Le Podcast De Sylvia Hansel

Je suis Sylvia Hansel, aussi connue sous le nom de Sylvia Hanschneckenbühl. Toutes les semaines je sélectionne une de mes compositions ou une chanson que j'aime...

Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.d., C.n.s.

Top nutritionist, visionary health expert and bestselling author, Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, has always been a trendsetter in functional and integrative medicine. Continually...

Foodist With Darya Rose, Ph.d

In the Foodist podcast Darya Rose, Ph.D. introduces you to real people on the journey of becoming foodists, learning how to get healthy and lose weight without dieting. A foodist...

Vocal Coach Sylvia Lee (audio)

Vocal Tipps: Antworten und Übungen rund um den Gesang

Daniel Dana, Ph.d. The "conflict Doctor"

Dan Dana is internationally recognized as one of today's most influential innovators and practitioners of consensus-building communication methods for organizations. His...

Refuge In The Park_david Brown, Ph.d.

Sermons from Refuge in the Park. David Brown, Ph.D., Pastor

Mindful Expat, With Dana Nelson, Ph.d.

Mindful Expat is a weekly podcast show designed for those living abroad to provide you with weekly guideposts for emotional wellbeing and resilience in your international life and...

Success Under Stress – Sharon Melnick, Ph.d.

Stress is something that we all share – whether its too many projects in the mix, family issues or just that deadline at work. How we deal with it all – and get out in front...

A Arte De Morrer E Renascer Em Ariel, De Sylvia Plath

O livro A arte de morrer e renascer em Ariel, de Sylvia Plath traz um novo olhar sobre a tão polêmica poética de Plath e desmistifica elementos decorrentes em sua obra,...

Rastros E Vozes De Sylvia Plath: Reminiscências, Memórias E Lírica

Partindo da intertextualidade temática estabelecida entre as linguagens artísticas – cinema, pintura e poema – que constituem o corpus desta pesquisa e da concepção de...

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