Pat Rushing

I simply love talking about different traits and characteristics that separate the successful from the unsuccessful. Let's dive right in.

Pat Conroy

The oldest son of a Marine Corps fighter pilot, Pat Conroy recalled his father's strict discipline in his novel, The Great Santini. His education at the South Carolina military...

Pat Thurston

Pat loves talk radio-- she says it not only allows for an exchange of ideas, but debate and conversation. Listen to her podcast here, and share her passion for staying informed....

Frank & Pat

We are Donna and Jenny, and we've got a weekly show on the brilliant Brixton Radio.

Pat Trek

Patrick O'Rourke loves Star Trek: The Next Generation. Patrick Winegar has never seen it. As Pat O. introduces Pat W. to the series episode by episode, they discuss the good and...

Pat Podcast

Weekly Sports Podcast about sports! Mitch breaks down the biggest stories of the week, all while Justin tries to talk about baseball too much! @PATweekly

Autismo: Ao Longo Da Vida

Quando o assunto é o Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), as discussões ficam, na maioria das vezes, focadas na infância. Sabe-se, porém, que essas crianças irão crescer,...

Longos 8 Poemas

Longos 8 Poemas traz para o fã da poesia de Arnaldo Luis Miranda seu exercício em textos extensos, versos laudatórios de diferentes estilos narrativos, reunidos segundo a...

Histórias Curtas, Pesadelos Longos

Nesta obra, o autor apresenta uma coletânea de treze contos sem ligação entre eles. São abordados temas variados do universo do terror, da ficção e do suspense.Casos de...

Hat Valter Longo Recht?

Der Biologe Valter Longo hat mit seinem Buch „Iss dich jung“ große Aufmerksamkeit erregt.Er behauptet, dass eine sehr proteinreiche Ernährung schlecht...

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