Embrace Grace



The Embrace Grace Podcast is a way for people around the world that is happening with Embrace Grace ministries. This program is hosted by Amy Ford and consists of candid in-studio recordings, audio blogs from the road and spontaneous guest from around the world (or around the house and office.)


  • Me Too with Witlee Ethan

    29/10/2017 Duración: 42min

    In the last four years alone she has witnessed and experienced how corrupt our judicial system is, when she became a victim of police-perpetrated violence at the hands of her ex-boyfriend, who is a law enforcement officer. In the middle of the night she had to escape to another state for her safety and has been forced to live in hiding ever since. Including having to take various safety precautions because the government continues to protect him by operating under the “Blue Code of Silence“. Though the more her story is told and heard, the more power she takes back from him and the sooner she can safely come out of hiding. October 23rd will mark 1,500 days of her living in hiding. Though despite her circumstances  she has tried to make the best out of her unfathomable situation. She has since gone back to school to further her education. Majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in Psychology, so she can better help other victims and survivors like herself. She recently graduated in May 2017. Because of all t

  • Hope Wins with Alexis Trujillo

    18/09/2017 Duración: 27min

    Join Amy as she chats with Alexis about a new ministry the Trujillo's have launched - Hope Wins. Their mission is to walk alongside families who have experienced the loss of a child and provide care and comfort when they need it most.   Alexis story of loss and courage is inspiring to all who listen! 

  • You Can't Make Me with Lindsay Huckins

    11/09/2017 Duración: 33min

    Join Amy as she chats with her friend Lindsay Huckins about overcoming fear of man and the disapproval of others and how we can face our fears so that they lose their power over us. Lindsay, mom of 5 kids and blogger, shares how God is working in her heart on WHO she is and how to have confidence!  You can follow Lindsay and her awesome blog here. 

  • When Blood Matters with Dana Sellars

    04/09/2017 Duración: 28min

    For most of Dana Sellars’ life, feelings of rejection lingered in her heart, intensifying at some times and allowing her reprieve at others. But she could never shake the feeling of being unwanted or the fear of not belonging. As an adult, an off-the-cuff conversation with her parents revealed a shocking truth that would lead her down a path of discovery and healing. This captivating and encouraging book details what family truly means, how to look past old hurts and forward into new possibilities, and what happens when we choose to face difficult circumstances with a spirit of reconciliation, redemption, and reunion. Join Amy as she chats with her friend Dana about her new book, When Blood Matters: How I Unearthed the Root of Rejection and Discovered what Family Really Means.  You can purchase Dana's book today on Amazon here!

  • Wired for Freedom with Sarah Elson

    24/07/2017 Duración: 46min

    We are WIRED FOR FREEDOM and Sarah's story reminds us so clearly how God has placed His spirit inside of us so we can walk in authority and victory! We love overcomer stories and Sarah is one of our favorites! For 13 years Sarah battled self-injury. Labeled as a “good Christian girl,” she still felt worthless, ugly, crazy and alone. One night, she SHARED HER STORY with a young girl and her life was forever CHANGED. This girl shared the same struggle — she WASN'T ALONE! God began to heal and EMPOWER Sarah through her testimony, but it wasn’t enough for her to stop hurting myself. She needed an outlet. Learning to crochet helped her develop patience with herself. Not long after, she discovered using wire as art and embarked on her JOURNEY with Wired for Freedom. Naturally, she used herself as a model for her jewelry creations and soon started receiving custom orders. She began to find VALUE in herself but often thought of quitting. As her gift developed, she went for it, and Wired for Freedom (wf) was created.

  • Being the Best You with Kathy Boyle

    17/07/2017 Duración: 26min

    Have you ever felt stuck in life and feel like you are wandering without any mission or purpose in your life?  Join Amy as she chats with her friend Kathy Boyle on a new dream idea that has recently become a reality - U University and a Personal Development Center. They want to see the world flourish in every area of their lives, both personally and professionally. They help individuals uncover their true Identity, Purpose, and Passion, which allows them to be the very best in all that they do; as well as seek to accomplish. Tune in to hear how you can connect to their program - from anywhere in the nation! www.pdcnow.com     

  • The Canvas Place with Olivia Hamp

    10/07/2017 Duración: 33min

    Testimonies and Dreams are our favorite!  And when you combine the two: An Embrace Grace alumni sharing her story of two unplanned pregnancies and how God's grace swept her off her feet at the most perfect time in her life and now she is married and dreaming about a big idea that she can't wait to share with you!  Join Amy as she chats with Olivia Hamp about The Canvas Place and how God is drawing a new idea on the canvas of her heart that will change her entire community!  Click here for more information about The Canvas Place and how you can support their big dream! 

  • Single But Not Alone with Kimberly Holmes

    03/07/2017 Duración: 23min

    Join Amy as she chats with her friend, Kimberly Holmes about her devotional book, Single But Not Alone.  Whether you are divorced, widowed, or have just found yourself parenting your child alone, this book is here to help. Even if you are married, Single But Not Alone shows you how to pray over yourself and your child. Through the power of these short prayers, you will find encouragement, strength and healing for you, and your child. Instead of hurt leading the hurt, you can purpose to walk in freedom from the past and into your own place of restoration.  We can stand whole and intercede for our children!  Grab your copy today on Amazon here! 

  • The Declare Conference with Kristin Lemus

    26/06/2017 Duración: 24min

      We are so excited about the upcoming Declare Conference! Declare is a Christian conference to equip and encourage women bloggers, writers, artists, online marketers, leaders, and disciplers to know God and make Him known through deep community.  Join Amy as she chats with Kristin about all the fun and amazing moments to expect at Declare. Their heart is to bring together women who share a desire to use their God-given giftings to point others to Jesus.  Also to connect speakers and leaders with attendees to equip them with the latest in writing, speaking, blogging, social media marketing, and technical teachings. And finally, to encourage attendees in their personal spiritual growth, drawing them nearer to God and inspiring them to make Him known. Whether you are a veteran as a digital evangelist or just now feeling the leading of God to use your voice as a light online, this is the place for you!  For information, schedule and to purchase tickets, check out their website www.DeclareConference.com - and Emb

  • Laughter over Lectures with Courtney DeFeo

    19/06/2017 Duración: 28min

    As a mom in the throes of parenting, Courtney DeFeo believes that instilling virtues in children start with laughter, not lecture. That perspective propelled her to create an idea-packed book, in which she offers motivating reflections, real-life stories, and a sandbox full of inventive ways to help you turn your kids' hearts toward God.  Join Amy as she chats with her friend Courtney about how to capture the hearts of our kids through FUN - so they experience the goodness of Christ, the joy of following Him, and the difference they can make in the lives of others.  Purchase Courtney's book, In This House We will Giggle, Making Virtues, Love and Laughter a Daily Part of Your Family Life  and check out her Adorable Scripture Cards! 

  • Sex, Teen Pregnancy and Shame with Tracy Levinson

    12/06/2017 Duración: 38min

    If you missed our live podcast through facebook live last week, tune into the podcast this week! Tracy and Amy discussed a viral news story that has been circulating the past few weeks about a brave mom named Maddi Runkles that found out she was pregnant her senior year in high school. She attends a small private Christian school and because of their rules, decided the proper punishment would be for Madi to not walk across the stage for her graduation.  Tune in to hear our perspective and thoughts on stories and scenarios like this - honoring everyone involved of course!  Here is original story about Maddi posted in the NY Times but has now circulated thru various news sources. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/20/us/teen-pregnancy-religious-values-christian-school.html?_r=0

  • Rad Joy with Jackie Drew

    29/05/2017 Duración: 26min

    Tune in with Amy as she chats with her friend Jackie Drew about their company, Rad Joy! They make beautiful crosses that have so much symbolism and beauty. It's not just a purchase, it is an experience! The mission of Rad Joy is to further God’s kingdom by encouraging others to deepen their relationship with Christ through a life surrendered.  Through their growing, excelling, falling down, getting up, trusting, clinging to Jesus, and surrendering, they are learning to experience Radical Joy! Hear the story of how the Drew's had bold faith and stepped out to start this business that changes lives!  For more info about Rad joy or to watch their commercial - click here!

  • Hope and Redemption with Jessica Russo

    22/05/2017 Duración: 30min

    Jessica Russo is on staff with Embrace Grace and also leads her own group at Gateway Church. Tune in to hear her amazing story of hope and redemption (and healing) after an abortion! We heard so many amazing stories at Pink Impact of women hurting after an abortion but God was healing their hearts. We are in awe of all that God has done in his ladies hearts! 

  • Transference of Love with Barney Paradise

    08/05/2017 Duración: 28min

    Join Amy as she chats with Barney Paradise about how God transformed his life from drug deals to being an overcomer. His mission now is to leave a legacy of LOVE for his family and for the next generation! You will be inspired by this story! 

  • Sarah's Story

    01/05/2017 Duración: 18min

    Be inspired and encouraged as you listen to how Sarah is an overcomer! Having an unplanned pregnancy and as a single mom, she defied the odds against her and put herself through school and even danced and cheered for the New Orleans Saintsations! God never left her or took His hand from her as he cared for her and her baby. She is an overcomer and is now excited to start her own Embrace Grace group in Hattiesburg, Mississippi at her home church so she can share her story and help give moms the encouragement they need to never give up on their dreams!     

  • Lauren's Story

    24/04/2017 Duración: 31min

    Stories are our favorite!  Tune into the podcast show today and listen as Amy chats with her friend Lauren Bentham about her story of an unplanned pregnancy 15 years ago. God changed her life and now she is using her influence and platform through the Mrs. Texas pageant to raise awareness for Embrace Grace!  Be inspired and encouraged! 

  • Grace Challenge with Dana Pollard

    17/04/2017 Duración: 24min

    Need a quick refreshing dive into grace, daily? Are you feeling dry in your spiritual life? Looking for a fresh perspective of hope? Join Amy as she chats with Dana Pollard about her new book, 21 Day Grace Challenge: Immerse Yourself in Rest, Healing and Hope through the Finished Work of the Cross Devotional. In this 21 day devo, you’ll read stories of grace and how you can be refreshed and apply it to your life. Here’s what you’ll receive daily: • Stories of grace bringing rest, healing, and hope. • Scripture Meditation to immerse your mind. • Grace Challenges to take action in prayer with the Lord. Grab your book today on Amazon.  

  • Ten Financial Commandments with Tricia McWhorter

    27/03/2017 Duración: 30min

    Join Amy as she chats with her friend Tricia about ten financial principles that coincide with the Ten Commandments of the Bible. There is so much to learn about God’s principles for managing money and the pattern that leads to the abundant life Christ has provided!  For the entire principles in full form, you can listen in also on Gateway's website HERE. 

  • Raising My Banner with Jake Burton

    20/03/2017 Duración: 31min

    Join Amy and Jake as they discuss even further what Raising Your Banner means and how we can change the world with LOVE! For more info on In This With You, go to http://inthiswithyou.org/

  • Redemption Won with Syna

    13/03/2017 Duración: 35min

    Tune into the podcast and listen to Amy Ford as she chats with her friend Syna about her testimony and beautiful real story of hope and courage rising after losing everything. Be inspired and encouraged - God can turn ashes into beauty! 

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