his willingness to follow God to other lands, believing there would eventually be a promised land. As Christians, we need to live in this world as sojourners, regardless of our location, knowing that our true citizenship is in the Kingdom of God. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • FAITH, Part 1: Living For What We Do Not See - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    11/02/2024 Duración: 43min

    Hebrews 11:1-7 The author of Hebrews expounds on the essence and power of faith, by citing individuals of faith. This week we looked at Abel's faith in Worship, Enoch's faith in Obedience, and Noah's faith in God's Word. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • Draw Near to God - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    04/02/2024 Duración: 39min

    Hebrews 10:1-39 When God drew near to us, we were made holy through the sacrifice of Jesus. When we draw near to God, He makes us holy through the work of the Holy Spirit. "By one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy." We need to draw near to God with a sincere heart and with full assurance of faith. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • Experiencing Deep Transformation - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    28/01/2024 Duración: 43min

    1 Peter 1:3-9 God's ultimate goal is to transform us into the life of Christ, and He gives us all we need to participate in the divine nature. This change comes as we interact in Christian community, not if we isolate ourselves. We grow in the gifts and fruit of the Spirit by interacting in community. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • A Cleared Conscience - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    21/01/2024 Duración: 41min

    Hebrews 9:1-28 As moral beings, we have a conscience. Jesus came to bring transformation. His death in the past brings us the clearing of our conscience today. He offers us a clear conscience so that we may serve the living God. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • Heaven Invading Human Space - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    14/01/2024 Duración: 39min

    Hebrews 8 The author of Hebrews compares the old covenant made with Israel to the new one. God's presence was manifested in a Tabernacle or Temple, with specific guidelines. But through the death and resurrection of Jesus, He made Himself available to all through the Holy Spirit. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

  • An Anchor of Hope for the Hopeless - Pastor Daniel Nelms

    07/01/2024 Duración: 39min

    Hebrews 6:13 - 7:28 As we get back to the Sermon Series on the book of Hebrews, we are reminded of how Abraham held out hope for many years, waiting for the fulfillment of God's promise. Fulfillment of God's promises in our life can be slow and long, but we need to be patient like Abraham. Jesus has become the guarantee of the new covenant, so we have this hope as an anchor for our soul. Website: Facebook: immanuelchurchwilmington YouTube: Immanuel Church Wilmington DE

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