Whitcomb Ministries



The latest feed from Whitcomb Ministries on SermonAudio.com.


  • Catastrophism is the Key… To the Future

    26/03/2023 Duración: 25min

    In this replay of a classic broadcast from -Encounter God's Truth,- we hear Dr. John Whitcomb explain that the greatest catastrophes in the history of the world are yet to come.-Just as the Genesis Flood shaped history in the past, so a flood of fire and other major events of God's judgment will be the definitive issues in this world's future. Are you prepared to survive these judgments-- Dr. Whitcomb shared how you can be-in Christ.-Host Wayne Shepherd also posed a question to Dr. Whitcomb, asking him to explain further how the last days will be similar to pre-flood times.-Thank you for listening today to -Encounter God's Truth- from Whitcomb Ministries. We bring you this program weekly because God's Word is true from the beginning to the end-

  • Catastrophism is the Key… To the Present (Part 2)

    18/03/2023 Duración: 25min

    Come with us on a tour of the natural world, and let's see what we can learn about the Earth's origins from the things we observe all around us in the present.-In this classic broadcast, we will hear Dr. John Whitcomb saying that God will lead us, giving us this premise- -The key to the origin of the world is Biblical catastrophism.--We will find that the current state of the world is the result of the flood-not millions of years of evolutionary geology.-Following the message, host Wayne Shepherd asked Dr. Whitcomb to explain the significant changes that the Genesis Flood brought to planet Earth.-Whitcomb Ministries truly desires that you will -Encounter God's Truth- today, because God's Word is true from the beginning to the end-

  • Catastrophism is the Key… To the Present (Part 1)

    10/03/2023 Duración: 25min

    Author and theologian Dr. John Whitcomb tells us why the flood of Noah's day was real history, built on real chronology-and constituting a real worldwide catastrophe.-That is our emphasis today on -Encounter God's Truth,- as we hear the first of a two-part message on how the world we see today was shaped by the flood-not millions of years of evolutionary geology.-Following the teaching segment of our broadcast, host Wayne Shepherd asks Dr. Whitcomb to explain the passage regarding -the sons of God- in Genesis 6.-Whitcomb Ministries is grateful to bring you a challenging study of the Bible each week on -Encounter God's Truth,- because God's Word is true from the beginning to the end. We thank you for listening-

  • Catastrophism is the Key… To the Past

    05/03/2023 Duración: 25min

    Does the geologic timetable offered by evolution match up with the Biblical record of creation---Bible teacher and author Dr. John Whitcomb will tell us why this is not the case this week on -Encounter God's Truth.- We are beginning a series called, -Catastrophism is the Key----The fossils came after Adam and Eve were created, not millions of years before,- states Dr. Whitcomb. He talks about his own journey away from attempts to compromise the book of Genesis through views such as the gap theory or the day-age theory.-Our teacher also answers a question from host Wayne Shepherd, further developing this theme.-The Bible is true from the beginning to the end, therefore we are so glad to bring you its powerful content each week here on -Encounter God's Truth--

  • Steering Clear of Shipwreck (Part 2)

    26/02/2023 Duración: 25min

    Bible scholar Dr. John Whitcomb concludes his study called -Steering Clear of Shipwreck--this week on -Encounter God's Truth.---With assistance from host Wayne Shepherd, we present this unique address to increase your confidence that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end.--Speaking before a group of pastors and church leaders, Dr. Whitcomb weaves together principles from a number of texts of Scripture as he confronts us with this probing question- -How is your conscience before God-----Our speaker instructs us as to how we should go about fulfilling our Lord's Great Commission to reach the entire world with the complete message that He has left us in His all-sufficient Word. We also learn about the personal qualifications needed for anyone who would strive to be part of this endeavor.--Whitcomb Ministries invites you to share this faith-building program with all who will listen. We appreciate your participation in this ministry.

  • Steering Clear of Shipwreck (Part 1)

    18/02/2023 Duración: 25min

    -Every human being that's ever walked this Earth has a God-created capacity to recognize what's right and wrong.--So stated Bible teacher Dr. John Whitcomb in this classic message, as he instructed us regarding the importance of the conscience. And that is our topic beginning on this edition of -Encounter God's Truth.--It is the first half of a two-part message called, -Steering Clear of Shipwreck.--We survey a number of Bible passages from both the Old and New Testaments, and Dr. Whitcomb's teaching exhorts us to examine ourselves and our own faithfulness to the Lord God in the spirit of the apostles. They asked Jesus-when He announced that one of them would betray Him--Lord, is it I--- As Dr. Whitcomb shared, this is not an easy message, but one that can help us to stay focused on the path of service and blessing.-In the words of host Wayne Shepherd, Whitcomb Ministries presents this Bible-teaching broadcast to increase your confidence in the certainty that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end.

  • A New Heaven and a New Earth

    11/02/2023 Duración: 25min

    God's Word is true from the beginning to the end--We turn to the very end of the book this week on -Encounter God's Truth- with theologian Dr. John Whitcomb. It gives us a glimpse of the glory that awaits us-and also one last invitation for everyone to come and trust in Christ and receive His all-sufficient provisions for eternity.-Host Wayne Shepherd asks Dr. Whitcomb if this study of the eternal destiny of the church sheds light on the church's origin and nature, as described in the historical books of the New Testament and the epistles.-Whitcomb Ministries thanks you for listening to this study of -A New Heaven and a New Earth.- We hope that it will be a real encouragement to you-

  • The Destiny of the Bride of Christ

    05/02/2023 Duración: 25min

    Bible teacher Dr. John Whitcomb explores the unique role of the church as the Bride of Christ in this installment of -Encounter God's Truth.--God's Word is true from the beginning to the end, and we learn in this broadcast that it will be so at the future Marriage Supper of the Lamb-when Jesus Christ will return from heaven in glory and this relationship of Christ to His church will be displayed before the nations.-Host Wayne Shepherd proceeds to inquire of Dr. Whitcomb as to how we might use our time at the close of this church age to become better prepared to meet the Lord and participate in this celebration.-We appreciate your involvement in this ministry, and encourage you to share these truths with others who need to hear-

  • The Judgment of Believers

    29/01/2023 Duración: 25min

    Do you anticipate receiving a reward from Christ when you stand before His Judgment Seat--On this edition of -Encounter God's Truth,- Bible scholar Dr. John Whitcomb will inform and motivate us that we may present to the Lord gold, silver and precious stones when we meet Him on the awesome day of judgment for believers.-Wayne Shepherd, our host, also asks Dr. Whitcomb what specific types of works we can do that will be considered valuable in terms of Paul's instructions in 1 Corinthians 3-12.-God's Word is true from the beginning to the end, and we want to help you understand that Word and prepare for the future- Thank you for listening.

  • The Glory of Christ's Return

    21/01/2023 Duración: 25min

    God's Word is true from the beginning to the end- Today on -Encounter God's Truth- we consider many details about the events that will unfold-in God's plan-surrounding the return of our Lord.--Dr. John Whitcomb is continuing in a series called, -Our Glorious Future in Christ.- This latest message includes a consideration of Revelation 1, where John sees a vision of the risen, glorified Christ.--Host Wayne Shepherd then inquires of Dr. Whitcomb about some of the differences between Christ's coming at the rapture of the church and His final return at the second coming.--We trust that this program, offering a study in Bible prophecy, will be a real encouragement to all who listen.

  • The Rapture of the Church

    14/01/2023 Duración: 25min

    Do you believe we are living in the last days- If so, how should this affect the way we live---Bible scholar Dr. John Whitcomb answers those questions on today's edition of -Encounter God's Truth.- He will explain what the final stages of the church age will look like-also showing us how we can have joy in the midst of the difficult days that may yet lie ahead before the Lord's return.--God's Word is true from the beginning to the end, as we trust will be evident during this very special short series on Bible prophecy.--Later, Dr. Whitcomb responds to a question from host Wayne Shepherd, who asks if there are any signs that show if the rapture is near.--May God bless you as you listen to this important message.

  • Holding Heaven's Perspective on Earth

    07/01/2023 Duración: 25min

    What is your perspective on this New Year--On this special edition of -Encounter God's Truth,- host Wayne Shepherd takes us back to listen to our beloved Bible teacher Dr. John Whitcomb, as he answered that question from one of his favorite New Testament passages.-What a joy to know that, even as one year has turned to another, God's Word remains true from the beginning to the end--We want to thank our friends at Answers in Genesis' Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky, for permission to broadcast this sermon, which was originally given for their staff members.-We listen to Dr. Whitcomb again at the end of today's program, as he shared more about how we can study the Bible-personally and faithfully-in the year ahead. We trust that this unique broadcast will be a blessing to many.

  • Elijah May Appear—This Year!

    29/12/2022 Duración: 25min

    This week on -Encounter God's Truth,- we listen as Bible prophecy scholar Dr. John Whitcomb shows us why -Elijah May Appear-This Year---This season of the year is a good one in which to remind ourselves of the importance of the prophetic future. Dr. Whitcomb's message takes us to a number of passages during the course of this lesson, including Malachi 4-4-6- Matthew 11-11-13- 16-28-17-13- 1 Thessalonians 4-13-18- and Revelation 11-3-12.-Host Wayne Shepherd also asked a question of Dr. Whitcomb. He wanted to know if the Elijah who will reappear in the nation of Israel in the future is the same man who ministered to the northern kingdom of Israel in the Old Testament.-As we conclude this final -Encounter God's Truth- of 2022, we are certain that God's Word remains true from the beginning to the end- Isn't it a great comfort to know that its truths will continue to guide us into the New Year- Stay close to that Word as we begin 2023 together.

  • An Astounding Voice

    28/12/2022 Duración: 25min

    The famous prophecy of Christ's birthplace in Micah 5-2 has amazing implications for all peoples and nations.--In order to explain the significance of the ancient prophet's words, Dr. John Whitcomb takes us to Revelation 12-a passage that is often misunderstood-to show us that God indeed has a plan to redeem Israel, and through her to redeem all nations of the world by the gospel.--Later, host Wayne Shepherd asks our speaker to explain the parallels between the first and second comings of Christ. Will you be ready for His return---We trust that this special Christmas edition of -Encounter God's Truth- will bless you from this series on the -Voices of the Christmas Prophets.- The Christmas message is such an important part of God's Word, which is true from the beginning to the end-

  • An Appealing Voice

    18/12/2022 Duración: 25min

    Dr. John Whitcomb amplifies the most appealing voice of Christmas on this week's edition of -Encounter God's Truth.--That voice, of course, is the voice of the one true Messiah-the Anointed One, Jesus Christ. The truth it conveyed was first whispered by the prophet Isaiah, who spoke of the Messiah and His message.-Dr. Whitcomb shows how this voice flows like a balm over all the troubled people who come to Him. Will you listen and respond this Christmas season--Following the message, host Wayne Shepherd asks Dr. Whitcomb why more of the Jewish people did not accept Jesus when they heard His appealing voice in first-century Israel.-This is the third installment in our four-part -Voices of the Christmas Prophets- series, and we trust it will be of real help to many who are seeking the wisdom and peace of our Lord during this important time of the year.-God's Word is true from the beginning to the end-and it is our privilege to bring it to you every week through -Encounter God's Truth.-

  • An Amazing Voice

    10/12/2022 Duración: 25min

    Today on -Encounter God's Truth,- Dr. John Whitcomb takes us to the well-known prophecy of Isaiah 9, showing how Jesus Christ meets the description that the prophet gave of the wonderful, coming Messiah-and what that should mean for each of us who recognize our need of Him.--Wayne Shepherd then invites Dr. Whitcomb to expand on this passage, asking him to explain how Christ enlightened the darkness in first-century Israel by His coming to minister at the time predicted.--We trust that, as Dr. Whitcomb continues his -Voices of the Christmas Prophets- series, this message will be a special blessing to add joy to your celebration of our Lord's birth.--During this busy Christmas season, take time to remember with us that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end-

  • An Arresting Voice

    04/12/2022 Duración: 25min

    Dr. John Whitcomb helps you prepare your heart for Christmas this week on -Encounter God's Truth- as we begin a four-part series on the -Voices of the Christmas Prophets.---Our teacher begins with one of the greatest prophecies of the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. This is Isaiah's wonderful, detailed, eloquent promise of the virgin birth of Christ.--Following today's teaching, host Wayne Shepherd asks Dr. Whitcomb to explain more about the person of Jesus' mother Mary-a woman we do not want to worship, but from whom we can learn so much.--God's Word is true from the beginning to the end-including its teaching about Christmas. We trust that your Christmas season will be enriched by the special programs we have prepared here on -Encounter God's Truth.- We hope that they will cause you to grow both in your understanding and in your love for the Savior we celebrate.

  • A Good and Faithful Servant

    27/11/2022 Duración: 25min

    -A Good and Faithful Servant.--That's the title of a new volume by Dr. David Whitcomb, published by Master Books, that tells the life story of our Bible teacher, Dr. John Whitcomb.-David joins us for this special edition of -Encounter God's Truth- to share some of his father's life story, and to explain why he was motivated to write this book.-Host Wayne Shepherd conveys Whitcomb Ministries' enthusiasm for this project, and welcomes our audience to be inspired anew by this biography of beloved author and theologian, Dr. John Whitcomb.-Thanks for listening, and please pass this program on to a friend-

  • Only One Said 'Thank You'

    20/11/2022 Duración: 25min

    Do we spend enough time focusing on Thanksgiving--In this classic rerun, we listen to Dr. John Whitcomb's teaching on this timely question in a special holiday episode of our broadcast, -Encounter God's Truth.--Basing his presentation on the gospel account of Jesus' healing of 10 lepers, our teacher also took us to several other Scriptures that demonstrate the vital importance of giving thanks to the Lord.-Host Wayne Shepherd also asked Dr. Whitcomb to expand on the emphasis that the Apostle Paul placed on thankfulness in the great passage in Romans 1. -We pray that your Thanksgiving celebration will be richly blessed, and we are glad that you have chosen to make -Encounter God's Truth- a part of it. May God help us all to look to Him during this holiday season.

  • The Reformation and America (Part 2)—Promo


    Dr. Andy Woods concludes his study of -The Reformation and America- this weekend on -Encounter God's Truth.- -Dr. Woods is the senior pastor of Sugar Land Bible Church in Sugar Land, Texas, and the president of Chafer Theological Seminary. He is also an attorney who has a great interest in history.-Dr. Woods has taken these two broadcasts to show us how -The Protestant Reformers put into the ground certain seeds, that were later brought to maturity in the formation of the United States of America.--Those Reformers learned that God's Word is true from the beginning to the end, and the results of their labors still remind us of this powerful truth today.-As is our tradition each fall, we are privileged to welcome Dr. Woods back to the microphone. Thanks for listening, and for sharing this program with a friend-

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