Bartonville UMC // Kingston Mines UMC
Cows, Corn, and a King
03/09/2017Genesis 41:14-36, 53-57--The blessings of God for particular people spill blessing over the whole world.
Down, Not Out in Egypt
27/08/2017Genesis 39:1-23--When life brings us places we'd never choose to go, what difference does it make that God is with us?
The God Who Keeps Calling
13/08/2017Genesis 35:1-15--Why does God keep blessing Israel after the harm they have inflicted? [Note: This sermon recording begins with a statement recorded at the beginning of the worship service regarding white supremacy and the Gospel, in light of the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, VA.]
Why Should My Lord Be So Kind?
30/07/2017Genesis 33:1-17--After seeking forgiveness from Esau in so many ways, Jacob doesn't know how to receive it when it comes.
Saint Jacob
16/07/2017Genesis 31:1-21--The true stories of the Old Testament tell us the true stories of ourselves.
Final Instructions
09/07/20171 Peter 5:6-11--What is it that ties these disparate final instructions together? (Jesus.)
Older in Christ
02/07/20171 Peter 5:1-6--Might Peter be speaking to the whole church when he talks to our elders?
Suffering and Joy
25/06/20171 Peter 4:12-19--With God, all things are possible, even joy in the midst of suffering.
Faith and Imagination
11/06/20171 Peter 3:8-22--Sometimes the promise of new life in Christ is so good that we can't believe it. That's when we need God's gift of imagination.