Whitcomb Ministries



The latest feed from Whitcomb Ministries on SermonAudio.com.


  • Catastrophism is the Key… To the Present (Part 1)

    07/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    Author and theologian Dr. John Whitcomb tells us why the flood of Noah's day was real history, built on real chronology-and constituting a real worldwide catastrophe.-That is our emphasis today on -Encounter God's Truth,- as we hear the first of a two-part message on how the world we see today was shaped by the flood-not millions of years of evolutionary geology.-Following the teaching segment of our broadcast, host Wayne Shepherd asks Dr. Whitcomb to explain the passage regarding -the sons of God- in Genesis 6.-Whitcomb Ministries is grateful to bring you a challenging study of the Bible each week on -Encounter God's Truth,- because God's Word is true from the beginning to the end. We thank you for listening-

  • Catastrophism is the Key… To the Past

    07/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    Does the geologic timetable offered by evolution match up with the Biblical record of creation---Bible teacher and author Dr. John Whitcomb will tell us why this is not the case this week on -Encounter God's Truth.- We are beginning a series called, -Catastrophism is the Key----The fossils came after Adam and Eve were created, not millions of years before,- stated Dr. Whitcomb. He talks about his own journey away from attempts to compromise the book of Genesis through views such as the gap theory or the day-age theory.-Our teacher also answered a question from host Wayne Shepherd, further developing this theme.-The Bible is true from the beginning to the end, therefore we are so glad to bring you its powerful content each week here on -Encounter God's Truth--

  • Remembering World War II

    26/05/2024 Duración: 25min

    Welcome to a special patriotic edition of -Encounter God's Truth.--You know that Dr. John Whitcomb was a Bible teacher, author and educator. But did you know that he also served in a field artillery battalion in the Army in Europe during World War II-- And that his family has a rich history of military service---This week's broadcast varies from our normal format, as we are going to listen to a portion of a classic interview that Brannon Howse conducted with Dr. Whitcomb on his program, -Worldview Weekend Radio,- where Dr. Whitcomb appeared regularly as a guest for six years. They held this conversation in April of 2015, after Dr. Whitcomb went to tour Washington, D.C., on the Indy Honor Flight. They discussed that memorable event, then went into some of the details that Dr. Whitcomb remembered from World War II. We are grateful for Brannon's permission to bring this unforgettable audio to you.-Host Wayne Shepherd helps us see how this intimate remembrance of history causes us to learn once again that God's W

  • The Second Law of Thermodynamics

    19/05/2024 Duración: 25min

    -Encounter God's Truth- reaches back into the archives to present a unique program this weekend.-We share insights given by Bible scholar and author Dr. John Whitcomb into -The Second Law of Thermodynamics.--His teaching will show, through the intersection of Scripture with science, how God's Word is true from the beginning to the end.-Host Wayne Shepherd guides us through this special broadcast, and he asked Dr. Whitcomb about the implications of the Second Law of Thermodynamics for the creation week, the time since the fall, the future millennial kingdom-and even the spiritual conditions in the church.-May you have a blessed and meaningful weekend, in spite of the many crises facing our nation and our world.-Thanks for listening and for sharing this program-

  • How God Blessed the World Through the Jews

    12/05/2024 Duración: 25min

    Whitcomb Ministries welcomes Dr. Woodrow Kroll back to -Encounter God's Truth- for this special broadcast, titled- -How God Blessed the World Through the Jews.---Dr. Kroll shows us from Scripture-which is true from the beginning to the end-and from history how God's blessings are indeed evident upon and through the Jewish people.--We hope that you find this message to be informative, and challenging.--Join host Wayne Shepherd in sharing your appreciation for this powerful message from a great friend of our ministry, Dr. Woodrow Kroll.

  • How God Blessed the World Through the Jews—Promo


    Whitcomb Ministries welcomes Dr. Woodrow Kroll back to -Encounter God's Truth- for this special broadcast, titled- -How God Blessed the World Through the Jews.---Dr. Kroll shows us from Scripture-which is true from the beginning to the end-and from history how God's blessings are indeed evident upon and through the Jewish people.--We hope that you find this message to be informative, and challenging.--Join host Wayne Shepherd in sharing your appreciation for this powerful message from a great friend of our ministry, Dr. Woodrow Kroll.

  • Prepare for Judgment

    05/05/2024 Duración: 25min

    This week on -Encounter God's Truth,- we listen as Dr. John Whitcomb concludes a short series called -Judgment-Then Blessing.- He explained that God will use two different methods to deal with two distinct groups-the church and Israel-in each of their final days on this Earth, in order to prepare them for the coming kingdom.-Dr. Whitcomb then surveyed the major themes regarding the trends that will mark the last days of this age. To do this, he took us to the last two chapters of the final book written by the Apostle Paul-the book of 2 Timothy.-Later, host Wayne Shepherd asked Dr. Whitcomb about those who believe that God is finished with Israel and has replaced that nation with the church.-God's Word is true from the beginning to the end- That is our reason for communicating with you here on -Encounter God's Truth.--Please share this important teaching with a friend.

  • Signs of Judgment

    27/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    Will there be cavemen in the future---Can you imagine a time when people will enter caves to escape the judgment of God-- Dr. John Whitcomb described this scene from Isaiah 2, and we replay that classic message on this week's edition of -Encounter God's Truth.--We are in the midst of a three-week overview of Bible prophecy, and today's message is one that we desperately need to hear.-After the message, host Wayne Shepherd asked Dr. Whitcomb to advise listeners who might be wondering how to prepare for this coming time of tribulation.-Thanks for listening to this important prophetic message from -Encounter God's Truth,- where we believe and teach that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end- We hope that you will share what you have learned with a friend.

  • The Coming Tribulation

    27/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    We begin a three-week series covering an overview of Biblical prophecy this week on -Encounter God's Truth,- from Bible teacher and author Dr. John Whitcomb.-Dr. Whitcomb presented a survey of God's plan for the events that will occur in the future-and how we are to prepare for them. In this message, he focused on some of the warnings given to Israel by the Prophet Isaiah in the early chapters of his amazing Old Testament book.-Following our teaching segment, host Wayne Shepherd asked Dr. Whitcomb to explain how we can get the most out of the Old Testament prophets as we read and study them for ourselves.-Since God's Word is true from the beginning to the end, we have so much to draw from and teach here on -Encounter God's Truth.--Thanks for joining us today for this important lesson. Please share it with a friend-

  • Alpha and Omega (Part 2)

    27/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    We focus our attention on Christ as -Alpha and Omega- once again this week on -Encounter God's Truth--also applying that reality in ways that will help us serve Him in these distressing times.-Host Wayne Shepherd guides us in listening to portions of three different presentations by Dr. John Whitcomb. Together, they offer a brilliant demonstration of the fact that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end.-First, we consider the outworking of our faith in Christ as -Alpha and Omega- by studying the strategy offered in 2 Timothy 2, by which we endeavor to teach the entirety of Scripture to the whole world.-Next, we hear questions posed to Dr. Whitcomb on both creationism and prophecy, followed by an exhortation that will motivate us to serve the Lord at this crucial hour.-With thanks to Victory Baptist Church in Whiteland, Ind., and Prairie Baptist Church in Noblesville, Ind., for portions of this audio, we offer this broadcast with prayers that many will hear and share its gospel message.

  • Alpha and Omega (Part 1)

    27/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    Author and Biblical scholar Dr. John Whitcomb offered words of hope and anticipation to help us press forward during spiritually challenging times in this message, which focuses on Christ as -Alpha and Omega.--With assistance from host Wayne Shepherd, Dr. Whitcomb drew from the broad sweep of Scripture in this message-giving Biblical reasons to persevere in our service to the Lord until the day of His return. Dr. Whitcomb went all the way back to creation to establish this theme.-This program truly embodies our mission on -Encounter God's Truth,- which is to declare that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end- In fact, Dr. Whitcomb encouraged us to be faithful to take all 66 books of the Bible seriously.-We trust that this broadcast-the first half of a short series-will be a great blessing to you. If it is, won't you please consider sharing it with someone else as well--

  • The Big Question of Easter

    31/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    Whitcomb Ministries is privileged to welcome back special guest Bible teacher Dr. Woodrow Kroll, who brings us a very special message for this Resurrection Sunday. -Dr. Kroll looks at three safeguards meant to keep Jesus in the tomb on that first Easter, and shows just how powerless they were in the end.-Host Wayne Shepherd leads us into this special message-prepared just for us here on -Encounter God's Truth--called, -The Big Question of Easter.--We thank Dr. Kroll for giving us this Easter gift of his powerful and encouraging teaching.

  • Hosanna, Day of Praise!

    24/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    God's Word is true from the beginning to the end- At the center of His Word is the account of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, the Messiah-which the whole world will remember over the next few days, beginning with this weekend and Palm Sunday.-Whitcomb Ministries is glad to bring back a special guest Bible teacher who is here to help us remember and celebrate the importance of Palm Sunday-our friend, Dr. Woodrow Kroll. He will do this by taking us on a tour, describing the monumental events of Palm Sunday in terms of the acts of a play, recorded by the four gospel writers. As we explore these gospel narratives, Dr. Kroll will ask-and answer-the classic questions- Who-- What-- When-- Where-- and Why---Host Wayne Shepherd leads us into this special message-prepared just for us here on -Encounter God's Truth--called, -Hosanna, Day of Praise---We thank Dr. Kroll for giving us this Easter gift of his powerful and encouraging teaching, and we're glad to continue the tradition of having him speak to us d

  • A New Heaven and a New Earth

    24/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    God's Word is true from the beginning to the end--We turn to the very end of the book this week on -Encounter God's Truth- with theologian Dr. John Whitcomb. It gives us a glimpse of the glory that awaits us-and also one last invitation for everyone to come and trust in Christ and receive His all-sufficient provisions for eternity.-Host Wayne Shepherd asks Dr. Whitcomb if this study of the eternal destiny of the church sheds light on the church's origin and nature, as described in the historical books of the New Testament and the epistles.-Whitcomb Ministries thanks you for listening to this study of -A New Heaven and a New Earth.- We hope that it will be a real encouragement to you-

  • The Destiny of the Bride of Christ

    10/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    Bible teacher Dr. John Whitcomb explores the unique role of the church as the Bride of Christ in this installment of -Encounter God's Truth.--God's Word is true from the beginning to the end, and we learn in this broadcast that it will be so at the future Marriage Supper of the Lamb-when Jesus Christ will return from heaven in glory and this relationship of Christ to His church will be displayed before the nations.-Host Wayne Shepherd proceeds to inquire of Dr. Whitcomb as to how we might use our time at the close of this church age to become better prepared to meet the Lord and participate in this celebration.-We appreciate your involvement in this ministry, and encourage you to share these truths with others who need to hear-

  • The Judgment of Believers

    10/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    Do you anticipate receiving a reward from Christ when you stand before His Judgment Seat---On this edition of -Encounter God's Truth,- Bible scholar Dr. John Whitcomb will inform and motivate us that we may present to the Lord gold, silver and precious stones when we meet Him on the awesome day of judgment for believers.-Wayne Shepherd, our host, also asks Dr. Whitcomb what specific types of works we can do that will be considered valuable in terms of Paul's instructions in 1 Corinthians 3-12.-God's Word is true from the beginning to the end, and we want to help you understand that Word and prepare for the future- Thank you for listening.

  • The Glory of Christ's Return

    25/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    God's Word is true from the beginning to the end- Today on -Encounter God's Truth- we consider many details about the events that will unfold-in God's plan-surrounding the return of our Lord.--Dr. John Whitcomb is continuing in a series called, -Our Glorious Future in Christ.- This latest message includes a consideration of Revelation 1, where John sees a vision of the risen, glorified Christ.--Host Wayne Shepherd then inquires of Dr. Whitcomb about some of the differences between Christ's coming at the rapture of the church and His final return at the second coming.--We trust that this program, offering a study in Bible prophecy, will be a real encouragement to all who listen.

  • The Rapture of the Church

    18/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Do you believe we are living in the last days-- If so, how should this affect the way we live----Bible scholar Dr. John Whitcomb answers those questions on today's edition of -Encounter God's Truth.- He will explain what the final stages of the church age will look like-also showing us how we can have joy in the midst of the difficult days that may yet lie ahead before the Lord's return.--God's Word is true from the beginning to the end, as we trust will be evident during this very special short series on Bible prophecy.--Later, Dr. Whitcomb responds to a question from host Wayne Shepherd, who asks if there are any signs that show if the rapture is near.--May God bless you as you listen to this important message.

  • Jesus Christ: Our Creator and Savior

    03/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Today on -Encounter God's Truth,- theology professor Dr. John Whitcomb points us to -Jesus Christ- Our Creator and Savior.--Christ is the living Word-and His written Word is true from the beginning to the end--We will consider a number of Bible passages today as we survey important doctrinal truths about our Lord, from eternity past to eternity future. In the process, we will review many of the Biblical supports for the teaching of a young earth-created by Christ Himself.-This message was first presented to the congregation of Valley Grace Brethren Church in Hagerstown, Maryland, where the Whitcombs' son Dr. Dan Pritchett serves as lead pastor. We are glad to be able to share it with you.

  • Steering Clear of Shipwreck (Part 2)—Promo


    Bible scholar Dr. John Whitcomb concludes his study called -Steering Clear of Shipwreck--this week on -Encounter God's Truth.---With assistance from host Wayne Shepherd, we present this unique address to increase your confidence that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end.--Speaking before a group of pastors and church leaders, Dr. Whitcomb weaves together principles from a number of texts of Scripture as he confronts us with this probing question- -How is your conscience before God-----Our speaker instructs us as to how we should go about fulfilling our Lord's Great Commission to reach the entire world with the complete message that He has left us in His all-sufficient Word. We also learn about the personal qualifications needed for anyone who would strive to be part of this endeavor.--Whitcomb Ministries invites you to share this faith-building program with all who will listen. We appreciate your participation in this ministry.

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