O Antifacebook: Meus Encontros E Desencontros Com Woody Allen, Hitchcock, Freud, Deus, O Flamengo, As Mulheres E... Comigo Mesmo

“O Antifacebook” é um livro de autoficção. Apresenta 24 textos de humor, num formato de crônica, curtos e escritos em primeira pessoa. São narrados fatos da vida do autor...

Key And Guide To Native Trees, Shrubs, And Woody Vines Of Dallas County

This simple key and guide to the woody plants—trees, shrubs and woody vines—which grow naturally in Dallas County, Texas, has been prepared to help beginners of any...

House of Earth

Featuring the song, "House of Earth" performed by Lucinda Williams.Finished in 1947 and lost to readers until now, House of Earth is Woody Guthrie's only fully realized novel, a...

Sasha Guhrke

Welcome to the Sasha Guhrke podcast, where amazing things happen.

How To Live The Good Life

Jesus told us not to judge according to appearances because he said there is a perfection at the center of things. This is what he meant when he said, "Be ye therefore perfect,...

Today's Top Story - An Erotic True Confession

'I forgot myself. Forgot she was my boss. Forgot she was in control.'Ron stays after hours at the office to work on a top news story when things start to get heated up with his...


‘Wordy is about the intoxication of writing; my sense of playful versatility; different voices for different matters: the polemical voice for political columns; the...

Spider From Mars: Minha Vida Com David Bowie

DAVID BOWIE!"Uma visão envolvente dos bastidores de uma das figuras mais triunfantes do rock."Booklist"Genial."KirkusEm janeiro de 2016, a morte inesperada de David Bowie abalou...

Alpha girls: as mulheres pioneiras que enfrentaram o sistema e prosperaram no mundo dominado pelos homens do Vale do Silício

Alpha Girls conta a incrível história de como um grupo de mulheres talentosas, determinadas e cheias de garra alcançou o sucesso no mundo da tecnologia, dominado por homens. No...

On My Knees: An Erotic True Confession

She walked around me, inspecting me… then said “very nice… you’ve passed the initial inspection"Owen gets put through his paces in his first encounter with a dominant...

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