


Taui is the public relations affiliate for the Ausar Auset Society, one of the world's leading instructors of Kamitic (ancient Egyptian) spirituality. Ausar Auset is an international Kamitic Spiritual organization that was founded 37 years ago. Its founder, Ra Un Nefer Amen is the author of the Metu Neter volumes (3 to date), the Metu Neter oracle, Tree of Life Meditation Systems, Qi Gong Success, Nuk Au Neter (the world's first and only correct translation of the so called Egyptian Book of the Dead/Pert Em Hru, and many other books on Kamitic spirituality, I Ching and Qi Gong.


  • I Ching oracle simplified

    12/06/2014 Duración: 01h30min

    You can now become your own I Ching spiritual reader.  Ra Un Nefer Amen shares his insights from 40 years of teaching the I Ching and counseling and following the lives of counselees over the past 40 years.  Join him in a lively discussion of his latest book, I Ching Praxis, to learn how you can optimize your success in your relationship, marriage, finances, education, career, spiritual quest, parenting, and more.  In this new book, Mr Amen reveals the key to mastering the I Ching that was hidden by its creator, King Wen, in order to maintain for himself the wealth and military advantage that he derived from the I Ching.  It can not be yours.

  • Ausarian Initiation

    28/02/2014 Duración: 01h30min

    The Ausarian Initiation system was Kamit’s main spiritual system.  It was fundamentally based on the knowledge that man is a divine being who begins life in the human stage.  Given that the human nature is dominated by emotionalism, sensuality, and the lower mind the human nature is the source of all of mankind’s problems.  “I’m only human” is the universal excuse for wrong doings by the average person, and the most exalted religious leader, and all.  Written in 600 BC, the Old Testament Bible records that “man is made in the likeness and image of God,” repeating in its own way, the Ancient Egyptian teaching of the same.  Ausar represents man’s divine nature, and the Ausarian Initiation is the systematic approach to transcending and realizing man’s divinity.Divine Law and the Initiation ProgramChemists and Physicists are able to accurately manipulate atoms and the forces of nature because they have knowledge of the laws that govern the behavior of atoms and forces.  Over six thousand years ago, Kamitic sages

  • Men Ab, Behavioral Transcendence Meditation

    29/01/2014 Duración: 01h31min

    Men Ab is a Kamitic (Ancient Egyptian) meditation system that activates and optimizes the prefrontal cortex of the brain.  Men Ab will greatly enhance your performance in school, on the job, career, finances, relationships, health, artistic performance, spiritual development, and success in undertakings due to the fact that the prefrontal cortex governs planning, abstract thinking, intuition, insight, socializing, reasoning, spiritual powers and so on.  The prefrontal cortex corresponnds to the Ajna (brow) chakra, in Yoga.It is the seat of man's divine consciousness.

  • Prepare for the Winter Solstice 2013

    15/11/2013 Duración: 01h10min

    Join Ra Un Nefer Amen, author of Metu Neter series in an informative discussion on how to prepare for the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice was the most importabt spititual time of the year in antiquity.  The ancients whent to the greatest expense to ascertaining the time of its occurence as witnessed by the Great Pyramids of Ancient Egypt, Mexico, Stone Henge, etc.  It is the time of year--December 21-24--when man's spirit is most receptive to receiving directions from the will to manifest changes in behavior and the accomplishements of new goals in life.  Unlike people today who focus on the things they want in life, the ancient Egyptians focused on strengthening their divine nature which is the chief faculty that is in charge on man's behavior and life accomplishements, therefore optimizing their ability to heal, and to succeed in all endeavors. The forty to 30 days leading up to the winter solstice must be dedicated to meditation and purification intensives.  Join Mr Amen to learn how.

  • Heal and enhance your Brain

    06/11/2013 Duración: 01h25min

        Your brain is your greatest and most important physical asset.  It is the chief determinant of your health, vitality, earning power, relationships, educational and professional performance--all areas if life.  Yet, due to the failure of the educational system, most people have not been taught how to take care of its health and optimize its functions. Ra Un Nefer Amen, discusses in this session his latest book, Ua Ab, vol.1, Heal and Enhance your Brain, the meditation techniques and health supplements that you can use to reverse the damage to your brain from stress, alcohol use, environmental toxins, and poor diet and lifestyle.  The book can be acquired at www,tauinetwork.com