Ziglar On Selling: The Ultimate Handbook For The Complete Sales Professional [abridged]

Want to be on top in your sales career?How do you succeed in the profession of selling?while also maintaining your sanity, avoiding ulcers and heart attacks, continuing in a good...

Over The Top: Moving From Survival To Stability, From Stability To Success, From Success To Significance [abridged]

You Have What It Takes to Go Over the Top!Drawing on forty years as a world-class motivational speaker and author, Ziglar identifies and outlines in his best-selling Over the...

Embrace The Struggle: Living Life On Life's Terms

"Zig has one more valuable lesson to teach each of us. Living in the moment, right now, with the people you love and for a cause you believe in -- this is what matters. He is an...

The Secrets Of Closing The Sale [abridged]

MAKE 'EM SAY YES All of us are involved in selling every day. Whenever we present a product or a principle, inform a client, or instruct a child, we are engaging in the art of...

Emmanuel Ziga Ministries

Sunshine Christian Church is impacting ministries & leaders globally! If you would like to take part in the harvest, please consider making a donation on...

A Feliz E Violenta Vida De Maribel Ziga

Em um livro escrito a partir da relação com sua mãe, Itziar Ziga entrelaça histórias pessoais de violência doméstica e abuso com os aspectos macropolíticos de arranjos...


Zing! discute cultura pop como coisa séria. São conversas profundas sobre assuntos aparentemente banais. Um olhar sobre as conexões do pop e o zeitgeist.


Host Tiffany Spraggins-Payne speaks with female entrepreneurs in the STEM fields about what they've done to set themselves apart from the competition!


Drum&Bass , . vk.com/dnb_ufa_society pdj.com/community/communi...

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