Wes Anderson, Ralph Fiennes, And Tony Revolori: Meet The Filmmaker

Filmmaker Wes Anderson, actor Ralph Fiennes, and newcomer Tony Revolori discuss their film “The Grand Budapest Hotel.” Set at a famous European hotel between the wars, the...

Essays By Ralph Waldo Emerson - The Naturalist And The Poet

Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on 25 of May 1803 in Boston and was a famous writer, American philosopher and poet.The Naturalist and The Poet was published in 1836 and is considered...

Three Great Virtues - Three Essays by Emerson, The by EMERSON, Ralph Waldo

Faith Hope and Charity ...... In the Language of Emerson these translate as: Self - Reliance, Love, and Friendship. (summary by Robert Scott)

Mind Gym

Transform Your Personal and Work Life by Changing the Way You ThinkRunning out of time? Feeling misunderstood? Stuck in a rut? Do you feel like you are not getting enough of what...

In Your Wildest Scottish Dreams

New York Times bestselling author Karen Ranney's first novel in a brand-new series spins the intriguing story of a beautiful widow and a devilishly handsome shipbuilderSeven...

The Science Of Middle-earth: A New Understanding Of Tolkien And His World

The surprising and illuminating look at how Tolkien's love of science and natural history shaped the creation of his Middle Earth, from its flora and fauna to its landscapes.The...

Listen Sweaty

Para ti, para ella, para todas.

Trono Para Una Monja

La baronesa, Louise Shorensen, ha conseguido la inmortalidad que tanto anhelaba. Pero su dicha se ve truncada por la presencia de una competidora, inteligente, atrevida: una monja...

La Baronesa

Tras su boda con el barón Klaus von Meninher, Luise Shorensen entra en los círculos sociales y aristocráticos. A partir de aquí, la ambición de la bellísima baronesa no...

El Carnicero De Hannover - Dramatizado

-Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Hannover, Alemania, 1918. Son tiempos de escasez y miseria, en los que sólo acudiendo al mercado negro pueden conseguirse alimentos....

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